"Young master!!"

"Fewer leaves!!"

"Young master!!"

Yebufan just said three words and fell to the ground. After Qin Yao, the Ye family just saw the scene and were shocked.

Ye Shuang rushed at ye Bufan in an instant.


Ye Wang, ye Fu and other men were all looking at the national face men who were playing and pondering.


"You want to die!"

Ye Wang shouted angrily.

'miso!! '

In his Xumi ring, the xuanbing long Sabre appeared in his hand instantly, and the long Sabre came out of its scabbard.

"Kill him."

Ye Fu also shouted.

The members of the Ye family immediately rushed at the man with the national character face. They were like wolves, full of anger, and killed the man without any disguise.

Whoever injures my young master, regardless of your war department or general - kill him.

Feeling the undisguised murders of the Ye family, Guozi's face trembled in his heart. He did not dare to have the slightest hesitation, and immediately retreated.


In a panic, he fell to the ground accidentally.

Ye Wang came face to face with a knife.

Cold and sharp.


When the man with Chinese character face saw this, his eyes narrowed, his soul trembled, his look solidified, his face was dull, and his mind was blank.

Infinite fear!!


Dark space, endless nothingness.

Yebufan didn't know what had happened, and he didn't know where he was at the moment. He couldn't see his fingers around. Except for the darkness, there was only a light spot the size of a nail in the front.

It was like an instinct, and it was like something was calling him. Yebufan rushed towards the small light spot in the distance, and the speed was extremely fast.

Let the space flow, the time pass, the years waste, the endless darkness and unknown seemed to make him instinctively afraid, and there was only one idea in his heart.

Run, run, run.

The light spot is the exit.

Light spot is hope.

One day? January? a year? Or longer?

All the way, ye Bufan didn't know how long it had passed. All he knew was that the light spots ahead were getting bigger and bigger.

I don't know how long it has passed. The light spot turns into a white light.

Black and white suddenly changed, and yebufan could not help but close his eyes because of the harsh feeling. However, his steps did not stop at all and stepped into the white light.

The next second, space twists.

When yebufan opened his eyes again, he found that everything around him had changed dramatically. The endless darkness and nothingness had disappeared and replaced by a space that made him feel a little familiar.

One iron gun was dark and shiny and piled aside.

Barrels of fire oil smell pungent. Put it aside.


Suddenly, the scene in front of him made yebufan's eyes shrink and his body tremble: "artifact space?"

Yebufan was instantly shocked.

For a long time, although the artifact space allows yebufan to access various items, like xumijie, yebufan can only enter by virtue of spirit. At this moment, now, ye Bufan finds himself in the artifact space.

What's going on?

Yebufan was so shocked that he tried to recall what had happened before. The soul ring was engraved in the Quartermaster's office at the battle camp in Luoxian town. Later... The ancient Qin emperor jade and the Soul Ring collided violently in the sea, and the pain of tearing his heart and lungs made him almost unconscious. Then, he was confused... Then, he inexplicably entered the mysterious dark space and ran all the way down to the artifact space.

The more you think about it, the more shocked ye Bufan feels.

The more you think about it, the more surprised ye Bufan feels.

"Piano heart."

Suddenly, yebufan shouted.

However, there was no response at all. There was only a creepy silence.

Yebufan did not give up.

"Piano heart!!"

"Piano heart!!"

He shouted again and again, but never got a response.

"What the hell happened?" A little later, yebufan stopped shouting. He stood there, touched his chin, frowned, and thought quietly. A whisper could not help but ring out.

"You are very good."

At this moment, a voice behind yebufan suddenly sounded. The voice was like the sound of nature, as if it had some kind of magic, penetrating everything and reaching the soul, making the people, God and soul lose in an instant.

Yebufan was stunned and then overjoyed.

"Qin Xin?"

He turned around fiercely, but at the moment when he saw the figure in front of him, the happy look on yebufan's face dissipated in an instant, replaced by infinite vigilance, and three words sounded coldly: "who are you?"

It was a girl who looked like she was in her twenties. Her white clothes covered her body. Under her slender jade neck, she had a crisp chest like a congealed white jade. She was half covered. She had a plain waist, but she didn't have a full grip. Her sleeves were moist and symmetrical, and her legs were half hidden and half exposed. It was even more imaginative.

This is a wonderful body.

Full of temptations.

Full of wishful thinking.

It makes people want to commit crimes.

A light veil brushed my face.

Half of the woman's face was covered by white gauze, which made people couldn't see her true face at all. Only those eyes, which were as clear as a secluded pool and a crescent moon, seemed to overflow with aura.

It's the same, making women more attractive.

Not only that, at the moment, she is clearly in front of yebufan, but it seems that she does not exist. In other words, her body seems to have been integrated with heaven and earth, plain, quiet, and free from any dust in the world.

Her beauty is already a kind of acme. I believe no man can resist it. I'm afraid that even a woman should indulge in it.

She is a fairy, only in the painting.

She is a fairy, only a dream.

However, at the moment, now, yebufan is not half blind, there is only endless vigilance. Because this is an artifact space, and the woman in front of her is not Qin Xin.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, looking at the woman in white, yebufan asked again in a deep voice. Under the dead atmosphere, the sense of vigilance was deeper.

"Princess of poetry!!"

The words "woman in white" immediately became plain.

Yebufan was stunned: "Princess Shi?"

He was sure that he had never heard of the name, let alone knew and intersected, either in his previous life or in this life.

The woman in white did not pay attention to this, but said again, "you can also call my master."


Hearing the speech, yebufan was startled. He widened his eyes and looked at the woman in white in front of him. He said in a startled voice, "master Zun?"

"You must be passed on by me. Naturally, you are my disciple."


Yebufan was stunned.

"Shit, when did you inherit it? Beauty, you can eat rice without saying anything. The person who can be my master yebufan in this world hasn't been born yet. It's almost as good as being my daughter-in-law." Then, yebufan said with indignation on his face. It's OK for the artifact space to run out of a woman who is so beautiful that she has to be her own master. How can yebufan accept this.


Hearing the speech, the woman in white suddenly had a cluster of eyebrows.


Yebufan was also suddenly stunned.

She looked at the woman in white, and seemed to think of something. She whispered: "you, you, you are not the master of the Qin heart?"



For a moment, yebufan realized clearly and became messy.

Shifeiyu, the master of artifact?

In this way, all the problems will be solved.

The woman in white in front of her is the master of the artifact. It can be explained by entering the artifact space. Moreover, all her inheritance really comes from her. She is not wrong that she is her own master.

However, yebufan never thought that the last owner of this artifact, en, the master in his name, would suddenly appear in front of him, and she was still such a beautiful and unseemly woman.

How could she be her own master?

She should be her own daughter-in-law.


Suddenly, yebufan was stunned again. His eyes at the woman in white also changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "aren't you dead?"


Yebufan's words seemed to make the woman in white feel a little dissatisfied, so that she frowned slightly, but she didn't care too much. Instead, she whispered, "what you see now is just my soul."

"Soul thought?"

Yebufan was stunned again.

"That's right. This is my soul thought left in Zhu tianqin. Now you and I also have spiritual exchanges." The woman in White said again.

"Spiritual communication? What is it?"

"I am a soul. You are a soul. There is no flesh and blood between you and me. Naturally, it is the spiritual world and the communication of will."


Yebufan was startled.

"Soul? Didn't the young master die?"

After that, yebufan lowered his head and immediately checked his body. However, he didn't know. At first glance, yebufan's face changed. He 'brushed' twice, instinctively covering his lower body with both hands, raised his head fiercely, glared at the woman in white, and shouted: "Why are you wearing clothes, but you don't wear anything at all?"

Hearing the speech, the woman in white frowned, and then said: "you are just a wisp of soul. How can you tell me about the soul?"

Yebufan was stunned, glared at her again, and asked, "I didn't, so why do you have it?"

"I am a soul, not a soul."

"Farts are all souls, not the same?"

Before the woman in white began to answer, yebufan shouted in a fierce voice: "I can't help but hang up for some reason. Now I have to suffer such unfair treatment. No, you must also take off your clothes, otherwise you can't communicate."

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