Twothousand new recruits will leave as soon as they enter the war department? Such a thing has never happened to the whole Terran 81 War Department.

All the veterans were dumbfounded. The commander Tang Yi was even more worried. Apart from the severity of the incident itself, the departure of long Xiaobao was an irreparable loss to the whole Tianfeng War Department.

Eleven years old, basic strength 93.

At the age of 11, he was a martial arts practitioner with four grades of easy tendon.

This is a genius, but also a demon.

Such a person, as long as there is no accident, as long as he does not die, must be a peerless strong man in the future, and it is not inevitable that he will be able to achieve martial arts.

You can't let him go.

Tangyi thought in his heart, just as he was about to open his mouth, an angry rebuke suddenly sounded in front of him: "a group of recruits come and go whenever they want. What do you think of the war department?"

The thunder blew, and the veterans around were instantly refreshed.

Yebufan was stunned, and his steps were also a meal. He looked up at the direction of the sound ahead.

The same is true of the recruits behind us.

In front of him, a helmeted man came slowly riding a black horse. He was about 40 years old, with a square face and a firm nose. The outline of his whole face was somewhat similar to that of Quartermaster xiongkui, but with a more murderous spirit.

Behind him, there were ten teams and a thousand soldiers.

"Commander Xiong has come back. Now, this group of recruits will be unlucky."

"Yes, who doesn't know that commander Xiong Qianfu is extremely protective of his weaknesses, especially his younger brother xiongkui. If it weren't for him, xiongkui would dare to be so unscrupulous in the war camp. Now, xiongkui has been beaten half to death. I'm afraid xiongyuan won't give up."


The voices of discussion rang out in an instant.


Yebufan immediately frowned and his eyes narrowed.

Brother xiongyuan? Brother xiongkui?

This was completely beyond yebufan's expectation. Unexpectedly, the counsellor had a brother, or was he the commander of the battle camp?

Originally, his behavior just now had the meaning of "forcing the palace" to completely solve xiongkui's trouble. Now it's better

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think more, Xiong yuan came to him and rode on the black horse. Xiong yuan looked down at ye Bufan and his line, glanced at them, waved his hand, and shouted, "take them all down. If there are any rebels, kill them."


At Xiong yuan's command, everyone trembled.


Behind him, ten teams and thousands of soldiers responded, without any hesitation, and stepped forward one after another. In an instant, they surrounded yebufan in a row.

"Rub it!!"

A thousand soldiers, their swords suddenly came out of their scabbard.

Yebufan's eyes narrowed.

"Xiong yuan, what are you doing?" One side, the commander Tang Yi was stunned at first, then angrily scolded, and came to Xiong yuan.

"For what?"

Xiongyuan glanced at Tang Yi coldly and said, "Tang Yi, you mean to ask me what I want to do? I should ask you that. What do you do as a commander? Don't you see that these recruits want to be deserters?"


Hearing the speech, Xiong yuan was in a hurry.


Yebufan looked at Xiong yuan and sneered, "which dog of you saw that Ben should be a deserter?"

"The facts are in front of you, boy. I can't tolerate your sophistry." Xiong yuan's eyes fell on yebufan and shouted angrily.

"Facts? What facts?" Yebufan pretended to be shocked, then shrugged his shoulders and said with a light smile: "the fact is that Ben Shao came to the war department for the first time, but he was very uncomfortable with the comfortable life in the war camp. Therefore, Ben Shao was eager to go to the battlefield to kill demons and Barbarians, and make contributions to our people. Why, he became a deserter?"

Before Xiong yuan could answer, yebufan said with a smile: "it turns out that in the War Department, if you want to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, you are a deserter. Tut Tut, in this way, commander, you have become a deserter? You are a deserter, and Ben Shao is also a deserter. What right do you have to capture Ben Shao?"


Among the crowd, many veterans could not help laughing at the speech, even Tangyi in front of them.

"Ha ha."

Xiongyuan did not get angry but laughed. His reaction exceeded everyone's expectations. Then, he looked at yebufan and said: "so, Ben will have misunderstood?"

"That's natural."

Yebufan shrugged, just like this.


As soon as yebufan's voice fell, Xiong yuan jumped down from the horse and came to yebufan again.

The people were shocked and stunned. They didn't know what Xiong yuan was going to do. But Xiong yuan bowed to ye Bufan in front of thousands of people and said, "it seems that Ben really misunderstood. For this reason, Ben will apologize to you."


The veterans on the scene were all stunned.


Is this NIMA the bear commander?

At the moment, even Tangyi on one side was stunned and looked at Xiong yuan with a look of amazement and confusion.

Yebufan also frowned, and then smiled and said, "the commander is polite. It's just a little misunderstanding. It's not worth mentioning."

"Ha ha."

Xiong Yuanting got up, smiled and pointed to the twothousand recruits behind him. "You are all good men. I should go to the battlefield to kill demons and barbarians. However, where are you going to take them now? You are new here. You are not familiar with the battlefield. I could have given you some good advice."

"The commander misunderstood." Xiongyuan said, but yebufan laughed.


Xiongyuan was stunned: "where did Ben misunderstand?"

As soon as yebufan turned around, he pointed to the twothousand recruits in front of him and said, "although Ben Shao is from the wasteland city like them, he is not familiar with them at all. Ben Shao is going to kill the enemy in the battlefield. As for whether they are going to kill the enemy in the battlefield or whether they really want to be deserters, Ben Shao doesn't know, let alone take them with him."


As soon as yebufan's voice fell, the smile on Xiong yuan's face instantly dissipated. Looking at yebufan, his face sank.

"Ha ha."

Yebufan sneered: "you want to dig a hole to make Ben Shao jump? My brother is really a brother, but he is better than my brother. Ben Shao almost got your way."

The sudden scene stunned everyone present. However, only for a moment, most people understood it.

Misunderstanding? Apologize?

How could they not understand that all these are illusions. Xiong yuan did this in order to make ye Bufan and his entourage a crime.

In the War Department, no matter whether you are Guiyuan or Shenyuan, even if you are Zhoutian or Shenwu, as long as you are in the war department and are not a general, you cannot lead troops. Those who violate the law and form gangs will be severely punished; If the circumstances are serious, beheading.

Like yebufan, the gathering of 2000 recruits is already very serious. Once you sit down, one word is "cut".


Thinking, everyone could not help but take a breath.

Xiongyuan, you are so insidious.

"Yes, I don't know him well. We are quite old. Why should I listen to him? It's just killing demons and slaughtering barbarians. I need to be with others? I can do it alone." Immediately, in the crowd, ye Fu said with a smile.

"That is to say, it's just killing a demon clan and a wild beast. How much is it? Do you want to cooperate? You don't think you're ashamed, and I also think I'm ashamed. I think it was so natural and unrestrained that I burned the city master's residence alone in the wilderness city. There were so many people, but it was an obstacle." Hao Pang is also complacent.


Immediately, other people also should drink one after another.

Xiongyuan's face suddenly failed to see the extreme. The anger that had been hidden and suppressed in his heart also erupted instantly. He became angry. He pointed to yebufan and his party and shouted, "even if you don't know each other and no one instructs you, it's all your own will. However, who allowed you to leave the camp without authorization?"


Hearing this, yebufan pretended to be stunned and said, "can't you leave the camp without authorization? Why don't you know?"


Xiongyuan snorted coldly, "how can we live without rules? The War Department, naturally, has the rules of the war department. Recruits like you, who want to leave the camp, must get the approval of the camp generals. Those who leave without authorization - heavy punishment."


Hearing this, ye Bufan was shocked.

Then he looked at Tangyi and said, "well, is that true, commander Tang?"


Tang Yi nods helplessly.


Yebufan was relieved.


Seeing this, Xiong yuan frowned. Is this boy stupid? It has been confirmed that my words are not empty words, but facts. Instead of being nervous and afraid, he breathed a sigh of relief. What do you mean?

Without waiting for Xiong yuan to think more, yebufan looked at him again and grabbed his hands, Excitedly, he said: "commander, I was impulsive and anxious. I wanted to leave without knowing the rules of the war department. Fortunately, you stopped and reminded me that you are a good man. Without you this time, I would almost have left Luoxian town. In that case, I would have fallen out of the world. In the face of heavy punishment from the War Department, I would have lost my skin even if I didn't die."


Yebufan's words stunned Xiong yuan.

So are others?

good person? thank?

Anyone can see that Xiong yuan is in a dilemma at the moment, and even wants to punish yebufan, but the boy even wants to thank Xiong yuan. However, they soon understood what ye Bufan meant.

Those who leave the headquarters without the permission of the general shall be severely punished.

But what if I didn't leave?

If you don't leave, you won't be punished.

Although yebufan and his party said they would leave the War Department, they have not left yet? And it was Kumara who stopped and reminded them. In this way, shouldn't we thank Kumara?

Xiong yuan woke up and was stunned.

Yebufan did not hesitate at all. He immediately released Xiong yuan's hands and faced him again. He straightened his body. Then, his body bent down 90 degrees and said in a voice: "thank you for reminding me!"


Suddenly, Xiong yuan felt a pain in his cheek.

The author Ying duzui said: several friends came here today and needed to be entertained, so we can only have one watch. Sorry, it will break out tomorrow. In addition, I wish everyone a happy new year_ ∩O~

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