Three days later, the holy flame city.

In three days, the holy flame star Pirate Group ransacked the whole holy flame City, or all the alien races in the city.

At the moment, on the two main streets in the West and north of the central square of the holy flame City, the aliens were all sad.

Nine out of ten of these aliens are star pirates. Because they are star pirates, they look even more depressed and desperate.

As star pirates, they never thought that one day they would also be robbed, and they would still be robbed in the Seven Star Jedi, the headquarters of star pirates.

But there is no way. The world is the law of the jungle. The power of the Seven Star pirate groups is not something they can resist.

Now they only hope that they can leave the Seven Star Jedi as soon as possible. After all, who can guarantee that the Seven Star pirates will kill them.

However, the Seven Star pirates did not speak, and they did not dare to go, nor could they go.

This feeling... Is terrible.

With the passage of time, when the noon was coming, the butcher fire that had disappeared for three days appeared again in the eyes of the aliens.

The appearance of Tu Huo made the aliens tremble and tense.

They knew that the time had come to decide their final fate.

What will butcher fire do to them?

Is it killing? Or expulsion?

The best thing is to expel them. If they are exterminated, they can only stand up and resist.

After all, it's impossible for them to sit still and wait for death.

For this reason, many alien races are ready to fight.

Without waiting for the aliens to think more, Tu Huo glanced at the whole audience and said lightly, "well, for the sake of your cooperation, the emperor will not kill you."


As soon as Tu Huo said this, the aliens could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. They were relieved.

At this time, Tu Huo continued: "in addition, the emperor has one more thing to announce."

Hearing the speech, the aliens were stunned at first, and then their relaxed mood became tense again.

We've all been robbed by you. What else do you want to do?

Tu Huo continued to speak and said slowly: "because of the development needs, the holy fire star Pirate Group now recruits a large number of God attendants, Xuan gods, earth gods, and celestial realm warriors. Of course, if there is a God King or God Emperor, it will also accept them."

"As for the treatment, the emperor guarantees that it is definitely more than three times as much as before."

Sleeping trough, what did you say?

As soon as Tu Huo said this, all the aliens in the city were shocked.

Because of the need of development, the holy flame star Pirate Group recruited a large number of gods, mysterious gods, earth gods, and heavenly gods?

Are you sure you're talking to us?

You just robbed us, and now you want to recruit us?

What do you mean?

Three times the salary?

It's all our own money.

The aliens are messy and crazy.

At the bottom of their hearts, there seemed to be 10000 grass and mud horses galloping past without saying anything.

Shameless people are much cheaper, but they have never seen such shameless people as Tu Huo.

Tu Huo didn't care about this. He just continued to say to himself: "now, if any of you want to join the holy flame star Pirate Group, you can sign up with members of my holy flame star Pirate Group. As for those who don't want to join, the emperor won't embarrass you. The lock in the Seven Star Jedi has been lifted. You can leave now."

"However, the emperor needs to remind you not to come back after leaving, because from tomorrow, the Seven Star Jedi will not continue to open to the outside world. In the future, only my seven regiments will be allowed in and out of here. Once others get close to the Seven Star Jedi, they will be killed directly, okay?"

The Seven Star Jedi are no longer open to the outside world?

The aliens were stunned.

Tu Huo continued: "well, now those who should sign up and leave, especially those who want to leave, remember, you only have one day. One day later, the peerless killing array is opened again. At that time, those who still stay in the Seven Star Jedi, but do not belong to my seven Star Pirate Group, will be regarded as invaders and killed to death."

Tu Huo left directly.


The aliens could not help but take a breath. They looked shocked and shocked.

Originally, they thought that the seven regiments just wanted to get rich, so they robbed them.

But now it seems that this is not the case. It seems that... The seven regiments will have some big moves.

Before the aliens think about it, Some people in the holy flame star Pirate Group have shouted: "Come here, come here. Those who want to join our holy flame star Pirate Group hurry to sign up. As for those who are not qualified or do not want to join, they should leave quickly. And... I need to remind those who want to join our holy flame star Pirate Group. If you want to fish in muddy waters, you should not come. After all, more than three times the reward is not easy to get, and our holy flame star Pirate Group does not charge waste."

After listening to this, all the other races came to their senses.

More than three times the remuneration

It has to be said that although Tu Huo robbed them, the offer was still very attractive.

What's more, compared with their previous star Pirate Group, it's obviously more wise to join the holy flame star Pirate Group. After all, it's better to enjoy the cool by leaning against a big tree.

However, they hesitated at the reminder of the member of the holy flame star Pirate Group.

After all, as he said, more than three times the remuneration is certainly not good-looking, and looking at the current posture of the Seven Star pirates, it seems that they will have a big action.

Big actions are bound to have big risks.

Is it too dangerous to join the holy flame star Pirate Group at this time?

Although many people think so, many people choose to join without thinking about it.

After all, people go up high. The strength of the holy flame star Pirate Group is there. There was no opportunity before. Now they have the opportunity, so they naturally want to join it.

As for the risk

Hehe, are you afraid of danger after being a star pirate? Afraid of a ball.


In the holy flame City, the holy flame star Pirate Group is busy recruiting people, and the big seven and six star pirate groups are no exception. After all, since they have decided to go back to their old business and want to do a big job, they naturally want to recruit and expand their strength.

However, these matters should be handled by their subordinates. Naturally, the seven leaders will not continue to participate.

Hongye City, the city master's mansion.

At this moment, the seven regiments have gathered together at one time, and yebufan is naturally among them.

"How about this time, isn't it a good harvest?"

Looking at the excited look on the face of the seven regiments, yebufan smiled and said.

The seven leaders smiled.

Tu Huo said, "it's not all because your majesty has a good leadership. Otherwise, we wouldn't have made a lot of money. Everyone... Do you think so?"

Hearing the speech, the six regiments immediately gave Tu Huo a big white eye.

You flatter me... Too soon?

Despite some complaints and jealousy, they still responded to the fire one after another.

After all, late flattery is better than no flattery.

Yebufan shook his head and said, "well, flattery is unnecessary. Ben Shao has already said that we have a cooperative relationship, so you don't need it."

After a pause, yebufan continued, "now, let's get down to business."

The head of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China was shocked by his spirit and looked solemn.

Yebufan: "this time Ben Shao came to you because he wanted to inform you that we will have a big action soon. Besides, Ben Shao can tell you clearly that you won't make less money this time than in the Seven Star Jedi. Of course, the risk will also be greater."

"Therefore, I hope you can be ready as soon as possible to ensure that you can act at any time."

Hearing the speech, the head of the Seventh National Congress was stunned at first and then overjoyed.

Another move?

And the harvest will be greater than this time?

"Your Majesty, I don't know... What is our goal?" The next second, Huan Xinyan suddenly asked.

"Then you will know."

But yebufan just said it lightly, and then said: "however, in order to ensure the safety of this action, I could have given you a part of Hongmeng yuan liquid in advance, so as to make your strength reach the level of the divine emperor and make your divine king's accomplishments further."

Advance "Hongmeng Yuanye".

Hearing this, the leaders were all overjoyed.

Although they have ordered five trillion yuan worth of resources from the seven major chambers of Commerce, they will have to wait a while to get these resources.

That is to say, although I know that I can definitely become an emperor, I can only wait like this. That feeling... It's really annoying and uncomfortable.

Now yebufan is willing to advance part of the "Hongmeng yuan liquid" to them. Doesn't that mean that they can break through the divine king and advance to the divine emperor in the next few days?

"Thank you, king!!"

At this point, several regiments got up one after another and said to yebufan.

"Your Majesty, there is also me, and I......"

But at this time, outside the hall, a impatient voice suddenly sounded.

Then a shadow rushed in.

The visitor was none other than Ji Chongxuan, the 18th Prince expelled by the Protoss.


After Ji Chongxuan came in, he knelt down directly in front of yebufan. He hugged yebufan's legs and said pitifully, "Your Majesty, you can't favor one over the other. I also want Hongmeng Yuanye, and I also want to be the emperor of martial arts!!"

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