"The third prince, isn't he? He's arrogant, isn't he? Don't look at this place. This is the Seven Star Jedi. It's Ben Shao's territory. Here, only Ben Shao is allowed to be arrogant, only Ben Shao is allowed to be arrogant, and everyone else is not allowed. You... Are not allowed."

Arrogant, arrogant, and overbearing.

Yebufan's voice echoed in the hall, making the whole heaven and earth a dead silence.

No one thought that yebufan would suddenly take the initiative, and no one thought that yebufan would dare to trample on Yin and Yang Wutian, the Third Prince of the domain master's house.

From this moment on, I'm afraid that the Seven Star Jedi and the domain master's residence will never die. At least, yebufan and the three Prince Yin and Yang Wutian have definitely become immortal.

The same is true.

At this moment, the body of yin and Yang Wutian, trampled by yebufan, is constantly shaking, but not because of fear, but because of anger, unprecedented anger.

He, yin and Yang have no heaven.

He is the Third Prince of the domain master's residence.

He is the martial arts genius of the Ninth Heaven.

From birth to the present, yin and Yang have always been a favorite of thousands of people, and they are all the more powerful and arrogant in the eyes of everyone. He has never suffered any injustice.

But now?

The fiancee was robbed.

I was beaten.

Even, I was trampled underfoot.

All of this is because of this human race. All of this is the biggest disgrace he has never had in his life.

How could he bear it.

This made him not angry.

"Ramon, kill him, kill him for me."

The next second, the hysterical roar of yin and Yang could not help but ring out.

"Boy, you've gone too far."

Raymond also frowned and looked at yebufan with some dissatisfaction.


Yebufan glanced at Raymond, looked scornful and disdained and said, "what are you? You don't tell me what to do with your matching book?"


Raymond was stunned and impatient.

Ji qianya was shocked.

She never thought that yebufan would dare to challenge a strong man in the divine realm.

"Good, good, good."

The next second, before Ji qianya spoke, Raymond blurted out the word "good" three times in a row. Then he looked solemn, looked at yebufan and said in a cold voice: "before coming to the Seven Star Jedi this time, the domain master specifically told you to surrender as much as possible if you can. That's why I forbade you again and again. But now it seems that it's not necessary. Since you want to die, I will accomplish you."


As soon as the voice fell, the awe and pressure of Raymond God's realm burst out.

Everyone trembled.

Yebufan sneered: "God, is it great?"


Raymond frowned.

The next second, yebufan shouted: "where is Lin MiaoTong!!"


As soon as yebufan's voice fell, a shadow rushed directly into the hall.

"Your Majesty, I am."

Looking at yebufan, Youming blood fox flattered.


Yebufan pointed to Raymond.

"Take it."

"Yes, your majesty."

The nether blood fox answered, then looked at Raymond, looked contemptuous and disdained: "the only God who respects the heaven dares to offend the king. Who gives you the courage of ambition?"

Youming blood fox was worried that she had no chance to perform well in front of yebufan. Now, Raymond took the initiative to bring it to the door. How could she miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


The Youming blood fox said, and Raymond frowned again.

"Divine reverence?"

"Cut the crap and die."

The Youming blood fox shouted fiercely, and then directly rushed to kill Raymond in front.

Raymond twitched at the corners of his mouth.

"If you want to fight, go out and fight."

The battle of God will destroy the heaven and the earth. If you fight here, I'm afraid no one except him and Youming blood fox will survive. Raymond can not care about the life and death of yebufan and others, but he can't ignore the safety of yin and Yang.

Unfortunately, the Youming blood fox directly ignored his proposal.


Raymond could not help scolding.

Since the Youming blood fox doesn't retreat, he can only retreat.


The next second, Raymond flashed and rushed out of the hall.

"I want to run. Can you run?"

The netherworld blood fox shouted and chased away.

It was only a few seconds between the arrival of the dark blood Fox and her pursuit of Raymond. After they both left, Ji qianya could not remember: "this woman... Is she a God?"

Ji qianya clearly remembers that Ji Chongxuan purchased a large number of pills from Tianhe chamber of Commerce to cure Youming blood fox. Ji qianya originally thought that Youming blood fox was only important to Ji Chongxuan, but she didn't expect that she would be a powerful person.

"What a surprise?"

Looking at Ji qianya's shocked look, yebufan smiled and said.

"No, it can't, it can't."

At this time, the unbelievable voice of yin and Yang Wutian also sounded instantly: "you are just a group of star pirates. How can you have a strong man in the divine realm among you."

Raymond is the greatest reliance of yin and Yang, and it is also his entire reliance now.

If there were only a group of divine kings, then with the strength of Raymond, he would surely sweep the whole seven star Jedi. But now there is a strong God, which is totally different.

Although Raymond is a God, he is only a God.

If Ramon loses, what will he do? Will these star pirates let him go?

Yin and Yang have no sky. I can't even think about it.

"Shut up."

But at this time, yebufan shouted.


He kicked the Yin and Yang Wutian severely and said, "don't let you talk?"


Yin and yang are silent without sky.

To tell the truth, at this moment, he was really afraid.


Yebufan snorted coldly, "what is the Third Prince of the domain master's house? He turned out to be a soft egg."

Son of a bitch, you wait.

Yin and yang are furious in the heart of heaven, but they don't dare to expose it at all.

At this time, Ji qianya took a look at Yin and Yang, then looked at yebufan, hesitated for a while, and said with some anxiety: "that... Ye... Maybe we should forget it?"

Jiqianya originally just wanted to get rid of yin and Yang, but now it seems that the development of the situation has exceeded her expectations, and even has been out of control.

If Raymond dies in the Seven Star Jedi, or if there is a chance of yin and Yang, will the domain master's house give up at that time? Will they let the Seven Star Jedi go? Not only the Seven Star Jedi, but even their Tianhe chamber of Commerce will be implicated.

"Forget it?"

Yebufan smiled: "why should I forget it?"

"How can I say that he is also the Third Prince of the domain master's residence..."

Ji qianya said lightly.

"Ha ha."

Yebufan didn't care at all: "what happened to the Third Prince of the domain master's residence? The blood heavenly army, no, should be the yin-yang heavenly army. Isn't he also one of the many princes of the domain master's residence?"

"Anyway, tie one, tie two, and tie them together. It's just that you can get more benefits from the domain master's mansion. As I said, we Seven Star Jedi and your Tianhe chamber of commerce are afraid that he will only have a domain master's mansion?"


When yebufan said this, Ji qianya was in a mess.

What do you mean, tying one is tying, and tying two is tying?

You are clearly robber logic.

Well, you are a robber, or a lawless star pirate.

But what does this have to do with Tianhe chamber of Commerce?

When did our Tianhe chamber of Commerce join hands with your seven star Jedi again?

However, Ji qianya is not a fool. She soon figured out what yebufan meant by doing this. No doubt, yebufan said this in front of the yin-yang sky to pull the Tianhe chamber of commerce into the water.

At this moment, yin and Yang wudian must have determined that the Seven Star Jedi and the Tianhe chamber of commerce are in collusion. Unless he is killed, the Tianhe chamber of commerce is doomed.

But does Ji qianya dare to kill Yin Yang Wutian?

She dare not.

After reading this, Ji qianya realized that she had been trapped by yebufan. Yebufan clearly wanted to take Tianhe chamber of Commerce to help him resist the Revenge of the domain master's residence.

This product... Is so mean, shameless, insidious and cunning.

But now that the matter is over, what else can Ji qianya do?

She was already riding a tiger.

"Baby, come on, let's go and see the war of God."

Without waiting for Ji qianya to think about it, yebufan had already smiled and hugged her small waist. Then he took another look at TU Huo and others, and said sternly: "take care of the goods. This is a fat sheep. If you let him run away, you will not be spared."

"Yes, yes, yes, your majesty, just take a hundred heart. The goods can't run away. If he dares to run, the small one will directly break his legs." Tu Huo immediately stood up and swore.

"This is the best."

Yebufan said something, then looked at Ji qianya and said with a smile: "baby, let's go."


Ji qianya is messy and tears are running.

She just wanted to use yebufan as her shield.

But now?

Now, NIMA... Just got out of the tiger's den and went into the wolf's den.

If it was just like this, she was not only taken advantage of by yebufan, but also unknowingly 'compensated' the whole Tianhe chamber of Commerce.

Ji qianya almost cried when he thought of his grandfather and father, or other members of his family's reaction after they knew what happened in the Seven Star Jedi

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