"One star? One day is enough?" Yebufan looked at Dan Tai Tianyi with suspicious eyes and was stunned.

"Hey hey."

Dantai Tianyi rubbed his hands and said indecently, "Shifu, in fact, there are two kinds of generals in the war department. One is the kind we usually see, and the other is the honorary generals."

"Honorary general?"

Yebufan looked stunned.

"That's right."

Dantai Tianyi responded and said: "the honorary generals don't need to kill the demon clan and wild animals, guard the sacred pool, attack the fortress, or even be members of the war department. They just need to make contributions to the war department."

"In the hall of meritorious deeds of the War Department, all members of the war department can exchange meritorious deeds for materials they need, such as Yuan stones. A Yuan Stone needs 10 points of meritorious deeds to exchange, and if you donate it to the War Department, you can also get meritorious deeds, but a little less. After a Yuan Stone is donated, you can only get five points of meritorious deeds."

"Therefore, as long as you donate 60000 yuan stones to the War Department, you can become a star honorary General of the war department. Of course, the meritorious deeds won by honorary generals through material donations cannot be used."

As dantai Tianyi said, yebufan understood that the so-called honorary generals were actually bought from the war department.

Immediately, he frowned and asked, "what is the difference between this honorary general and an ordinary general? General, the commander can also buy it?"

"Generals and commanders can't buy it. Reputation war generals are only one star at most." Yebufan said, and dantai Tianyi answered. Later, he added: "as for the difference, except that we can't lead soldiers, everything else is the same."

Can't lead soldiers?


Yebufan's mouth twitched.

Your uncle, you can't lead soldiers. What's the meaning of this war? And furnishings are not there any difference?


Suddenly, ye Bufan was stunned and looked at Dan Tai Tianyi suspiciously. "Won't you buy this star war?"


Dantai Tianyi is a matter of course.


Yebufan drew again at the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, only the best products like dantai Tianyi can do such wonderful things.

Sixtythousand Yuan Stone, buy a battle token?


Dantai Tianyi didn't care about this, but looked at yebufan and said, "master, don't you always want to be a general? I'll buy one for you. Anyway, I don't need that money. It's just a general. It takes minutes."


Yebufan was speechless again.

Buy an honorary general?

What I wanted was not rank, but military power.

If military power can be purchased, we can consider it. Unfortunately, we can't. Moreover, the purchased generals are only one star generals. If you can buy generals, you can also consider it.

At that moment, yebufan waved his hand and said, "your good intentions have been ignored. However, what you want is not military rank, but military power."

"Military power?"

Tantai Tianyi was stunned.

Yebufan paid no attention to him, but went directly to the Shenchi Lake in the distance. Since the battle was over, it was natural to collect the booty.

The sacred pool breeds Yuanshi.

Whether the human race, the demon race or the wild beast, they guard and fight for the holy pool, so that it is not the Yuan Stone bred by the holy pool.

The small Shenchi Lake breeds five yuan stones a day.

Yebufan obtained 23 yuan stones from the small holy pool in front of him, which was obviously the output of the past five days, but the demon clan had not collected them. But think about it. After all, a small holy pool has five yuan stones a day. The demon clan guards here. It is impossible to collect them every day.

If it is a large sacred pool, it may be charged once a day.

Twenty three Kuaiyuan stones, each of which is the size of a baby's fist, are octagonal diamonds, crystal clear, and contain the pure vitality of heaven and earth.

Yebufan just glanced at them and directly put the 23 yuan stones into the artifact space. Now he has only reached his peak and has not yet set foot in the yuan realm to practice martial arts. The yuan stones are not available for the time being.

After collecting Yuan Shi and taking another look at the Shenchi Lake in front of him, yebufan directly chose to leave.

Although ye Bufan can get some meritorious deeds every day to guard the holy pool, the meritorious deeds he has won from guarding the holy pool are too few and too few. It is not cost-effective at all, and it is not necessary. What's more, the yuan stones harvested during the second period have to be handed over to the war department.

Yebufan left, and dantai Tianyi naturally followed. As for the bodies of the twenty-two demon families and the holy pool, they ignored them.

Destroy the sacred pool?

Not necessary.

You know, although there are many magic pools in the whole demon barbarian battlefield, they are limited after all. If you destroy one, you will lose one.

Therefore, no matter the human race, the demon race and the barbarian race, they will not destroy any divine pool. This is the tacit understanding between the three races.

Watching dantai Tianyi closely follow him, he didn't mean to leave. Yebufan felt helpless. When he walked around, yebufan couldn't help asking curiously, "by the way, are you really just a peak?"

"Yes." Dantai Tianyi followed ye Bufan and said, "master, what's the problem?"

"Since it is already the peak of decaying, why not advance to Ningyuan?" Yebufan asked as he walked, glancing at Dan Tai Tianyi.


Dantai Tianyi was a little stunned, and a lonely look flashed through his face. But he soon recovered to normal. Looking at yebufan, he smiled and said, "master, aren't you still at the top of the world and haven't you advanced to Ningyuan?"


Immediately, yebufan frowned.

Although the desolate color in the Tianyi look on the platform flashed by, it did not escape ye Bufan's eyes.

Dantai Tianyi didn't advance to Ningyuan. I'm afraid he had his difficulties and helplessness. But since he didn't say it, yebufan naturally wouldn't ask more.

As for yourself?

Yebufan wanted to advance to Ning yuan, but this damn artifact seal restricted him. Otherwise, he would have advanced to Ning yuan.

A hundred thousand meritorious deeds.

Thinking of these, yebufan's heart is very messy.

Immediately, he looked at Dan Tai Tianyi and said with a smile: "I have a special way of cultivating myself. Therefore, I can't set foot in Ning yuan for the time being, but... It's fast. I should be able to advance to Ning yuan in the near future."

Ye Bufan will not mention the secret of the artifact. However, dantai Tianyi has been following him for a long time. I'm afraid he won't leave in a short time. Once his meritorious deeds have accumulated to 100000, he is bound to unfurl the artifact and advance to Congyuan.

For this reason, it is worth giving dantai Tianyi a dose of preventive injection in advance, so as to avoid his sudden advancement and make him think more.


Dantai Tianyi was stunned at the speech.

However, he didn't ask much. After all, everyone has his own secret. He has it, and yebufan naturally has it.

Immediately, he changed the subject and said:

"By the way, Shifu, what are we going to do now? Why don't we still raid some demon families or wild animals' holy pools like before? Although you want to accumulate meritorious deeds to one star generals, and challenge the generals on July 7 to gain military power, but... The rest of the time is less than a month and a half, so we can't reach the level of one star generals at all. Besides, it's boring to blindly attack and kill these small shrimps?"


Hearing the speech, yebufan's footsteps were also a meal.


In the view of dantai Tianyi, it may be just for fun to sneak into the demon clan or kill wild animals, but yebufan is not.

Everything, just for meritorious service.

Everything, just for rank.

Everything is only for the purpose of solving the sealed artifact and breaking through the cultivation.

Everything, just to improve strength.

However, there is one thing yebufan can't deny, that is, according to the current way and speed, even if he doesn't eat or drink during this period of time, and tries his best to kill the demon clan and wild animals, so as to obtain meritorious deeds, it may not be able to accumulate meritorious deeds to the one star general level before July 7.

And what if we get away with it? All the time is used to kill the demon clan and wild animals. How can we still have time to cultivate?

Although 300000 meritorious deeds are enough to untie the seal and advance to Ningyuan, can we really challenge those war department generals with one star Ningyuan realm? I am afraid that even if it is a challenge, it will only fail in the end.

If you want to earn meritorious service, your strength should also be improved.

The two must go hand in hand.

Moreover, yebufan has already made a preliminary plan for his cultivation. Now he has only one and a half months. Even if he solves the advanced level of the sealed artifact Ning yuan, it is impossible to improve his accomplishments, so he can only improve his martial arts skills.

An artifact space, a monument to the inheritance of martial arts.

This is yebufan's greatest advantage. As long as he has enough meritorious deeds, his martial arts can be quickly upgraded.

The power of the divine level martial arts is extraordinary. As long as you can cultivate to a great degree, you may not be able to compete with the yuan to return to the yuan at that time.

Merit is the key.

It's too slow to get meritorious service now. Let alone reaching the level of one star general before July 7, it's difficult to unlock the divine weapon within a month and a half, let alone cultivate martial arts.

It must be changed.

Hunt high-level demon clan and wild animals?

This idea had just sprouted from yebufan's mind, and was immediately abandoned and rejected by him.

First, the high-level demons and barbarians did not give much meritorious service, even at the level of Shenwu realm, only 20000.

Second, it is too dangerous.

It's OK to fight against the six level demons and barbarians in Yuan territory with the strength of decaying the peak now, but the one who returns to Yuan territory is to die.

Consume a token arrow and summon a strong man from Linglong pavilion to help? This idea was soon rejected by yebufan.

Not cost-effective.

Since quality is not good, we can only rely on quantity.

Thinking about it, yebufan looked at Tianyi on the platform, smiled and said, "Tianyi, dare you play with Ben less?"

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