Dead space.

A strange atmosphere.

Everyone present thought that the sudden appearance of the snow wolf was the ancestor of the Sirius family, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Since he is not the ancestor of the Sirian family, who is he?

Everyone was stunned, puzzled and confused.

However, the snow wolf demon king did not care.

He looked at the three strong gods of the Tianmo clan who were ready to escape. Then he said in a cold voice: "you, you, and you, all go back to the wolf Lord."


As soon as the snow wolf demon king said this, everyone present was stunned.

The three demons were also ignorant.

Then, the demon of the divine emperor asked: "no, I don't know, I don't know what you mean by..."

At the same time, he looked worried and confused.

"I don't know your uncle."

The snow wolf demon king shouted angrily, "hurry back and continue to fight."


Hearing this, the three gods of the Tianmo clan were forced.

Go back? Keep playing?

Is this to let them continue to fight against longxiaobao?

Nima, fart.

I can't fight at all.


Suddenly, the demon of the divine emperor seemed to think of something. He looked at the snow wolf demon king, then looked at long Xiaobao not far away, and thought to himself:

Why did you ask us to do it?

Is it not that he has a grudge against long Xiaobao, or that long Xiaobao has offended him, and he disdains to fight long Xiaobao, so he plans to use his three people to deal with long Xiaobao?

At this point, the two heavenly demons of the divine emperor could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. At least in this way, they were safe for the time being.

But to help the snow wolf demon king deal with longxiaobao

They do.

But what if I can't fight?

Immediately, the two heavenly demons of the divine emperor looked at the snow wolf demon king, and then said with a helpless and bitter face: "master, the three of us are naturally willing to teach this damn Terran a lesson for the master, but even if we work together, we are not his opponents, so master, look..."

"Are you a fool? Are you still helping Lord wolf teach Lord Bao a lesson? Can't you see that Lord wolf and Lord Bao are a gang?"

The snow wolf demon king scolded directly.

You guys are a team?

The two heavenly demons of the divine emperor were forced directly.

Others present were no exception.

Since you are a group, why do you force the three gods of the Tianmo family to fight against long Xiaobao?

What is this idea?

This is totally unreasonable.

"What are you doing?"

Before everyone thought about it, the snow wolf demon king shouted angrily, "hurry up, or... Do you believe the wolf Lord killed you directly?"


As soon as the voice fell, the snow wolf demon king directly burst out his martial arts accomplishments.

God Emperor, five heavens.

As the first lackey under the command of the little fairy, no, as the most loyal servant of the little fairy, the snow wolf demon king was naturally taken care of by the little fairy.

In the words of the snow wolf demon king, it is a certainty that the wolf Lord will become the emperor in his life. Even if the wolf Lord eats, drinks and plays all day without cultivating, his accomplishments will soar all the way, and the cultivation speed will crush all the geniuses and demons in the world.

Of course, this is the last word.


As the snow wolf demon king showed his martial arts accomplishments, everyone present was shocked.

Especially the three gods of Tianmo clan.

The divine emperor's five heavens?

Even so, they felt that... The breath of the snow wolf demon king was even more terrifying and powerful than the strong ones they had met before.

They even had a feeling that once they started, they could not even catch the move of the snow wolf demon king.


Even a dragon treasure.

Now there is a monster even more terrible than long Xiaobao.

The most important thing is that these two monsters are still a group.

Does this make people live?

The three gods of the Tianmo clan are messy and crazy.

But at this time, long Xiaobao suddenly said, "there are only two ways in front of you now."


The three demons were stunned.

Then they all looked at long Xiaobao.

The situation is stronger than the people.

I can't beat you.

Then listen to what the other party has asked the three of you to do.

Long Xiaobao continued: "first, continue to fight with me and try your best. If you can kill me, you can leave alive. And I can promise you that the wolf king will not embarrass you or even escort you out of the ancient region."

All out?

Why kill you so that you can leave the ancient region alive?

Your sister.

You think we don't want to go all out?

You think we don't want to kill you?

It's not that we don't want to, but that we have at least self-knowledge.

Kill you?

That is simply impossible and unrealistic.

"And the second?"

As soon as I read this, the two heavenly demons of the divine emperor couldn't help asking.


Long Xiaobao's face sank and said, "for me, your only value now is to practice sword with me. So if you refuse, I will join hands with the wolf king and take your life directly."

Practice sword, practice sword, I'll practice your sister

The hearts of the three God emperors of the Tianmo clan are like thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past.

At least they are also strong at the level of God Emperor.

If you put it in the 72 domain, it is absolutely invincible.

Now, it's a good thing that the strong at the level of God Emperor has become a tool for others to practice swords.

But they can't refuse.

Because refusal means they will die immediately.

Can you live without refusing?

The battle just now has explained everything.

They are not longxiaobao's opponents at all. If they fight longxiaobao to the end, they must be the last to lose and the last to die.

This feeling

Too oppressive, too helpless, too bullying.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Before the three gods of the Tianmo clan thought about it, long Xiaobao asked again, "did you fight with us, or did we kill you directly?"

Miss your sister.

Choose your uncle.

The three gods of the demon family looked at each other.

In their eyes, there was an unprecedented decisive color.

Since it's all dead, I'll fight with you.

You can't feel better if we die.


In an instant, the three gods of the Tianmo clan rushed out directly.

This time, their momentum was like a rainbow.

This time, they killed the enemy.

This time, they have made up their minds to burn both jade and stone.

"Well done."

Long Xiaobao is not surprised but delighted.

He gave a sharp drink and then rushed out.

sustain the war by means of war.

Long Xiaobao needs to improve his current level of swordsmanship through life and death.

Although the snow wolf demon king is the God of the five heavens, and can also bring the pressure of life and death to long Xiaobao, it is obvious that the snow wolf demon king will not kill long Xiaobao, so he is definitely not a suitable training partner.

But the three powerful gods are different.

If they want to live, they can only fight with long Xiaobao.

Long Xiaobao believes that the three gods, working together to fight each other to the death, will certainly pose a certain threat to himself, and this is what he urgently needs now.

The battle of the divine emperor broke out again.

Everyone on the scene stared at the battlefield, as if afraid of missing something.

However, the snow wolf demon king did not care.

The battle of God.

One against three.

be equal in match or contest of strength?

Stop teasing.

Now long Xiaobao is only using his own magic power to replace the magic weapon. If the magic weapon "years" in his hand comes out of the scabbard, the three God emperors of the Tianmo clan will not be enough for him

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