"So I think we Shura people should make a secret alliance with the Terrans on the basis of the first choice, and then advance and retreat together."

The emperor's words fell. The ancestor of the Shura clan glanced at him, frowned and said, "how can you be sure that the people will agree to form an alliance with us


Emperor Tian didn't expect that old Shura would ask so, so he was stunned instinctively, and then said faintly: "old ancestor, do you still remember the human race in the purple emperor region?"

"The Terran in the purple emperor region?"

The ancestor of the Shura clan gave a deep thought and said, "what do you mean by yebufan?"

Emperor Tian didn't hide the Hongmeng Yuanye incident, so all the elders at the God Emperor level of the Shura family knew the existence of yebufan, and the old ancestor of the Shura family was no exception.

"Yes, that's him."

Emperor Tian responded.

The elder Shura frowned and wondered, "what does it have to do with him to form an alliance with the human race? Can he make us form an alliance with the human race?"


Emperor Tian took a deep breath, Avenue: "You don't know, old ancestor. When I first met this guy, the little rabbit in the dark night repeatedly reminded me to make friends with this Terran. I thought, although this little rabbit was a little beaten, he wouldn't hurt his father? So I gave three wedding gifts to the Terran under his sign. As a result, you know, old ancestor. It wasn't long before it broke out that the Terran could refine Hongmeng yuan liquid."

"Of course, it's been so long, but it doesn't matter anymore. But it happened that not long ago, that is, after the Terran became the leader of the purple emperor domain, the little rabbit in the dark night came to remind me that I must make friends with the Terran. I asked him why, but he didn't say it. I was so angry at that time."

"But I'm sure that there must be a secret in that Terran, and that little rabbit must know something in the dark night."

"In addition, a few days ago, the elder who was in charge of guarding the Terran in the purple emperor domain sent a message. He said that not long after the incident in the ancient domain, the little rabbit hurried to find the Terran in the dark night, and was finally stopped by the five elders who were in charge of guarding the five royal families. As a result... Guess what, old ancestor? Not long after, the news of the dark night even left with a small tune."

"After receiving this news at that time, I thought there was something wrong with the little bunny in the dark night, but now I want to come... The little bunny in the dark night must go to the Terran to tell him what happened in the ancient world. After all, once the Tianmo clan takes action, the Terran will be doomed, and that ye Bufan is a member of the Terran after all. It is also an instinctive reaction for the dark night to tell him what happened in the ancient world?"

"But why did he leave without seeing the Terran? And he left humming a tune?"

"I think... He must have thought of something at that time, and the thing he thought of must have given him absolute confidence to believe that the Tianmo clan could not help the human race, so he left without seeing yebufan."

"So what did he think of?"

The emperor's words came out at this point, and old Shura's eyes lit up: "do you mean that the night knew that the Terran had an emperor?"

"It should be."

Emperor Tian responded and said, "not only that, I think that the reason why dark night knows that there is an emperor in the human race must have something to do with yebufan. Even, the secret that dark night has been unwilling to tell is the human emperor."

When the conversation turned, Emperor Tian said again:

"Want to come... Even within the Terran, the emperor must be a secret that few people know? But how did the Terran know it?"

"And the origin of that Terran."

"The Terrans have always lived in the ancient region, but why did yebufan appear in the purple emperor region?"

"After the little bunny in the dark night reminded me to make friends with the Terran without saying the reason, I sent someone to check it. But, old ancestor, guess what? Yebufan appeared out of thin air in the purple emperor domain. The first person to meet him was Ji Chongxuan, the abandoned 18 Prince of the divine family. Before that, no one in the whole purple emperor domain had seen him."

"Ye Bufan appeared out of thin air."

"The human emperor appeared out of thin air."

"And the Terran dragon treasure that appeared out of thin air."

"To say that there is no connection between them, even if they kill me, I don't believe it."

The emperor's words fell, and the ancestors of the Shura clan were deep in thought.

A moment later, he opened his mouth and said: "so, the yebufan in the purple emperor domain should know the emperor of the Terran, or even... They are very familiar?"

"You can't be wrong."

"So you mean you want to catch up with the human emperor through yebufan?"


"What if he doesn't? Don't forget, the others are still staring at him."

"He shouldn't refuse. After all... Did you forget, the little bunny in the dark night is his cousin husband, and we have a better relationship with him than other families. Moreover, if he didn't intend to make friends with us, how could he disclose the emperor to the dark night? Besides, although the human race has an emperor, it is difficult to support itself. Now they want to come We also need our ally very much. "

The emperor said, and the old ancestors of the Shura clan instinctively pondered, "if it's like what you said, it's really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us."


Emperor Tian was stunned.

His stunned eyes looked at Shura's ancestor and said, "ancestor, what opportunity?"

Although it is a good thing for the Shura people to form an alliance with the Terrans, what does the word opportunity mean?

Old Shura looked at the emperor, and then said in a deep voice, "emperor, do you know... Why did the Xianyu clan, one of the seven royal families, decline overnight? Or even almost perish?"


Hearing this, Emperor Tian was stunned again.

Shura's thought jump was too fast and too sudden for him.

One second before, they were still talking about the Terran. The next second, he even mentioned the Xianyu clan.

Although puzzled, Emperor Tian instinctively replied, "naturally."

"Now that you know it, tell me why the Xianyu clan was so changed overnight that it almost wiped out the clan."

"This... Doesn't mean that the Xianyu people ate their own evil fruit because they studied forbidden drugs, which led to everyone in the clan killing each other, and then..."

"Do you believe that?"


Emperor Tianyu fortress.

"I know that if you don't believe it, not only do you, but no one in the whole hundred clan alliance believes it. Even... Everyone thinks that it was the emperor of the other six royal families who killed the Xianyu clan. In fact, that night, all the emperors of the six royal families, including my Shura clan, were there, and they also participated in the battle that night."

While talking, old Shura looked pale, and then continued: "but what I want to tell you now is that the destruction of the Xianyu clan has nothing to do with our six clan emperors. On the contrary, all of our six clan emperors were seriously injured in the battle that night, and even... Now the two Shura emperors have all been injured and returned to the ruins. I don't even know when they will wake up."


As soon as Shura said this, the emperor's heavenly mind could not help shaking.

In the battle of the fall of the Xianyu clan, all the other six royal families' emperors were seriously injured, and the two ancestors of the Shura clan have all been injured and returned to the ruins?

How could this be possible.

"Lao, Lao, Lao Zu, are you kidding?"

A moment later, the emperor looked unconvinced.

"Are you kidding?"

"Do you think I would make fun of this kind of thing?" said Shura


Emperor Tian was stunned.

Yes, no matter how unreliable the ancestors were, they would not make fun of such things.

As soon as he read this, Emperor Tian looked at old Shura with a look of consternation and fear and said, "but old Shura, that's the emperor, and it's all the emperors of my six families. Together, who else in the world can hurt them?"

"How do I know?"

Father Shura stared directly at the emperor.

"You don't know?"

The emperor was stunned.

Shura said, "after the two ancestors came back from the Xianyu people that day, they just gave me a few words and went to retreat to heal their wounds. Therefore, I only know about what happened to the Xianyu people that night."

"What happened to the Xianyu clan that night?" Emperor Tian asked instinctively.

Old Shura recalled: "I remember the original words of my grandfather. The stars were broken and the alien from heaven came. Emperor Xianyu asked us for help. However, when we came to the Xianyu family, Emperor Xianyu was dead and the Xianyu family was destroyed. After that, we fought with the alien from heaven. Although we were defeated by twelve enemies and five enemies, we were finally lucky to have the help of heaven. We could kill the alien from heaven and repair the world barriers, but We are also seriously injured and in danger. From now on, we will all close our doors to heal our wounds. If there is nothing wrong, we must not disturb them. Also, be wary of the other races. Once one of the emperors recovers first, we will certainly attack the other races. At that time, we can't fight hard, don't hesitate, and directly force us to wake up. If not, our Shura clan will be defeated and die. Remember, remember. "


Shura's words fell. Emperor Tian was silly and confused: "Lao, Lao Zu, what is the alien on this day? Also, what is the way of heaven?"


Old Shura slapped directly on the emperor's forehead and said, "you ask me? Who am I going to ask? And... Is this the point?"


Emperor Tian was stunned: "what's the point, Lao Zu?"

"You punk..."

Old Shura scolded: "the point is that now all the emperors of the five royal families are seriously injured, while the emperor of the Terran does not. If we can form an alliance with the Terran..."

"Horizontal groove!!"

Emperor Tian exclaimed: "old ancestor, you want to destroy the other five races by the hand of the human race?"

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