
Ji Tianming's words fell, and the night suddenly felt messy.

Yebufan is no exception.

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy. Ji Tianming is an old fox through and through.

Now he has destroyed the teleport of the domain master's house. In a short time, at least before the teleport array is repaired, yebufan will not want to escape from the purple emperor domain, and even more will not want to enter the Taigu domain.

After all, up to now, except for the transmission array of the domain master's house, yebufan has not been contacted. Frankly, Ji Tianming is still guarding against the dark night. In other words, he simply doesn't believe the idea that yebufan was kidnapped by the dark night.

This is it. What can we do in the dark? What can ye Bu do?

The transmission array has been destroyed. The Taigu domain can't go, so you can only stay in the purple emperor domain.

"You are cruel."

Immediately, Ji Tianming glared at him in the dark night and said, "let me go now. Besides, you can't follow me. Otherwise, I will shoot you and kill my cousin."

"Nephew dark night, please."

Ji Tianming smiled and said, "don't worry, we will not stop you. Not only us, but also your father will not stop you, right, brother Di Tian."


Emperor Tian's mouth twitched, but it wasn't because of Ji Tianming's words, but because, after all this trouble, yebufan still couldn't escape from the purple emperor region.


Immediately, Emperor Tian said.

"Nephew dark night, are you satisfied now?"

Ji Tianming looked at the dark night again, smiled and said, "but now you are satisfied. Should uncle Tianming also be satisfied?"

"What do you mean?"

The dark night frowned.

"It's easy..."

Ji Tianming said with a smile: "three days, we will give you three days. You can hide anywhere within three days. However, after three days, you must release brother Xiaofan. If not, we will cooperate with the Shura family to search for you. At that time... Even if you threaten us with brother Xiaofan again, we will never give in and compromise. What do you think

"Three days is too short, at least one month."

"A month? Nephew dark night, do you think it's possible?"

"Twenty days."

"Well, don't bargain with me. Just seven days. How about that?"


"Cheery, now you can go."

"Hum, let's go!"

With a cold hum in the dark night, the kidnapper yebufan withdrew outside the city.

Without the teleport array, they can only use the star battleship to leave the king of the realm.

In this regard, several patriarchs did not care, and did not stop them.

ten minutes later.

Yebufan and his party left Yu Wang Xing on the Silver Star battleship.

Looking at the Silver Star battleship in the sky, Ji Tianming smiled and said, "yulis, is everything done?"

"Of course."

The head of the soul clan, yulis, smiled: "I have planted a soul mark on the human boy. Within a month, no matter where he goes, I can find him through the soul mark."

"That's good."

Ji Tianming smiled.


Emperor Tian was surprised.

"Ha ha..."

Ji Tianming smiled and looked at emperor Tiandao: "brother Tiandi, something happened suddenly, so you didn't have time to discuss the soul seal. Don't take it to heart."

"Small things, small things, these are all small things. How could I take them to heart?"

Emperor Tian forced his face to smile.

But in his heart, he had scolded Ji Tianming's ancestors for eighteen generations.

Just now he was wondering why Ji Tianming agreed to let ye Bufan go so easily, but he didn't expect that he still had a backhand.

Soul seal is a unique method of the soul clan. Only the caster can cancel any soul seal. When time comes, the soul seal will disappear automatically.

In addition, even if the divine emperor made a move, he could not erase the unique soul seal of the soul clan.

In this way, where can ye Bufan go?

The most important thing is that Ji Tianming has made it clear just now. Seven days later, even if ye Bufan continues to threaten them in the dark, they will still do it.

At that time, even if they killed the dark night, the Shura clan had nothing to say.

Unless the Shura clan turns against the four royal families.

However, with the strength of the Shura family, how dare they turn against the four royal families at the same time.

In other words, seven days later, yebufan and dark night were in danger.

Of course, the Shura people will never sit idly by.

The words are divided into two parts.

The five royal families here are busy dealing with yebufan.

On the other side, Tianmo clan is not idle.

Just because the demon Yan had left the divine domain for only half a day, he had already sent back the news from the Taigu domain.

The human emperor means that thirty gods can be released, but the Tianmo clan must pay the corresponding ransom. As for the amount of ransom

A God Emperor, a hundred billion God crystals.

The thirty divine emperors are threehundredtrillion divine crystals.

This is threehundredtrillion yuan.

After receiving the news, the elder of the God Emperor of the Tianmo family was directly blown up.

First, he lost the land of the six regions, and now he was extorted threehundredtrillion yuan by the Terran emperor.

For the Tianmo clan, this period of time is just bad luck.

The most important thing is that even though the Tianmo clan is one of the six royal families, even though the Tianmo clan is rich and powerful, they can't get so many divine crystals at once.

After all, although Tianmo clan has a large family and business, they also have large daily expenses.

Now, the whole Tianmo clan can raise about twohundredthrillion of divine crystals.

What about the remaining 100 trillion yuan?

forget it?

The Tianmo clan wants to forget it, but can the human emperor promise?

People have made their words very clear. They either give money or collect the body.

Choose one from two. How do you choose Tianmo clan?

No choice.

Thirty gods, Tianmo clan can't give up anyway.

But what if Shenjing is not enough?

Let's get together.

Immediately, the Tianmo clan directly ordered that all major races in the Tianmo camp hand in a certain number of divine crystals.

Although these races are very reluctant, they can't help it. Who makes the Tianmo clan powerful? Since the Tianmo clan has spoken, they can only do it.

Finally, on the second day after receiving the news from the devil, the Tianmo clan raised a full threehundredtrillion yuan of divine crystals, and the three elders of the divine emperor personally took threehundredtrillion yuan of divine crystals to the Taigu region to redeem people.

Although the elders of Tianmo clan were angry, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

For them, as long as they can redeem the thirty gods, it is not a loss.

After all, having threehundredtrillion divine crystals may not be able to cultivate thirty divine emperors.

Even if it can, it will take time.

It's a blessing in misfortune to be able to redeem people directly now.

However, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is always cruel.

The three God emperors of the Tianmo clan left the divine domain half a day later with threehundredtrillion God crystals.

Divine realm.

Tianmo clan hall.


In front of the ancestors of the Tianmo clan, among the life fires of the Tianmo clan God Emperor elders placed deep in the clan hall, a cluster of life fires suddenly went out.


The sudden scene made the ancestors of Tianmo clan stunned.

Life fire goes out?

Tianmo clan has a God Emperor falling??

However, everything has just begun

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

After the first cluster of God Emperor ordered the fire to be extinguished, then another one went out one after another.

The speed at which the fire was extinguished made the ancestors of the Tianmo clan dizzy.

1、 Two, three, four

Blink your eyes, all the thirty gods ordered the fire to go out.

The masters of these lifefires are all gods captured by the human emperor, without exception.

Suddenly, the ancestor of the Tianmo clan stared at the extinguished fire in front of him. He was stunned and stupid, and his mind was blank.

Haven't all the demons promised to pay for the ransom?

And at this time, the threehundredtrillion divine crystals should have been sent to the human emperor.

But why... All the life fires of the thirty gods of the Tianmo clan went out at once?

If the fire goes out, you will die.

In other words, all the thirty gods have fallen.

Here's the money.

People are dead.

There is no doubt that the Terrans broke their promise. They took ransom and killed people.


At this point, the ancestor of Tianmo clan couldn't help roaring angrily: "damn people, from now on, we Tianmo clan and you... Will never die!!"


As soon as the words were over, the ancestors of the Tianmo clan directly spat out their blood.


Then he fell to the ground and passed out

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