As one of the six royal families, the Tianmo family still has a little appeal in the eternal realm.

Therefore, after receiving the invitation from the Tianmo clan, the 100 families in the Shenyu have sent their representatives to the Tianmo clan, even the other major royal families are no exception.

Of course, this is not to say that the other royal families are afraid of the Tianmo clan, or that they want to give face to the Tianmo clan, but because... There must be a reason when something goes wrong.

In the view of the six royal families, the Tianmo family suddenly invited several royal families and the hundred families in the divine domain at the important juncture that the blood prison trial is about to open. That must be something important to discuss.

So they came, and they were all headed by the heads of their families.

One day later.

The representatives sent by the six royal families and the 100 families in the divine domain have all arrived at the Tianmo clan.

Tianmo clan, clan hall.

In the conference hall, the chiefs of the six royal families sat on the first seats on both sides of the hall, followed by the representatives of the other 100 families in the divine domain.

One family, one person.

A total of 106 people were present, including the six royal families.

In addition, on the high platform deep in the conference hall, the ancestor of the devil was standing on it.

At this moment, all the representatives of the six royal families and the 100 families in the divine domain looked at the old ancestor of the heavenly demon.

The ancestor of the heavenly demon didn't hesitate at all. When everyone arrived, he directly hugged his fist, looked at the 106 representatives of all ethnic groups below and said with a smile: "thank you for being invited to our heavenly demon family in your busy schedule. I really appreciate it."

"Elder, it's not necessary to be polite. Just say it. What's the matter with Tianmo clan inviting us to come here?" As soon as the voice of the demon ancestor fell, Ji Tianming, the head of the protoss clan, immediately said something.

"OK, I will tell you clearly."

The old ancestor of the devil stopped talking nonsense. He swept the 106 representatives of all ethnic groups present and said, "I don't know. What do you think of the next blood prison trial?"


As soon as the old devil said this, everyone present frowned.

What do you think of the blood prison trial?

What else can we think of? Naturally, we will try our best to compete for the 100000 emperors and the 3000 emperors.

However, since the God demon ancestor said so, he must have another deep meaning.

For a moment, everyone looked at the old ancestor of the devil and a strange color appeared in their eyes.

Of course, more curious.

They were curious about what the Tianmo ancestors' words, or the Tianmo family suddenly invited several royal families and 100 families in the divine domain to gather together.

However, curiosity turned to curiosity, and no one asked questions because of this. They believed that the ancestors of the demons would certainly solve their doubts.

The same is true.

After a short pause, the ancestor of the devil opened his mouth again and said lightly: "the rules of the blood prison trial must have been clear to all of you."

"There are 100000 emperors and 3000 emperors. It must be said that the will of the world is really great. Moreover, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime, even unprecedented opportunity for us."

"But you guys, have you ever thought about the impact this blood prison trial will have on us?"

"There are 100000 gods and 3000 emperors."

"Now, there aren't so many gods and emperors among the 107 families here?"

"Just imagine, when the blood prison trial is over, the whole world will suddenly have 100000 gods and 3000 emperors. What kind of situation will that be?"

"If most of these gods and emperors come from our ethnic groups, it's easy to say, but what if they don't? Even... If the number of emperors and emperors won by our ethnic groups here is less than that of other ethnic groups, what kind of situation will happen?"


At this point, the representatives of the 100 ethnic groups in the divine domain could not help taking a breath.

Emperor Tian and other six princes also frowned.

Naturally, they all thought about this result, but they didn't understand what the Tianmo clan wanted at this time.

At this time, the old ancestor of the devil continued: "you must have thought that once this happens, the existing pattern will be broken and a new era will come. At that time, will you continue to be as high as you are now?"


"Maybe not."

"No one can predict that."

"But it is undeniable that this situation is really likely to happen."

"So, what should we do?"

"Let it be?"

"Or wait for other races to surpass us, or even to surpass us?"


"This is not what I would like to see. I believe it is not what everyone here would like to see."

"Our destiny should be firmly in our own hands, rather than letting nature take its course, or even allowing other races to surpass and override us."

"This is the only reason why our Tianmo clan invites you to come this time."

"My God demon clan means..."

At this point, the ancestor of the devil gave a speech, and then swept all the people present, Then he said in a deep voice: "As a matter of urgency, the six royal families and the 100 royal families in the divine realm should join hands to clean up the entire eternal divine realm and the 72 outer realms, and kill all the divine emperors, deities, and even the divine emperors and martial arts in the divine realm except us. In this way, when the blood prison trial is opened, we can have enough confidence to firmly control the 100000 emperors and 3000 emperors in our own hands. Only in this way, everything we have now Will not be subverted by other races. "

Silence, dead silence.

The old ancestor of the devil said that all the representatives of the 100 families in the divine domain were stupid. Even the patriarchs of the six royal families, including emperor Tian, were shocked and shocked.

Big cleaning??


Kill all the God emperors, God emperors, and even the God emperors and God kings except the six royal families and the 100 families in the God domain?

Crazy, crazy.

In their eyes, Tianmo clan is simply crazy.

How many divine emperors and deities do the six royal families and other races besides the 100 ethnic groups in the divine domain have? How many gods and kings are there?

The God Emperor is happy to say that there are no other races at all. Even if there are, there are only one or two at most.

But what about God?

There are absolutely no fewer martial artists in the divine realm of all other races, and they may even exceed the sum of all the gods of the six royal families and the 100 ethnic groups in the divine realm.

Of course, this is just quantity.

In terms of strength, even the martial artists of other races who have the realm of god respect will not be too strong. Even most of them are just god respect one heaven and god respect two heaven.

Therefore, if you really want to start, even if their number is far more than the six kings and the 100 families in the divine domain, they will never be the opponents of the six kings and the 100 families in the divine domain.

In addition, they are the shenhuang and the Shenwang martial artists.

There are countless martial artists at these two levels besides the six kings and the 100 families in the divine domain. Once the two sides fight, the six kings and the 100 families in the divine domain may not be rivals.

It can be said that the strength of the six royal families and the 100 ethnic groups in the divine domain is not much stronger than that of all other ethnic groups when the divine emperor is unable to take action and the emperor's attack fails.

But even so, the Tianmo clan still wants to eliminate these martial artists at this time.

So, what is it that Tianmo clan is not crazy?

After all, even if they win in the end, they will pay a heavy price for it.

But then again, although the proposal of the Tianmo clan has great risks and will cost all the races involved in it a heavy price, what will be the return after doing so?

One hundred thousand gods and three thousand emperors.

It has to be said that the return after doing so has exceeded the ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times that they paid.

After all, the most they pay is God, but the least they get back is God.

Therefore, after a short period of shock and loss of mind, the overwhelming majority of the representatives of all ethnic groups present were inexplicably moved and even excited.

The temptation is so big that they can't refuse it.

"I agree."

The next second, a representative could not wait to stand up and agree with the proposal of Tianmo clan.

"I agree."

"I have no problem."

"Dead Taoist friends don't die. Although it's a little cruel to do this, it's better than losing everything we have now after the blood prison trial and subjecting ourselves to other races. So I have no problem with Tiangou family."



One voice after another, these representatives who spoke did not refuse.

Of course, the reason for this is not only that these people agree with this practice, but also that they are all members of the demon camp.

As members of the demon camp, they naturally want to support the decision of the demon clan.

A moment later, there was a dead silence.

The ancestor of the heavenly demon looked directly at the six royal clan chiefs in front and said with a smile: "how many clan chiefs do you think?"

The six clan chiefs frowned.

The next second, Ji Tianming, the head of the protoss clan, took the lead in saying: "elder, please forgive me. After all, it's important, so I don't count on what I say alone. I have to discuss with the family before I make a decision."

"Me too."

"I also need to discuss with the clan."

The chiefs of the three royal families, the soul clan, the troll clan and the mechanical clan, also spoke one after another.

"It's natural."

The old ancestor of the devil smiled, then looked at the emperor and said, "I don't know the Shura family..."

"Forget about the Shura clan."

Before the voice of the devil's ancestor fell, the emperor had already interrupted him first.

Then emperor Tian stood up, looked at the other representatives, and looked at the old ancestor of the heavenly demon. He hugged his fists and said, "senior, I Shura people are not interested in what you said. Therefore, if you have nothing else to do, I will leave first..."

The author Ying duzui said: Yigeng

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