Who would have thought that the old ancestor of the devil would have been struck by thunder "for no reason".

The most important thing is that the power of thunder and lightning is really terrible. After all, the ancestor of Tianmo is the top power of the divine emperor jiuchongtian, but now?

He didn't even have a chance to defend or dodge, so he was directly hit by the lightning.

That's all. After being struck by a thunderbolt, the demon father became a dead dog, lying on the ground, motionless, and didn't even know whether he was alive or dead.


Thinking in my heart, the representatives of all the ethnic groups here could not help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Looking at the ancestors of the heavenly demons who were paralyzed on the ground, they all turned pale and their scalp was numb. At the same time, someone could not help saying, "just now, did you hear that voice?"


"Are you familiar with it?"

"That, that seems to be the voice of the will of the world before, before."


In an instant, these representatives of different races could not help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

They understood, but they were terrified.

During the blood prison trial, for one's own self-interest, he tried to kill other creatures. Should he be punished?

Obviously, the thunderbolt just now is the punishment of the world will on the old ancestor of the devil.

It was just that the old ancestors of the demons had this idea, but they didn't start it formally.

But even so, he has become what he is now.

What if I did?

The representatives of all ethnic groups present did not dare to think or speculate.

But they can be sure that if they do, their fate will be ten times worse than that of the present Tianmo ancestors, or even a hundred times worse.

"What happened?"

Without waiting for the representatives of all ethnic groups to think about it, the gods of the Tianmo family had rushed in from the outside.


When they saw that they had fallen to the ground, their whole bodies were already blackened, and they did not know whether it was the old ancestor of the devil who lived or died. All of them were trembling.


In an instant, some of the demons ran directly to the old ancestors of the demons, while the other looked at the representatives of all the ethnic groups. One of the demons of the divine emperor jiuchongtian asked in a cold voice: "what's the matter?"

The representatives of all ethnic groups trembled. They dared not be half lazy. They immediately told the whole story of what had just happened.


After listening to this, the gods of the demon clan were stupid and confused.

World will?

A thunderbolt?

During the blood prison trial, you slaughtered other creatures for your own selfish interests. Should you be punished?

At this point, the heavenly demons in the divine Empire didn't understand that their ideas and actions of the heavenly demons had virtually touched some bottom lines. In other words, during the trial in the blood prison, the weak had some privileges.

The same is true.

At the beginning, tianyuanzi, the founder of Tianyuan Xiaoqian world, was also the first God of Tianyuan Xiaoqian world. When he set up the blood prison for trial, he had considered all possible things, including the possibility that the strong killed the weak wantonly for their own sake.

Therefore, during the trial in the blood prison, he gave some privileges to the will of the world.

If not, he can only pay attention to the world situation according to the will of the world, but cannot directly participate in the essence of it. He simply has no ability to punish the old ancestors of the demons.

In troubled times, we should use strict codes.

This is the will of the world at this moment.


The next second, the old devil gave a slight cough, and then Youran woke up.


Seeing that the old ancestors of the demons had no worries about their lives, the demons in the divine Empire were relieved.

"What happened to me?"

However, the old ancestor of the devil asked with a confused face.

But at this time, the voice of the world's cold will sounded again: "little demon, I want to punish you for your first offence. If you commit it again, kill!!"


The sudden warning of the world will made all the people present tremble, and they were terrified.

Before long, other races in the divine realm also knew what happened in the Tianmo clan.

The wolf ambition of the demon family.

The world will bring down punishment.

The first one will be punished slightly, and the next one will be wiped out directly.

Naturally, these messages are deliberately spread by the Tianmo clan, because... It is difficult to disobey the destiny.

The will of the world is to remind and warn other races by the hand of the demon family.

Obviously, his goal has been achieved.

After learning this news, all the 100 families and several royal families in Shenyu were terrified.

Although they do not know what the will of the world is, they can "create" the blood prison to test the existence of such an adverse chance. His power is definitely beyond imagination, and even more than they can resist.

Therefore, all major races no longer have the idea of the Tianmo clan.

At the same time, they all thought of the situation in the Tianmo clan hall at that time.

Why did the Shura people refuse directly?

Did they expect this result long ago?

Or does the Shura know something they don't know?

At that time, all major races sent representatives to the Shura nationality.

Unfortunately, the Shura people flatly denied that they knew nothing. The reason why they rejected the proposal of the Tianmo family was just because they didn't want to participate.

As for this explanation of the Shura people, the representatives of all ethnic groups naturally do not believe it.

But since the Shura people don't want to talk, what can they do.

Fortunately, they didn't gain anything from the Shura family trip. At least they found the uniqueness of the Shura family, that is... In today's Shura family, men, women, young and old, regardless of strength, they are all crazy to improve their accomplishments.

In addition, in order to enable their people to quickly improve their accomplishments in a short time, the Shura clan broke up the only two element elves in the clan, making the two Heaven and earth elements of gold and fire in the star region where their clan is located explode 100 times more than usual.

Would the Shura people do this at ordinary times?

Absolutely not.

Certainly not.

Although directly breaking up the element spirit can directly increase the number of heaven and earth elements in a certain area by a hundred times, this situation can not last too long. Even within half a month, the heaven and earth elements will return to normal.

Therefore, the act of directly breaking up the element elves is definitely killing the goose that lays the golden egg, which is not desirable.

But that's what the Shura clan did.


The representatives of the major ethnic groups did not know, but they all noticed a trace of unusual, and even they suddenly had a feeling that wind and rain were coming.

First, he directly rejected the bloody proposal of the old ancestors of the Tianmo clan.

Now they are all crazy to improve their strength, and even directly broke up two elemental elves.

And this is only what they can see. Is there anything they can't see?

Everything about the Shura clan is really weird and abnormal.

The representatives of all ethnic groups did not dare to stay. They immediately returned to their respective ethnic groups, and then unreservedly reported what they had seen and heard in the Shura to their respective ethnic groups.

For a time, all races were silent, and the whole world was silent.

But it didn't last long.

One day later, the protoss also went crazy. They were just selling iron at all costs to improve the strength of the whole family.

Then, trolls, machines, soul families, demons... Other royal families also went crazy, learning from the Shura family to improve their strength.

The next day, all the people in Shenyu couldn't see it and went crazy.

On the third day, all other ethnic groups outside God began to follow suit.

In just three days, the crazy cultivation method of the Shura family was like a plague, which spread all over the eternal God realm and the whole 72 outer realms at a very fast speed.

On the 26th day of the blood prison trial, the cultivation frenzy of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie broke out.

Every day, countless resources are being consumed crazily.

Every day, countless creatures break through the bottleneck and get the improvement of cultivation.

The whole world is booming, and everything seems to be developing in a good direction.

As the initiator of all this, yebufan is completely ignorant of everything outside.

At the moment, yebufan is sitting in an empty area in the dead star of a remote area in the Taigu region. A few kilometers away from him, the little fairy is watching yebufan with a dignified and worried face.

For nothing else, because yebufan's martial arts cultivation had already reached the peak of the earth God jiuchongtian, and he took twoorthree days to adjust his state to the best, and then directly swallowed the fire element spirit.

After devouring the fire element spirit, the fourth spirit in yebufan began to take shape slowly.

Once the fourth spirit takes shape, the punishment of extermination will come.

This is also the reason why the little fairy retreated several kilometers away from yebufan.

Yebufan can only fend off the divine punishment, and no one else can help. Moreover, according to previous experience, yebufan knows that with the increase of the number of spirits in his body, the power of the divine punishment will become stronger and stronger.

But there was no way. He couldn't get around this pass after practicing the Hongmeng emperor Sutra.


A moment later, when the fourth spirit in yebufan's body took shape, the punishment of extermination came as scheduled.

The smell of terror.

Endless ferocity.

Everything is the same as before.

Yebufan did not dare to have the slightest hesitation, but directly mobilized his divine power to urge the Hongmeng emperor Scripture in his body to prepare to fight against the punishment of exterminating the world.

After all, the extermination punishment ignores the body and directly targets the soul. Apart from the Hongmeng emperor's Sutra, yebufan has no other means to counter it.


The next second, the extermination punishment directly fell on yebufan and took the third spirit.

At this time, yebufan did not dare to be careless, and immediately urged Hongmeng emperor Jing to compete with him.

At this time, however, a sudden change occurred.

When ye Bufan came to know the sea, at the moment when he was about to touch the third spirit, or when he was about to touch the Hongmeng emperor's Sutra, all its ferocity suddenly dissipated. Then, the God of extermination turned directly into a purple light, most of which were integrated into the Hongmeng emperor's Sutra, and a small part of which were transferred back to the flesh, and then integrated into the flesh.

A sudden change.

The extermination punishment disappears.

The fourth spirit is successfully shaped.

There is also a crimson flame line on the Sutra of Hongmeng emperor.

Everything was calm again.

Yebufan is stupid and ignorant.

What happened?

Is this the punishment of extermination?

What do you say you try your best?

It's said that the heart is broken and the lung is broken. Is it painful?

Why didn't they show up?

Ben, is this a success now?


It's hard to say that the Tianyuan xiaoqianjie catastrophe is coming, so even the world will begin to cheat?

The author Ying duzui said: happy National Day, brothers. Let's have a three-day shift today!!

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