"The sky realm, the sky dragon realm, and the Nine Dragons realm. It must be your threethousand murdering God guards who advance so quickly to reach the divine emperor?"

"Brother Yu, you finally did it..."

Although other people don't know what the new 3000 gods are, the little fairy can be sure that it is the 3000 gods killing guards under the command of gods killing.

The chosen one!!


Blood prison trial!!

These are three ways to inherit the small thousand realms of Tian Yuan and become the Lord of one realm.

Of course, there is only one chosen by heaven, and it must also rely on the "Hongmeng emperor Sutra", so the first way is actually meaningless to kill God. Like other creatures in the small thousand world of Tianyuan, he only has the second and third ways to become the God of the small thousand world of Tianyuan.

Therefore, every time after waking up, killing God will do two things to prepare.

First, make every effort to attack taiyijing, that is, the supreme realm of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie.

As long as the killing of God can reach Taiyi, he can directly ban the chosen one and become the new God in the small thousand realm of Tianyuan.

Unfortunately, after waking up every time in the past, God killing was often unsuccessful. That year's electors fell halfway because of one reason or another, so that God killing and holy prison could only sleep together.

Second, that is the blood prison trial.

Once the blood prison trial is opened, it will be the common competition of the whole Tianyuan small world.

Of course, even killing God doesn't know when the blood prison trial will start, because the trigger condition of the blood prison trial is that the world barrier between Tianyuan small world and Hongmeng big world is broken.

When will the two barriers break?

No one can predict this, no one can be sure.

But this doesn't prevent killing God from preparing for the blood prison trial in advance.

Therefore, every time he wakes up, in addition to fully improving his strength and attacking Taiyi, he will also cultivate 3000 God killing guards in the dark.

Just like this time.

After endless months of waiting and planning, the blood prison trial was finally opened. Therefore, God killing and 3000 God killing guards were all killed.

Threethousand emperors?

This is only the beginning.

The little fairy believed that under the instigation of killing God, 3000 killing God guards would try their best to hit the limit of the first round of blood prison trial, that is, the nine heaven of God Emperor.

The same is true.

At the moment, there are 1000 people in black robes rushing to other star regions in the sky region, the sky dragon region and the Kowloon Region.

Although the trials of the three major star domains of the sky domain, the sky dragon domain and the Kowloon domain have ended ahead of time because of them, the trials of other star domains have just begun.

According to the rules of the blood prison trial, the first round of the blood prison trial will continue as long as 1000 gods have not been born in a certain star domain.

In this case, even if the threethousand God killing guards have all reached the level of God Emperor, they can still continue to test in other star domains until the first round of blood prison test is completed, or they will all reach the level of God Emperor nine heaven.

And the threethousand God killing guards do have this ability.

After all, only two hours after the trial, they have all advanced to the divine emperor.

In terms of talent and strength, none of them is inferior to long Xiaobao. Even, most of them are superior to long Xiaobao in talent and strength.

Threethousand killers;

Threethousand murderous slaves.

They are human beings, puppets, and all are killing machines.

They live to kill, they kill to kill.

This is the absolute trump card of killing God to win the blood prison trial.


Thinking in her heart, the little fairy took a deep breath, and then a look of unbearable but decisive determination appeared in her eyes: "brother Yu, I'm sorry, you will fail this time, and all your efforts and schemes can only make a wedding dress for him."

"Please forgive xian'er's selfishness, and please forgive xian'er's last resort."

"After all, you can still live if you lose, but he can only die if he loses."

After that, the little fairy looked directly at the direction of yebufan's retreat. In her opinion, as long as yebufan could participate in the third round of blood prison trial and persist to the end, he would surely win.

Because no one will be the opponent of God killing in the small thousand boundaries of Tianyuan. If yebufan can persist to the end, he must face God killing.

As for how to defeat killing God, the little fairy had a 100% chance of winning.

Yes, 100%.

As long as yebufan kills God, yebufan will surely win.

Of course, the premise is that yebufan can participate in the third round of blood prison trial, and can persist in the final battle with God killing.

If yebufan wants to take part in the third round of blood prison trial, he must reach the level of Hongmeng emperor in terms of body and martial arts cultivation.

The little fairy couldn't help, or she had already done everything she should.

Then, all that remains is how to make him persist in the final battle with God killing.

What is the third trial?

Others don't know, but the little fairy and the God killer know something.

Why should we cultivate threethousand God killing guards?

In order to increase his chances of winning the third round of blood prison trial.

How to increase.

Spell the number of people.

Therefore, for the little fairy at the moment, what she needs to do is to help yebufan, or help the Terran and the seven kill hall, so that more of them can enter the second round of blood prison trials.

If you want to participate in the second round of trial, you must have the cultivation of God Emperor level.

Nowadays, except for himself, the flaming unicorn and the snow wolf demon king, yebufan doesn't have anyone who meets the minimum requirements for the second round.

Although the first round of trial has just begun, although they still have time and opportunity, but... Time waits for no man, and... If you take part in the blood prison trial in a normal way, there are too many variables to control.


At this point, the little fairy took a deep breath and looked up again.


The next second, the little fairy disappeared in place.

When she reappeared, she was already in a deserted and desolate place.

This is no other place, but an ancient forbidden area in the eternal God domain.

Now everyone is participating in the blood prison trial. At this time, no one will appear here, and no one will come to disturb the little fairy.

"Come out."

When she came to the ancient forbidden area, the little fairy directly drank.

She stood in the air and whispered in her clothes, "I know you can hear me, so... Don't hide, come out."

"Holy prison, I am at least the way of heaven in this world. Can you be polite to me?"

The little fairy's words fell, and the voice of the world's will was already ringing in her ears.

"The way of heaven?"

The little fairy sneered, "don't you know what you are?"

After a pause, the little fairy said: "you are just an idea left by tianyuanzi, an idea used to maintain Tianyuan's small thousand realms. You are also called Tiandao. Do you want to be shameless?"


Suddenly, the world is in a hurry.

"You what you?"

The little fairy scolded and said, "although the heavenly way of Hongmeng world can not interfere with the world order too much, at least, he can easily kill those who take the initiative to provoke themselves."

"And you?"

"Can you?"

"Return to heaven?"

"How long have you not washed your face?"


The world is badly willed.


The next second, he gave a cold hum: "sooner or later, I will become his existence, or even surpass him."

"Ha ha."

The little fairy sneered.

Scorn and disdain are full of sarcasm.

Suddenly, the world will be furious: "holy prison, what do you mean? Do you look down on me?"

"Less nonsense."

The little fairy gave a sharp rebuke, then changed the subject and said, "this fairy came to you, not to talk to you. I want to talk to you."

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