"Qin heart, unseal the artifact."

As soon as yebufan's voice fell, a purple border appeared around him, which is the exclusive protection border of the artifact inheritor.

According to Qin Xin, even the divine warrior can't break it.

That's why yebufan dares to solve the seal artifact directly in the wild mountains, looking for a secret place, just because he doesn't want to be found.

After the enchantment appeared, yebufan immediately checked the battle Department soul ring.


A figure was instantly introduced into the eyes of yebufan, who was relieved. Previously, he was worried that the unsealing artifact would consume accumulated merits. In that case, with the artifact, he might not have to reach the general level in his life.

However, now it only consumes the meritorious deeds that can be used, so there is no problem for ye Bufan. Now there are nearly 250000 meritorious deeds, and the one star war will only need 300000. Within a month and a half, 50000 meritorious deeds are not difficult.

At the moment of meritorious service consumption, a colorful light suddenly emerged from the jade of Guqin emperor, and wrapped his body in an instant.

The unsealing of an artifact is the power of inheritance.

The colorful lights continuously poured into ye Bufan's body, integrated into his flesh and bone marrow, and constantly improved ye Bufan's strength.

Just for a moment, it was to increase the power of 20 jin again, making yebufan reach 700, and truly become the peak of the world.

It is the foundation of martial arts.

The whole sailing state is the accumulation of one's own strength, and then the concentration state, Zhoutian and Shenwu all use yuan force to increase one's own strength.

The greater the power accumulated in the world, the greater the growth rate of martial artists of the same level. The stronger the strength is.

Therefore, every martial artist is very concerned about the basic power. After all, the five transformations of the world have a total power of 500 kilograms. Everyone is the same. The only difference is the basic power. The stronger the basic power, the more growth will be in the future.

But yebufan is different. His own basic strength is worth 100, and then the inheritance of artifact is increased by 100. It can be said that even compared with the talents with the same basic strength, yebufan has more strength than them.

The talent with full basic strength can not be compared with yebufan, and others can not be compared with it.

What's more, in this world, apart from yebufan getting full basic strength because of artifact, can other people really reach full basic strength?

This is an unknown number.

But in any case, ye Bufan's power of seven hundred jin is absolutely terrifying. In the future, those of the same level of martial arts, regardless of their martial arts skills and their own strength, will inevitably be unable to compete with ye Bufan.

The colorful light dissipated in an instant, and the world reached its acme. At this time, it was another strange memory, and unfamiliar formulas poured into ye Bufan's mind:

The avenue is fifty and the heaven is ninety-nine. One of them is outside the heaven and inside the avenue; Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, gives birth to three, and gives birth to all things. Tianyan returns to one, all things form the original, and return to one to break the Tao - Tianyan returns to one.


In an instant, yebufan's body shook.

Advanced, condensing element.

Tianyan Guiyi formula operates autonomously.

'Hoo Hoo...'

Between heaven and earth, the countless vitality of heaven and earth seemed to have found its place, and began to flow into ye Bufan's body madly and uncontrollably.

Not ingestion, but plunder.

Within the body and in the meridians, a trace of vitality flowed, and instantly turned into their own distance. That feeling made yebufan ecstatic.


Yebufan was standing alone on the top of the mountain, releasing the sealed artifact, upgrading the yuan and enjoying the pleasure of cultivation, but he didn't know that the whole Tianfeng War Department was in a mess at this time, or that the sudden action of the demon clan shocked the whole Tianfeng War Department.

Tianfeng War Department, the fortress of the sky.

In a stone room, a white robed scholar sat cross legged, like an old monk, and a trace of heaven and earth energy continued to flow into his body. There is no doubt that the white robed scholar is also practicing at the moment.

"General, report urgently."

Outside the stone door of the stone chamber, an urgent voice suddenly sounded.


The scholar in white immediately frowned.


His eyes opened fiercely, and two pure lights came out, and a terrible momentum appeared all over him. But it was only a moment. Everything was calm again, and the vitality of heaven and earth that had originally pervaded around the scholars also dissipated in an instant.

Then the scholar waved his big hand.


The stone door of the stone chamber was opened.

A door of soldiers ran in at once. With a bang, they knelt down on one knee in front of the white robed scholar, hugged them with both fists, and said in a hurry: "tell the general, the scouts in front have heard that the demon clan has changed. Ten minutes ago, the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor led 100000 demon clan troops to leave the camp."


Hearing the speech, the white robed scholar frowned slightly: "the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor is restless. His last secret trip was broken. He went out so quickly. What did he want to do to find out?"

"Report back to the general."

The soldier answered and said, "the scouts have news. For the time being, they only know that the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor is going out with 100000 demon families and is heading for the northern part of the battlefield."

"North of the battlefield?"

The white robed scholar frowned slightly and seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, he murmured in a deep voice: "the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor's residence is all the way to the north. Except for Luoxian Town, which is one of our Terrans, there is only the northern mountains."

"Luoxian town is just a border town of our people, and it is very secret. The garrison is only tenthousand. The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon's royal family commander's 100000 demon clan army can't go to Luoxian Town, so his destination should be the northern mountains."

"In the northern mountain area, except for some magical pools of the demon clan, there is no human settlement, and there are no wild animals. What will he do there?"

The whereabouts of the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor made the white robed scholar extremely confused. However, he did not slacken off because of this. He just looked at the soldiers and said sternly: "let the scouts continue to monitor the every move of the demon family army. If there is any news, he will report it at the first time."

"In addition..."


What else did the white robed scholar want to say? A voice suddenly sounded outside the stone room. Then one of the soldiers ran in and fell down on one knee in front of the white robed scholar with a bang. He reported with both fists and said urgently:

"General, there is a message from the scouts in front that the Youming xuanhu demon's royal family has left the camp and marched all the way north. The purpose is not clear. The scouts are following and monitoring."


The white robed scholar frowned at the words.

Not only the white robed scholar, but also the former soldier could not help glancing at the later soldier beside him.

Is the demon emperor going out again?

Is it another hundred thousand troops marching northward?


Without waiting for the white robed scholar to think more, another voice sounded.


A soldier hurried in from the outside, knelt down on one knee in front of the white robed scholar, hugged his fists, and hurriedly said: "tell the general, the scouts in front have heard that the king of Jinling Dapeng demon is commanding a large army of 100000 demon families. He left the station and hurried all the way north."

As soon as the soldier's voice fell, several more soldiers ran in, all looking nervous.


"Tell the general, the scouts in front came the news that the emperor of the nine heaven tortoise demon commanded the 100000 demon clan army to leave the station and march all the way north. The purpose is not clear."


"Tell the general, the scouts in front came the news that the purple thunder streamed electricity. The leopard demon emperor commanded the 100000 demon clan army to leave the station and march all the way north."




In the stone chamber, one soldier after another reported.

There were ten people in total, all of them without exception. All the messages they conveyed were related to the demon family. All of them were sent by the demon family's Royal relatives to the north of the battlefield.

For a moment, there was a dead silence in the stone chamber, and every soldier's face was a little stunned and dignified.

Their eyes fell on the white robed scholar.

The white robed scholar suddenly got up.

The demon clan changed, the ten demon emperors, and millions of troops rushed to the north of the battlefield - there must be a reason for something abnormal.

Northern mountain, something, something big!!!

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