conduct oneself well!!

The four simple words of the world will constantly echo in the little fairy's ears, making her face sink like water and her eyes spit fire.

The little fairy couldn't tell. The will of the world was clearly threatening herself.

But there is no denying that what the world will say is true.

This time, even if everything in Tianyuan Xiaoqian is extinct, the will of the world will not be annihilated. At best, it is just to let everything here return to the origin.

After tens of millions of years, tens of millions of years and hundreds of millions of years, the world will take shape again.

Similarly, as the treasure of the world, the holy prison and the killing of gods will not die. At most, they will be covered with dust along with the small world of Tianyuan.

However, ye Bufan will die, and all the creatures in Tianyuan Xiaoqian will also die.

This is the greatest weakness of the little fairy.

She can ignore hundreds of millions of other creatures, but she can't ignore yebufan.

To put it bluntly, she doesn't want yebufan to die.

Now the situation is

Although the little fairy is 90% sure that the world will fight for the throne of God, but... What if?

In case you think too much.

If the will of the world does not intend to compete for the throne of God.

Isn't that equal to destroying the Tianyuan xiaoqianjie and burying yebufan?

Although this possibility is very small.

Although this possibility hardly exists.

But now, the little fairy had no other choice.

Because the world's will to retreat directly pushed the little fairy into a desperate situation.

His meaning is very clear, that is... Believe me, yebufan may still live.

If you don't believe me, ye Bufan will die.


No choice.

Even if the hope is slim.

Even if there is only one chance in a billion.

The little fairy could only have a try.

The little fairy's thoughts were flying, but the other foreign emperors were in a hurry.

They did not expect that the little fairy in the holy prison would not hesitate to bury the whole Tianyuan xiaoqianjie in order to let yebufan win the throne of God.

How can they bear it.

This makes them not angry.

"Holy prison, you are too selfish. How can you decide our destiny?"

"Yes, you are so selfish. You should have killed the whole Tianyuan xiaoqianjie for the sake of a human race. This is hundreds of millions of creatures. How can you bear it?"

"Let us go."

"Holy prison, it's time to turn around and stop."

"Hurry up, it's too late. Do you really want to see the Tianyuan xiaoqianjie destroyed in your hands? I think if yebufan's Terran is here, he certainly doesn't want you to do so."


One voice after another.

There are abuse, persuasion, crying and pleading.

If they had not been suppressed by the holy prison, I'm afraid these alien emperors would have risen up and attacked them.

"Shut up!!"

A moment later, the little fairy shouted angrily. Then she ignored these alien emperors and looked at the sky above her head, The cold voice warned: "listen to me. I don't care what you think. As long as you dare to fight, as long as Xiaoye dies, then... Even if this time the crisis in Hongmeng world is resolved, this fairy will destroy the xiaoqianjie of Tianyuan and let all the creatures here bury Xiaoye. You know, I have this ability."


As soon as the little fairy said this, the minds of all the foreign emperors present could not help trembling.


The little fairy didn't say any more. With a cold hum, she took back the holy prison directly. Then she said, "let's go", and directly stepped on the blue light curtain in front of her.


With a flash of blue light, the little fairy disappeared into the sight of everyone.

At this moment, I have no choice but to resist the invasion of Hongmeng world first. As for other things... It's not too late after this war.

After the little fairy left, the Terran members and other emperors belonging to yebufan camp also stepped on the light blue curtain in front of them.


Seeing this scene, all other ethnic groups could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They were really afraid that little fairy would detain them here and not let them fight.

Fortunately, the little fairy has not completely lost her mind.

After calming their minds for a while, the emperors of all ethnic groups no longer hesitated. They stepped on the blue curtain of light in front of them and rushed to the divine realm to meet the Hongmeng world.


When all the emperors left, the embodiment of the will of the world reappeared.


He sneered, then looked contemptuous and joked: "holy prison, holy prison, why do you still want to take this seat? And destroy the Tianyuan small world?"

"It's really naive and ridiculous."

"Do you think you will have a chance to fight after you become the God of the world?"

"You didn't."

"Once you become the Lord of God, you and the God killer will be back to the prototype immediately."

"At that time, you will be just two Taoist soldiers driven by me."


In a burst of laughter, the embodiment of the world's will disappeared again.


A place of trial.

Virtual war world.

"Bang bang!!"

"Bang bang!!"

At the moment, yebufan and murderer are still fighting and colliding.

The two are still not divided. No one can do anything.

But at this time, the voice of the world will suddenly sounded in the virtual war world:

"The trace of heaven is broken, and the invasion of Hongmeng world is coming. Please get ready."


The sudden "world announcement" gave yebufan a shock.


Later, the two of them hit each other, and their bodies retreated rapidly.

Two hundred meters away, yebufan and murderer looked at each other.

The mark of heaven is broken?

Is the invasion of Hongmeng world coming soon?

All of a sudden, yebufan and his colleagues were overwhelmed.

But it was just too late to take precautions.

"Come again."

Three seconds later, he gave a fierce cry of killing God, and then he wanted to fight.

Yebufan said with a heavy face, "do you think we need to continue to fight?"


The murderer frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

"The trace of heaven has been broken. The invasion of Hongmeng world is about to begin. I have no time to fight with you here, so... Kill God and admit defeat."

Yebufan faced the murderer with a firm look, but some embarrassment.

"Admit defeat?"

Killing God chuckled: "in this world, there has never been the word" admit defeat ", either fight or you quit. In addition, there is no third possibility."


"Cut the crap and come again."

The words fell, killing God directly rushed out.

Yebufan was unmoved.

Breathing, killing God has come to yebufan.

Kill God with one hand.

Yebufan said suddenly, "if you don't admit defeat, you should kill yourself immediately."


Kill God in a daze, the attack is also a lag.

Then he looked at yebufan with a muddled face and said, "what do you mean?"

"I said, if you don't admit defeat, Ben Shao will quit the xumizhan world now and then commit suicide."

Yebufan looked embarrassed.


Hearing the words, the murderer pulled out his mouth and said, "are you... Not sick?"

Yebufan was embarrassed, but he continued: "I am not ill, and you must not doubt my determination, because if I cannot become God, I will die. Therefore, suicide is nothing to me."

"But you are different."

"I am the chosen one, and you are the treasure of the world. After my death, the Hongmeng emperor Sutra will be covered with dust again, and you, as the treasure of the world, will fall asleep again."

"If you change to the past, it's nothing. If you wait for thousands of years, you will wake up again and continue to compete for the throne of God."

"But things are different now."

"The blood prison trial has begun."

"The invasion of Hongmeng world is coming."

"In this case, once you fall into deep sleep again, you will not only lose the opportunity to become the God of Tianyuan, but also... You may be forcibly recognized by the people of Hongmeng world."

"At that time, you will lose your freedom again and become a Taoist soldier driven by others."

"So admit defeat."

"Benshao can assure you that although you will lose the chance to become God, at least benshao will not deprive you of your freedom."

"Horizontal groove!!"

At this moment, even though a cruel and arrogant killing God could not help but stare at him and scold him, saying: "who gave you the idea? Is it the dead girl of xian'er?"


Yebufan took a swipe at the corner of his mouth and said, "it doesn't matter who came up with the idea. What matters is how you choose to die with Ben Shao, or just choose to quit?"

It has to be said that the little fairy's killer mace is really shameless and despicable.

But it is undeniable that this killer mace is simple, crude, absolutely effective and directly fatal.

"You are so special..."

Killing God scolded, then stared at yebufan, gnashed his teeth, and said angrily: "do you have any other choice?"

"It seems not."

"Then why don't you ask me a fart?"

Killing God scolded: "since you have already won, why do you have to fight with me?"

Yebufan smiled bitterly: "to tell you the truth, this idea is really a bit despicable and shameless. Therefore, as a last resort, Ben Shao doesn't want to use this move, but now you can see that the trace of heaven has been broken, and the time left for Tianyuan xiaoqianjie is running out."


The murderer took a deep breath and said, "I'll ask you a question."


"How did you get xian'er's dead girl?"


Yebufan was stunned.

"What? Can't you say?"

God killer frowned.

"There is nothing to say or not to say."

Yebufan said a word, and then said calmly: "Ben Shao accidentally entered the holy prison, and then accidentally swam in her Taichu soul liquid, and then... You know."


The corner of the murderer's mouth twitched, and his face went crazy: "what evil did I do

If it weren't for the accident in ye Bufan's mouth, would the little fairy stand on ye Bufan's side?

Without the help of the little fairy, can ye Bufan fight for himself?

It's impossible.


Cause and effect circulates, and nature makes people.


Killing God clapped his palm directly on his forehead, and then disappeared into the virtual war world.

He failed.

But not to yebufan, nor to the little fairy, but to the damned accident, the damned carelessness.

It's so annoying

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