Supreme immortal sect!

Fivethousand emperors, twohundredthousand gods, led by wangzixuan, are in taiyijing.

This is the information obtained after killing God forcibly read the man's memory.

Although simple, it made the emperors of Tianyuan small thousand realms look heavy and even depressed.

After all, compared with Tianyuan xiaoqianjie, the invaders of Hongmeng big world are too strong.

Not to mention the fivethousand emperors and the twohundredthousand gods, just say that the one who leads the team is too strong.

The Taiyi realm of Hongmeng world is equivalent to the supreme realm of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie.

Emperor Zun, Taiyi.

A big gap.

The strength of taiyijing must be beyond imagination, even invincible.

Normally, the strong in taiyijing cannot enter the small thousand realm of Tianyuan.

The same is true.

The reason why Wang Zixuan was able to enter the Tianyuan Xiaoqian world was that before he entered the Tianyuan Xiaoqian world, he was not really in the Taiyi realm, but he was in a state where he could break through and advance at any time.

To put it bluntly, in order to enter the Tianyuan Xiaoqian world, Wang Zixuan deliberately suppressed his accomplishments and refused to make a breakthrough. Once he entered the Tianyuan Xiaoqian world, he would immediately advance to Taiyi.

Is there a strong one in Tianyuan xiaoqianjie?


Even the most powerful killing God is just the emperor's nine heaven.

Now, however, an intruder from Taiyi territory has entered the Tianyuan xiaoqianjie, which makes people not nervous, but also makes them not afraid.


Thinking in his heart, most of the emperors were at a loss to look at the God killer.

"A bunch of trash."

"What you have to consider now is how to weaken the strength of the other party to the greatest extent before the other party has assembled. If not... Once the other party has assembled, 3000 to 5000, you will be defeated."

"As for Wang Zixuan, that's not what you should consider."

"Remember, this seat... Can fight too much."


After that, the God killer flew out and continued to search for other invaders.

The emperors of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie were stunned, and then they all looked at each other.

This seat can fight Taiyi?

Can it be said that killing God is not the emperor, but the strongman of taiyijing?


In an instant, everyone was shocked and even more delighted.

Since killing gods is also a king, they have nothing to fear.

The urgent task is to weaken the strength of Hongmeng world as soon as possible.

Thinking in their hearts, the emperors no longer hesitated and followed the killing of gods.

The idea of killing gods is very simple. That is, before the invaders of Hongmeng world gather together, break them one by one, and try to close the gap between Tianyuan xiaoqianjie and Hongmeng world.

Tianyuan xiaoqianjie is in action, but Hongmeng world is not idle.

Divine realm.

Protoss land.

After more than four hours of gunfire, the protoss land had already turned into ruins.

At this moment, a man stands in the air above the protoss land.

The man was no other than the first one who entered the small Qianjie of Tianyuan.

His name is wangzixuan. He is an inner disciple of the supreme immortal sect. He is also the only taiyijing who invaded the xiaoqianjie of Tianyuan this time.

"Is it finally over?"

Looking at the sky where there was no more artillery fire, Wang Zixuan's face was iron and ferocious.

He didn't expect that before his own side took the initiative, these aborigines in the small thousand circles of Tianyuan had already taken the lead in the challenge.

Of course, that's not the point.

The key point is that this behavior of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie is obviously prepared.

In other words, they have known this situation for a long time.

But how did they know?

This is a ownerless world, and normally, this should not happen.

But now

Although he was puzzled, Wang Zixuan didn't think about it any more. Instead, through the token of the disciples of the supreme immortal sect, he began to summon the disciples of the immortal sect scattered in other places.

After receiving Wang Zixuan's call, the disciples of Xianzong who were scattered all over the divine domain no longer hesitated and rushed to Wang Zixuan's place.

Time passed by minute by second.

The invaders of Hongmeng world are gathering rapidly.

The emperors of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie, under the leadership of killing gods, frantically encircled and suppressed the invaders of Hongmeng big world.

Half an hour later.

The number of emperors killed by Tianyuan xiaoqianjie reached 273.

An hour later.

The number of emperors killed in the small thousand circles of Tianyuan reached 354.

Two hours later.

The death toll of the emperor in Hongmeng world has reached 566.

Tianyuan xiaoqianjie has made remarkable achievements.

But at the same time, Hongmeng world has also completed the assembly.

In other words, two hours later, there are no single invaders in the eternal realm. If Tianyuan xiaoqianjie still wants to break down the invaders of Hongmeng world one by one as before, it is obviously impossible. The only thing left is to fight head-on with Hongmeng world.

Divine realm, protoss land.

Looking at the disciples of the same clan gathered in front of him, Wang Zixuan looked iron green and ferocious.

He was an ordinary disciple of the supreme immortal sect.

Yes, it's an outside disciple.

Because in the supreme immortal sect, the disciples of the fannei sect are the worst in taiyijing.

Wangzixuan had not advanced to Taiyi before, so he was just an outside disciple.

Of course, he was already on the verge of breakthrough, so it was not difficult for Wang Zixuan to advance to Taiyi and become the inner disciple of the supreme immortal sect.

However, even if he became an inner disciple, he was only the most common of all the inner disciples of the supreme immortal sect, or even the bottom one.

However, there is no way to do this. After all, Wang Zixuan's talent is mediocre.

For him, it is already a limit to break through Taiyi and become an inner disciple. If he wants to go further, it is obviously impossible.

Therefore, Wang Zixuan is even ready to eat and die after becoming an inner disciple.

But who ever thought that just a few days ago, the leader of the supreme immortal sect took the initiative to summon him.

Yes, he is the leader of the supreme immortal sect.

In the supreme immortal sect, there are sect servants, factotum, external sect disciples, internal sect disciples, personal disciples, chief disciple, deacon, head, deputy patriarch, patriarch, elder, and the Supreme Master.

An inner sect disciple, even one who has not been promoted, is suddenly summoned by the sect leader?

This is a precedent never seen in the supreme immortal sect.

Even for Wang Zixuan, this is something he can't even dream of.

But such a thing happened to him.

When Wang Zixuan saw the leader of the supreme immortal sect, he found that he was summoned not only by the leader, but also by all the elders of the supreme immortal sect.

At that time, Wang Zixuan was immediately stunned, even frightened.

Later, Wang Zixuan learned that the patriarch and the elders summoned him because the supreme immortal sect had found a small world attached to the Hongmeng world.

What is the little thousand world?

Although Wang Zixuan is only an ordinary disciple at the bottom of the supreme immortal sect, it does not mean that he knows nothing.

He knew very well that the small world represented great opportunities and endless wealth.

At the same time, Wang Zixuan also learned from a group of elders that there is a cultivation limit for entering this little world, and this limit is just below Taiyi.

In other words, as long as the cultivation reaches taiyijing, you cannot enter this world.

The sect leader and the elders came to him because he is the only external disciple in the supreme immortal sect who is about to break through and can advance to Taiyi at any time.

Therefore, the patriarch and the elders unanimously decided that this time he would lead the disciples of the supreme immortal sect into the small thousand world of Tianyuan. At the same time, they also promised that wangzixuan would directly promote Wang Zixuan to be the personal disciple of the supreme immortal sect or the deacon of the sect as long as he returned from the small thousand world.

Directly promoted from an external disciple to a biographer or deacon.

For Wang Zixuan, it was a big happy event.

But now

Before the two sides had officially fought, their own side had already lost more than 700 emperors (some of them were killed by the star cannon) and more than 100000 divine emperors.

Even the remaining emperors and divine emperors were more or less injured.

How could Wang Zixuan endure such a situation and such a loss and how could he accept it.

After all, once the trip to xiaoqianjie is defeated, it is a question whether the sect leader and the elder can let him live, not to mention the position of deacon.

Therefore, Wang Zixuan was angry and furious.

Wang Zixuan is like this, so are the other disciples of the supreme immortal sect.

For them, the creatures of the small thousand world in Tianyuan were a group of mole ants and aborigines who were slaughtered by them.

But now, this group of mole ants, this group of aborigines, dare to attack and sneak attack them, and even let them pay a heavy price and casualties.

I can't stand it.

I can't bear it.


Suddenly, Wang Zixuan's eyebrows coagulated, and then he turned around and looked back.


In the line of sight, a shadow came rushing in.

Just for a moment, the figure had already appeared ten meters away from Wang Zixuan.

The person who came here was no other than killing God.

"Is that you?"

Seeing the moment of killing God, Wang Zixuan gave a cold rebuke.

Although he did not know the God killer, he clearly remembered that God killer was the only one among the aborigines in the xiaoqianjie of the Tian Yuan Dynasty who made him feel threatened.

"Wang Zixuan?"

Looking at Wang Zixuan, he said something lightly.


Wang Zixuan frowned, "do you know me?"


Killing God didn't answer, and he didn't pay any attention. He just flashed.

Galloping thunder!


Kill God!!

In front of more than 4000 emperors of the supreme immortal sect, he killed God with a knife.

Horrible Dao meaning.

It's cold and sharp.

Between the lightning and flint, the murderer fell and directly cut off the emperor camp of the supreme immortal sect.

"Poop poop!!"

In an instant, more than ten emperors of the supreme immortal sect were cut in half by a sabre of killing God, and were killed directly.


A sudden change.

All the disciples of the supreme immortal sect could not help taking a breath.

Wang Zixuan was even more furious.

However, killing God didn't pay any attention at all. After one stab, he cut it off again.

"You want to die!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Zixuan's eyes were red and he was furious.


With a flash of his body, he came directly to the God killing Tiandao.



A tiger's howl sounded, and a white tiger's shadow appeared around Wang Zixuan.

Then, he struck a palm directly and faced the God killing sabre.


Wang Zixuan's strike collided with the God killing Tiandao. The thundering sound sounded, and the terrible energy impact suddenly erupted around two people.


Under the impact of terrible energy, all the emperors of the surrounding supreme immortal sect were shocked away.

"Poop poop!!"

Among them, hundreds of emperors were badly injured by a mouthful of blood.

Even more prosperous, several emperors and hundreds of recent divine emperors were killed directly.

It can be said that the damage caused by killing God and Wang Zixuan to the supreme immortal sect after the blast is much greater than the damage caused by the direct attack of killing God.

Because this is the battle of Taiyi, the battle of kings, and the emperor is not even qualified to intervene.


Wang Zixuan's face changed greatly when he realized the loss caused to the supreme immortal sect by his own and killing God attack.

God killing was ignored.


He flashed, retreated, and then killed the emperor Zunwu of the supreme immortal sect again.


The emperor is a mole ant.

Since the mole ant, then... The wolf into the sheep, kill!!!

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