God is God.

As the founder of a world, Tian Yuanzi's foresight is simply terrible.

Reflect on the will of the world.

Million years of planning, all the tricks of his life, but in the end he failed, and even became a chess move in the hands of Tian Yuanzi, making wedding clothes for others.

It has to be said that the whole will of the world is a tragedy, a tragedy that makes people sympathize and pity.

But so what.

If you harm others, you will harm yourself.

The world's will has come to this point. It is all his fault, and no one else can blame him.

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think about it, the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" in the middle of the sea suddenly became a golden light, and then the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" turned into a little golden light and spread to the whole sea with a visible speed.

Although this scene is sudden and strange, after all the previous changes, yebufan's heart has become more calm and calm.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he knew very well that it was definitely tianyuanzi's arrangement, and tianyuanzi would never harm him, the chosen one.

Just that, that's enough.

After three breaths, the golden light of "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" has spread to the whole sea world.

However, these golden lights did not stop spreading. After spreading to the whole sea, they broke away from the sea and began to spread to the whole body of yebufan.

One second, two seconds, three seconds

More than ten minutes later, the golden light of "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" has spread all over yebufan.

At this time, the golden light began to integrate with yebufan's body, or these golden lights actively integrated into yebufan's flesh, muscles, and even bone marrow.

After more than an hour, Jinguang and yebufan were perfectly integrated.

Tianyuan Yushen formula disappears.

Then, a strange message poured into yebufan's mind.

After digesting the information, yebufan finally knew the answer he wanted.

That scene just now was the first and only active cultivation of "Tianyuan Yushen Jue", and the first active cultivation of "Tianyuan Yushen Jue" was to be perfectly engraved in yebufan's body.

To put it bluntly, yebufan has been integrated with the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue", and his body has also been engraved with the unique mark of "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue".

From now on, ye Bufan will not be able to practice other martial arts except "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue".

Yes, "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" is so overbearing and autocratic.

In addition, there is a message that makes yebufan extremely distressed.

"Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" originated from "Hongmeng emperor Sutra".

In other words, it is the supreme skill method derived from the "Hongmeng emperor Sutra".

In this way, there is no doubt that the "Tian Yuan Yu Tian Jue" is powerful.

However, the cultivation of "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" can only rely on Qi.

What is Qi Yun?

Qi Yun is the number of Qi, the destiny, and an illusory existence.

So far, yebufan only knows that if he wants to enter the Hongmeng world, he must integrate a share of the fortune of the Hongmeng world. In addition, yebufan knows nothing about the fortune.

In this way, how to use Qi to cultivate "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue"?

It has to be said that this is a headache.

Also at this time, a golden energy the size of a hair suddenly appeared in his sea of knowledge.

Then, another message came, which made yebufan instantly realize that the golden energy in front of him was Qi Yun, and it was also the only Qi Yun from Hongmeng big world that tianyuanzi stayed in Tianyuan small world.

After refining this Qi, ye Bufan will not be excluded by the world once he enters the Hongmeng world.

After this wisp of Qi appeared, the Qi and blood in yebufan's body surged, and the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" operated by itself.

Engulf air transport, impact too much.

Just in an instant, this Qi has been completely swallowed and refined by yebufan.

Not only that, driven by the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue", the right index finger of yebufan's spirit has been perfectly integrated with the right index finger of the flesh.

Taiyijing is a place where the body and the soul are integrated.

At this moment, with the help of "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue", yebufan successfully entered the realm of Wu Dao Tai.


At this time, yebufan's body shook and he immediately recovered his control over his body.

The trial is over.

The inheritance ends.

A powerful force swept the whole body from the index finger of yebufan's right hand.

Yebufan feels that he is at least ten times stronger than before.

If he kills God again, yebufan is confident that he can defeat him with one blow.

This is just an index finger that fuses the body and the soul. What if it fuses a palm, an arm, or even completes the whole fusion?

The most important thing is that Taiyi is already so powerful. What should be the situation of Tiangang, Yuanfu and even Wuji after Taiyi?

I can't imagine.

At this moment, although he has not yet entered the Hongmeng world, ye Bufan is full of expectation and yearning for the Hongmeng world.

Of course, that is later.

At this moment, although yebufan has refined the luck of the great world and successfully advanced to the martial arts realm, it is not over yet.

After yebufan regained control of himself, a purple streamer suddenly swept over the main hall of God above him, but it was already condensed into a fist sized purple light mass in front of yebufan.

Yebufan knows that this is the world origin of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie, which can also be called "the heart of the world".

Different from the world heart of other life planets, the purple light mass in front of us is the real world heart.

Refining it is equivalent to refining the whole Tianyuan small thousand realms.

However, the opportunity of Tianda is in front of us, but yebufan is not half excited.

For nothing else, just because the invaders of Hongmeng world have already arrived.

How is the war going now?

To what extent have the casualties of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie reached?

What kind of situation are your relatives, friends, and lovers in?

Yebufan didn't know about all this.

However, with yebufan's current strength, as long as he is involved, Tianyuan xiaoqianjie is bound to crush Hongmeng world and win directly.

Therefore, yebufan really doesn't want to "waste" time here to refine the heart of the world.

In other words, if possible, yebufan hopes to wait until the end of the war between the two realms and then return here to continue refining the heart of the world and control the small thousand realms of Tianyuan.

Unfortunately, things backfired.

The current situation is that if ye Bufan does not have the heart to refine the world, he will not be able to leave the place of trial, nor can he go to the divine realm to participate in the war between the two worlds.

This is a dead end.

However, yebufan can only calm down and begin to refine the heart of the world of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie according to tianyuanzi's arrangement. At the same time, yebufan can only pray silently in his heart that everyone can't do anything.

Unfortunately, the reality is always so cruel, so unsatisfactory.

Outside the temple of God.

Tianyuan xiaoqianjie.

Originally, the small Qianjie of Tianyuan took the lead. Under several attacks, the strength of Hongmeng world has been weakened to the same level as that of the small Qianjie of Tianyuan. Therefore, the two sides have fought an even battle.

However, after the eternal enchantment was broken, all this was reversed, and the original situation of equal strength was broken in an instant.

The reason for this is that after the eternal enchantment was broken, the remaining invaders in Hongmeng world directly rushed out of the eternal realm.

Although the God Emperor and the God Zun of the small thousand realm of Tianyuan frantically intercepted in the way of self explosion, they... Can only hold a certain area of the eternal God realm, but can not hold all the boundaries of the entire eternal God realm.

In this case, the vast majority of invaders in Hongmeng world finally rushed out of the eternal realm.

After rushing out of the eternal realm, they began to slaughter the creatures of the small thousand world of Tianyuan crazily.

The emperor of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie deliberately intercepted them. However, under the situation that the two sides are close to each other, the invaders of Hongmeng world are bent on killing the emperor of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie, the God King, and even the creatures who have not reached the God King. How can they stop them.

As a result, a bloodbath swept the whole 72 Outlands.

The emperors of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie tried their best to intercept.

The invaders of Hongmeng world are the lunatic Tu Xing exterminators.

as time goes on.

As the killing intensified.

The accomplishments of those invaders in Hongmeng world are also improving crazily.

Today, more than half of the 5000 emperors in Hongmeng world have been killed or injured.

Especially the 200000 gods.

Under the crazy fighting of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie, the 200000 God emperors have already disappeared.

However, the overall strength of Hongmeng world is increasing instead of decreasing.

After a brutal massacre, the number of their emperors has exceeded the initial 5000, reaching 8673.

On the other hand, Tianyuan xiaoqianjie.

There were only more than 3000 emperors in the small thousand realm of Tianyuan. After a bloody battle, the number of emperors left was already less than twothousand.

Less than twothousand emperors are compared with more than 8600 emperors in the great world of Shanghong and Mongolia.

More than four times the number gap.

How can I do this?

How can this win?

However, this is only second.

For Tianyuan xiaoqianjie, the deadliest thing is... After a bloody massacre, Hongmeng big world unexpectedly gave birth to two taiyijing strongmen.

Plus the previous Wang Zixuan, it means that Hongmeng world has three Taiyi strong players at once.

Fortunately, the two new Taiyi strongmen did not attack the emperor of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie.

If not, Tianyuan xiaoqianjie would have been wiped out.

However, this does not mean that they suddenly have good intentions and intend to put down their butcher's knife.

The reason why they didn't attack the emperor of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie is that they have joined the Taiyi battlefield and are besieging and killing gods with Wang Zixuan.

Catch the king before the thief.

As long as the killing of gods is solved, the whole Tianyuan xiaoqianjie will be in their pockets

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