Chen Jia.

Yebufan didn't know what happened to the water family.

At the moment, yebufan is lying on the bed, thinking about how to get the Qi quickly.

After all, although the decoction provided by Chen Beiwang can provide Qi for ye Bufan, it is too few.

A bowl of soup medicine is only 0.00013 good luck.

So, when will yebufan be able to gather enough strength to recover from his injury?

One month, two months?

Or one year, two years?

Ye Bufan can't afford to wait for so long.

Therefore, it is certainly not enough to rely on the decoction provided by Chen Beiwang alone. Yebufan has to think of other ways.

Besides, around yebufan, Qiushuang is cleaning up the blood stains on his bedding, while Dongxue is wiping the blood stains on yebufan's face.


Suddenly, Dongxue slapped yebufan's left cheek directly.

Although this palm didn't exert any force, the crisp voice startled Qiu Shuang. Even Dongxue herself was dumbfounded.

"Winter snow, are you crazy?"

The next second, the autumn frost pulled the winter snow for a while, and it was an uncontrollable exclamation.


The winter snow suddenly revived.


She directly knelt down on the ground, looked at yebufan on the bed and said nervously and flustered: "young master, yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Just now, there was a mosquito, so, so I......"

Winter snow whispered more and more, and finally there was no sound.

But her body was shaking and trembling uncontrollably.


At this time, Qiu Shuang knelt down on the ground and begged for Dongxue: "young master, please forgive Dongxue. She really didn't mean it."

While talking, Qiushuang couldn't help looking at yebufan.

At this time, there was indeed a mosquito with blood on yebufan's left cheek.

In other words, Dongxue didn't lie. She really didn't mean it.

"What are you doing?"

But at this time, yebufan glanced at the two women, then smiled and said, "get up. To tell the truth, I should also thank Dongxue."


Dongxue looks confused.

Autumn frost is also puzzled.

Yebufan smiled and said, "Ben Shao is now a useless man. Even a small mosquito came to bully him, but Dongxue killed him for Ben Shao. In this case, shouldn't Ben Shao thank Dongxue?"


Two female language plugs.

"Get up."

Yebufan said with a smile.


The two women answered, then stood up and looked at ye Bufan and said, "thank you, young master."

"As I said, it should be Ben who thanked you."

Yebufan said, "well, Ben Shao wants to rest for a while. You should step back and call you when he has something to do."


The two women hesitated for a while, and then said at the same time, "yes, young master."

Then the two women left yebufan's room and closed the door.

Outside the room.

"Sister Qiushuang, isn't young master ye angry?"

Looking at the autumn frost, Dongxue asked with a flustered look.

"Yes, I don't think so."

Autumn frost is a little uncertain.

"But, if Mr. Ye is not angry, why should he send us out?"

Winter snow is puzzled.

In the room.

Listening to the dialogue between Qiushuang and Dongxue, yebufan smiled.

Is he angry?


Yebufan really thanks Dongxue.

But yebufan doesn't thank Dongxue for killing a mosquito, but for opening her mind and finding a way to get good luck.

Because, at the moment when the winter snow killed the mosquito, the "Hongmeng Tianyin" in yebufan's body actually absorbed 0.001 of Qi.

Now, the number on yebufan's "Hongmeng Tianyin" has become 0.00113.

There is no doubt that the 0.001 fortune must come from the mosquito.

The soup made from a bowl of three grade magic medicine only brought 0.00013 of Qi to yebufan.

Now a mosquito directly provides 0.001 of air transportation for ye Bufan.

Is it not as good as a common mosquito?

Of course not.

The reason why this happens is that the magic medicine boiled into the soup has died, and most of the luck has dissipated because of its death.

But that mosquito is different.

That mosquito is alive, and its Qi is complete.

In this way, mosquitoes will naturally have more Qi than the soup made of the three miraculous drugs.

Yebufan had been thinking about how to get his Qi quickly before, but he had ignored the insignificant existence for him.

To put it bluntly, mosquitoes are also meat when they are young, and they also have good luck.

But the winter snow, like a quick awakening, directly woke ye Bufan up.

In yebufan's current state, it would certainly be impossible for him to kill people. He is also unable to do so, but ordinary snakes, insects, mice and ants such as mosquitoes are different.

At least yebufan is also a martial artist, even a strong one.

Although his body was seriously injured, his spirit was not affected.

Divine spirit releases divine consciousness.

The divine consciousness takes the conversion of emptiness into reality as the divine idea.

It is difficult to kill an ordinary mosquito with ye Bufan's mind of being in the same place?

Not hard.

It can even be said to be a piece of cake.

At this point, yebufan no longer hesitated and directly released his divine consciousness.

In an instant, with yebufan as the center, everything within a radius of 30 meters, even a grain of dust, all appeared in his perception.

It has to be said that Hongmeng world's suppression of martial artists is too strong.

If it is in the small thousand world of Tianyuan, it is no problem to cover a planet with ye Bufan's divine sense of Taiyi, but here, in Hongmeng world, ye Bufan's divine sense can only cover an area of 30 meters.

Compared with the two, one is heaven and the other is earth.

But it doesn't matter.

A radius of 30 meters is enough for ye Bufan.

At least this is a good start.

Feel the excitement and excitement on yebufan's face from the mosquitoes and a fly in his divine sense.

What kind of mosquitoes and flies is this? It's clearly good luck and good luck.

In that case, what are you waiting for.


Yebufan's divine sense directly locks one of the mosquitoes in the room.

And then

God's consciousness turns into reality and kills them with God's mind.


The moment yebufan killed the first mosquito, the "Hongmeng Tianyin" in his body immediately climbed from 0.00113 to 0.00213.

Although there is only 0.001 improvement, yebufan has already blossomed happily.

This is a good start.

many a little make a mickle.

Yebufan believes that he will soon get enough Qi to recover from the injury.


Mosquito, kill!

Mosquito, kill!

Fly, kill!

Mosquito, kill!


In less than a minute, the mosquitoes and flies within 30 meters around ye Bufan had been completely killed by him, and the "Hongmeng Tianyin" in ye Bufan's body had absorbed 0.01113.

At this time, a mouse happened to pass by the area covered by Ye Bufan's divine sense.

"Ha ha, mouse."

Immediately, yebufan was overjoyed.

His divine sense instantly locked the mouse that happened to pass by.

As for his identity as the Lord of the world, yebufan had already forgotten everything.

The Lord of the world takes pleasure in killing mosquitoes and flies.

It has to be said that yebufan has been "hungry" to shameless

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