With a decision in mind, yebufan no longer hesitated. He abandoned his thoughts, adjusted his state, and then directly ran the Tianyuan Yushen formula.

From low to high, the Kung Fu and martial arts of Hongmeng world are fan level, Huang level, Xuan level, earth level, heaven level, God level, and the highest holy level.

Each level is divided into four grades: lower, middle, upper and extreme.

The Chen family's' Ben Lei Fist 'is a middle-class skill of the Yellow level.

Of course, even if it is only yellow grade, it is already a top-notch presence in Qingshan town.

The "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" that ye Bufan is now practicing is the holy level best skill.

That's right. It's the holy grade.

Hongmeng is the most advanced skill in the world.

From this point alone, it is not difficult to see that Tian Yuanzi must have been the dominant figure who stood on the top of the great world and looked down on all living beings.

Yebufan really can't understand why such a strong man would fall.

But this is not the time to think about it.

Moreover, it has been 600 years since tianyuanzi fell. It is meaningless to think about it again.

With the operation of "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue", the "Hongmeng Tian Yin" instantly resonated in ye Bufan's body, and then the air movement in "Hongmeng Tian Yin" turned into a golden warm current, which flowed all over ye Bufan's body with the operation path of "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue".

Where the golden warm current is, the damaged internal organs, flesh and blood, muscles and veins in yebufan's body begin to heal quickly with a visible speed.

Wen can heal wounds.

Martial arts cultivation.

It has to be said that the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" is really powerful, even a little against the sky.

For other skills, even the saint level skills of the same level, yebufan believes that there are absolutely not many, or even none, who can achieve both cultivation and healing like the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue".

Therefore, yebufan doubted whether the "Tianyuan Yushen formula" was really only the saint level product, or whether it had already surpassed the saint level product.

Of course, "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" is powerful, but it's also very fucking.

Just because the cultivation of "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" needs to rely on the Qi in "Hongmeng Tian Yin".

With Qi, it is the real holy level best skill.

But if there is no Qi, it is not even as good as any inferior skill.

After all, all inferior martial arts can at least be cultivated, but the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" without the support of Qi can't even move, which is no different from furnishings.

This is not the most pitiful thing. The most pitiful thing is that yebufan can only practice "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue".

In addition, even if yebufan obtained the holy level skill like "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" in the future, he could only see it and could not practice it.

Pit or not?

Domineering or not?

This is clearly forcing yebufan to kill.

But yebufan obviously didn't care too much about this. He just killed animals. What's the big deal.

You know, he doesn't belong to Hongmeng world, but comes from Tianyuan xiaoqianjie.

For Hongmeng world, he is an outsider and invader.

At the beginning, the invaders of Hongmeng world directly killed and exterminated the family and did whatever they wanted after entering the xiaoqianjie of Tianyuan. Now, after entering Hongmeng world, can't he treat them in their own way?


Half an hour later, "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" ran in yebufan's body for a week, which was equivalent to completing a practice.

At this time, the energy in the "Hongmeng Tianyin" had already consumed 150 points, and ye Bufan's injury had almost recovered by 1/60.

That is to say, every 150 points of Qi can recover 1/60 of yebufan's injury.

If yebufan wants to recover completely, he must consume 9000 points of Qi.

Today, 55 Taicang dragons and snakes can provide him with about 500 points of luck in one night.

A day is almost a thousand.

Nine thousand points of Qi means nine days.

Nine days later, yebufan can recover completely.

Of course, this is only a rough idea.

In fact, it is not comprehensive.

After all, the effect of "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" depends on yebufan himself.

It can be said that yebufan's current physical state has affected the play of "Tianyuan Yushen Jue".

With the gradual recovery of yebufan's injury, "Tianyuan Yushen formula" will run faster and faster, and the energy consumed each time will gradually increase.

Therefore, as time goes on, ye Bufan's healing speed will be faster and faster.

In addition, yebufan's own accomplishments also had a great impact on the Tianyuan Yushen formula.

With the improvement of Ye Bufan's accomplishments, the "Tianyuan Yushen formula" will run faster and faster, and the energy consumed by each practice will gradually increase.

Of course, this is the last word.

At present, the most important thing for ye Bufan is healing.


Two hours later, yebufan stopped healing.

At this time, yebufan has operated the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" for four weeks, consuming 600 points of Qi, and has recovered 1 / 15 of his injury.

The reason why ye Bufan stopped is not that ye Bufan didn't want to continue, but that he didn't have enough luck.

Of the 600 points of Qi, less than 100 points were just looted by 55 Taicang dragons and snakes within two hours of Ye Bufan's healing.

If not, only yebufan's previous 509 points of Qi can only support the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" to run for three weeks.

Now, after consuming 600 points of air, there are more than 30 points of air in "Hongmeng tianyinnei", and it is still increasing every minute.

It has to be said that the 55 Taicang dragons and snakes are really hard-working and hardworking.

But yebufan is still not satisfied.

"Too slow, too slow."

Now in this situation, if there is enough Qi support, maybe yebufan's injury can be completely healed in a day.

But I can't help it. My luck is limited.

Fifty five Taicang dragons and snakes can't keep up with ye Bufan's consumption.

What should I do?

Continue to summon.

Although more than 30 points of Qi have enabled yebufan to summon a heaven level helper, yebufan has not done so.

After all, a helper with a great destiny can not earn more Qi for ye Bufan than the sum of more than 30 Taicang dragons and snakes.

Therefore, yebufan summoned 36 Taicang dragons and snakes again, and ordered them to go directly to the Xingyue forest 120 miles away.

In the following time, yebufan summoned nine Taicang dragons and snakes.

So far, the number of Taicang dragons and snakes has reached 100.

Yebufan did not continue to summon.

A hundred Taicang dragons and snakes can provide him with almost twothousand points of luck a day.

It's not much, but it's almost enough.

Most importantly, the attitude change of Qiushuang and Dongxue made yebufan uneasy. He felt it necessary to recover from the injury as soon as possible.

If not, in his current state, he is too passive.

In the following time, every time the Qi in "Hongmeng Tianyin" accumulated to 150 points, yebufan would run "Tianyuan Yushen formula" to heal himself.

At night, yebufan ran the "Tianyuan Yushen formula" for two weeks.

So far, yebufan has recovered one tenth of his injuries.

After waking up the next day, "Hongmeng Tianyin" accumulated more than 500 points of luck.

Yebufan directly cultivates and heals wounds.

Two hours later, yebufan's injury has recovered by one sixth.

At noon, the speed of "Hongmeng Tianyin" absorbing Qi suddenly increased.

Obviously, the Taicang dragons and snakes summoned by yebufan yesterday have also entered the Xingyue forest, and have begun their crazy poisoning.

A hundred Taicang dragons and snakes did their best.

The number of air transport points increases rapidly.

On this day, yebufan recovered a fifth of his injuries.

On the third day, yebufan recovered about two fifths of his injuries.

Also at this time, the damaged tendons in yebufan's body have all healed.

Although the damaged internal organs and flesh have not been completely recovered, at least yebufan can get out of bed, and his own actions have not had much impact.

The fourth day, at dawn.

Long street, Qingshan town.

A team of more than 20 people rushed to the Chen family mansion.

In the middle of the team, two middle-aged men were carrying a stretcher.

On the stretcher, Chen Beiwang's eyes were closed, his face was pale, and his breath was even fainter.

Obviously, Chen Beiwang was seriously injured and unconscious

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