On the battlefield, life is like grass.

The scuffle among Terrans, barbarians and Demons has lasted for more than 100000 years, and the deaths and injuries of the three sides are countless, even breaking bones and muscles.

Therefore, in recent years, although there have been many small-scale collisions and exchanges among the three ethnic groups, there have been no large-scale battles. It is simply impossible to compare with the time when the three ethnic groups war just broke out. At that time, the battlefield was called the battlefield.

Bloody and cruel.

A sea of corpses can be seen everywhere.

But now, the three parties are recuperating and accumulating strength.

If the son of the purple emperor had not been killed this time, the purple emperor would never have planned such a battle with a total of fivemillion troops on both sides.

This is anger, but also revenge.

However, since the demon clan wants to fight, the Terran has no fear.


Ten demon kings, millions of troops, incarnate bait?

When ziqianhao learned about the plan of the purple emperor and the demon emperor, he made a deployment. Nearly 2.5 million troops under his command stayed still and set up ambushes in all Terran garrisons, waiting for the demon army to attack.

At the same time, he also ordered that each war would release a reward in each battlefield town. The free warriors of the human race would deal with the onemillion yuan of the demon clan. No, it should be 900000 bait. After all, the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor team is not cannon fodder.

A demon clan, ten gold coins.

900000 demon clan is nine million gold coins.

This time, the War Department paid a lot of money, but the effect is also very significant. One monster has ten gold coins. Who can resist the temptation?

Let alone deal with some three-star and four-star monsters.

Who wouldn't?

How many people are there in Luoxian town?

Hundreds of thousands of martial artists.

On the battlefield, how many battlefield towns like Luoxian town are in the territory under the jurisdiction of ziqianhao?

With a large reward, the War Department recruited nearly twomillion martial artists in the shortest time, and many of them returned to the yuan territory.

The demon clan has twice as many hands and is absolutely suppressed by force. There is no suspense at all in this war. Nine teams of the demon clan and 900000 troops will surely be defeated, and it is not even necessary to wipe them out.

For the 900000 troops of the demon clan, ziqianhao no longer paid attention to it, but focused on dealing with the elite attack of the demon clan.

A trap? Sneak attack?

This time, I want you to lose your wife and lose your soldiers.

Tianfeng War Department, under the account of Qianhao.

Now, in the territory under the jurisdiction of ziqianhao, the defense of the major garrisons seems empty on the surface. Only a part of the soldiers stay in the entire garrison, and all the other soldiers go out. But in fact, the garrison soldiers in the whole station did not leave. Some of them hid in the station and did not show up, while others were ambushed far away from the station.

All the stations were silent.

Under the dead silence atmosphere, there is no limit to killing, just waiting for the demon clan to attack, and then - internal and external attacks, heavy losses, or even total annihilation!!!

Time passed by minute by second.

The top ten demon kings and the top ten armies of the demon clan are all intercepted and killed except the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor.

The flames of war ignited in an instant.

Outside the dense forest.

After seeing the Terran War Department ambush and sneak attack, the Youming xuanhu demon emperor left with a "dead war" order and left directly, and got up to return to the demon family station.

But he had been away for only five minutes, but his body was still in a state of fierce stagnation.

"Unicorn, why are you here?" Looking at several demon emperors running in front with more than 100000 demon clan troops, the Youming xuanhu demon emperor came to the front of the team and looked at one of them and asked.

"You've already done it?" After taking a look at the dark black tiger demon emperor, the one horned golden Python demon emperor asked in a deep voice.

"That's right."

The mysterious tiger demon emperor of the nether world answered and said, "the War Department has nearly 200000 troops ambushing us. I'm afraid those 100000 fellow clans won't come back this time. However, it's worth exchanging their death for a chance to hit the guy of purple Qianhao."

"Asshole, those are not from the war department." Hearing this, the one horned golden Python demon emperor burst into a rage.


The dark dark tiger demon emperor was surprised: "how could it be? They are not from the War Department, and who are they? I saw their unified Terran War Department armor, and there is no lack of the existence of Terran return to the yuan realm.

"Where were you ambushed?" Hearing this, the one horned golden Python demon emperor did not answer the Youming xuanhu demon emperor, but asked him instead.

The dark dark tiger demon emperor was stunned, pointed to the rear and said, "it's in a dense forest not far away. At my speed, five minutes is enough."

"All charged quickly and reinforced as quickly as possible." As soon as the voice of the mysterious tiger demon emperor in the nether world fell, the one horned golden Python demon Emperor gave a sharp drink.

"Bang bang!!"

Without any hesitation, the army of more than 100000 demon families rushed out one after another, galloping towards the dense forest ahead.


The dark dark tiger demon emperor was stunned.


"Several demon emperors, let's go first." Just as the dark tiger was about to speak, the one horned golden Python demon emperor said sternly. Then he took another look at the dark dark tiger demon emperor and said, "dark, you too."

"Whew -"

As soon as the voice was over, the one horned golden Python demon emperor had rushed away. The speed was so fast that he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Whew, whew"

The other two demon kings followed.


Seeing this scene, the dark dark tiger demon emperor was a little stunned. For a moment, he couldn't respond to what had happened, but he still followed up.

"Unicorn, what's the matter? According to the order of the demon emperor, shouldn't you attack the Terran garrison? Why did you come here?" With just one breath, the dark dark tiger demon emperor caught up with the other three demon emperors. Looking at the one horned golden Python demon emperor, he couldn't help asking.

"Sneak attack."

The one horned golden Python demon emperor angrily rebuked: "the plan of the demon emperor has been exposed, and the Terrans have been prepared for it."


Hearing the speech, the dark dark tiger demon Emperor gave a cry of surprise and said, "how can it be?"


The one horned golden Python demon emperor hissed and said with endless anger in his voice: "if the demon emperor's plan has not been revealed, why are the ordinary warriors of the human race, rather than the people of the War Department, ambushing? They still pretend to be the people of the war department?"


The mysterious tiger demon emperor hesitated and said nothing.

The one horned golden Python demon emperor continued: "now, among the major garrisons of the Terran War Department, the Terrans have already set up an ambush, waiting for us to deliver it to the door."

"How do you know this?" Hearing this, the Youming xuanhu demon emperor asked instinctively.

"Said the demon emperor."

"What did the demon emperor say? How did he know?"


Suddenly, the one horned golden Python demon Emperor gave a slight sound, glanced at the dark black tiger demon emperor, and said coldly: "do you dare to question the demon emperor?"


The demon emperor of Youming xuanhu immediately exclaimed: "no, no, how dare I question the demon emperor."


The one horned golden Python demon Emperor gave a cold hum: "it'd better be like this." Then, his voice was calmer and said: "as for how the demon emperor knows, you ask me, who do I ask? Moreover, these are not what we should ask."

"Yes, yes, yes."

The Youming xuanhu demon emperor answered repeatedly and said, "now let's go to the dense forest. Is this the order of the demon emperor?"


The one horned golden Python demon emperor shouted angrily, "without the order of the demon emperor, we dare to dispatch troops privately? Do you think we are all like the stupid purple flame Xuan eagle?"

After calming his tone, the one horned golden Python demon emperor added: "the demon emperor has ordered to change all previous arrangements, give up raiding the Terran War Department, and turn to killing the warriors who pretend to be members of the war department."

"Hey hey."

Suddenly, the dark dark tiger demon Huang Xie smiled: "with our strength, it would only take half an hour, or even half an hour, to kill the 200000 people. However, the guy ziqianhao was still waiting for his ambush in the fortress. If he knew that we had changed our plan and killed the 200000 people, he would have no idea how he felt. That expression... Must be wonderful."

"No, it's more than 200000. According to your statement, the demon emperors in other stations have also sent out. There are nine teams, each with nearly 200000 people, that is, nearly 1.8 million people. Tut Tut, 1.8 million people, I'm afraid that the position of ziqianhao, the general of the War Department, can't be maintained."

"Half an hour?"

The ghost Xuan tiger demon emperor said, but the one horned golden Python hissed: "we only have five minutes, and if we die, it will be ten minutes."

The mysterious tiger demon emperor was stunned and said in a startled voice, "why?"

"Do you think ziqianhao can become a general of the war department? He will be a reckless man? Besides, human beings are cunning. As early as our plan was leaked and he began to lay out the layout, he had already sent the Shenyuan martial arts of the human race to secretly stare at our stations. We wouldn't know if we hadn't been reminded by the demon emperor." While talking, the one horned golden Python's words were full of uncontrollable anger.

Being watched without knowing it was a great disgrace to him.

After a pause, the one horned golden Python said angrily: "although we found him because of the warning of the demon emperor, we couldn't capture him. Moreover, he followed us all the way. He just left before we met you. Now, even if the guy ziqianhao already knows these things, you say - how can we have so much time?"


The mysterious tiger demon emperor of the nether world was stunned at the words.

Terrans are really shameless.

Before he could speak, the one horned golden Python demon emperor continued: "moreover, the demon emperor had an order to rescue the previous 900000 fellow clans, kill some human clans, and immediately return to the camp. And - all the demon emperors went to the northern mountains to support the guy Ziyan. Before the human clans were aware of it, they swept the northern mountains and captured and captured the human clans who killed the son of the demon emperor."


Suddenly, the dark dark tiger demon Emperor gave a cry.

The state of mind is trembling.

All demon kings go to the northern mountains?

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