"If you want to fight, you can fight. There is so much nonsense."

Although the sudden sound was not big, it made everyone outside Chen's house stunned.

Especially zhangtingyun.

Two days ago, they urged the young city leader Wulin Feng to fight the Chen family. Just as they were about to succeed, they were strongly repulsed by a young man of unknown origin.

And now the sound

Although he listened to it only a few times, Zhang Tingyun could not forget it all his life.

He was sure that the owner of the voice was the young man who beat them out of the Chen family two days ago.

It is also because of this young man that leilong, the commander of the city guard of the city Lord's residence, is angry with them.

I think of what leilong and others did in Zhangjia last night.

Think of all the humiliations Zhangjia suffered last night.

At this moment, Zhang Tingyun's endless anger could not help rising.

It's all because of the boy.

If it were not for him, Chen and Shui would have been completely destroyed.

If it hadn't been for him, Zhang would not have suffered the disgrace of last night.

He, damn it!!

Full of anger.

With endless killing thoughts.

Zhang Tingyun fiercely looked at the direction of the sound source in Chen's house.

Zhangtingyun is like this, and other people around him are no exception.

However, the mood of Chen and Shui is quite different from that of zhangtingyun and his party.

At this moment, all of them turned around with excitement and excitement.

In the Chen family mansion, yebufan came slowly with his hands behind him.

When he reached the gate of Chen's residence, Chen and Shui all said in unison:

"Fewer leaves."


Yebufan answered.

Looking at him, Chen Bei hesitated and said, "Ye Shao, your injury...?"


Yebufan said lightly.

Although it was just three simple words, it gave Chen Beiwang and others a lift.

Why did they face Zhangjia alone before without informing yebufan at the first time?

It's not because they want to buy more time for yebufan to heal.

But I don't want to... Yebufan's injury has completely healed.

So, what are they afraid of.

Ignoring the thoughts of Chen Beiwang and others, yebufan looked directly at zhangtingyun not far away.

At this time, zhangtingyun is also looking at yebufan.

In an instant, the four eyes met.

Zhangtingyun shook his fists and his eyes burned with anger.


Yebufan sneered and said, "I spared your life two days ago. Why did you come here to die today? Isn't it... Isn't it good to live?"


Hearing this, zhangtingyun was furious.

What does it mean to be alive?

You think I want to die?

No, you think you can kill me?


Then he gave a cold hum and said, "boy, don't be complacent. It's not certain who will live or die today."


Yebufan chuckled, then took a meaningful look at the crowd 100 meters behind Zhang Tingyun and his party, and then looked at Zhang Tingyun again, saying:

"It seems that you are very confident. In that case, what are you waiting for? Let's do it."

Yebufan's words fell. At the place where he had just glanced in the distance, Wulinfeng, the young city leader, was stunned at first. Then he turned to Lei long nearby and said, "Uncle Lei, can't he have found us?"


The Thunder Dragon answered.


Wulin Feng hesitated for a moment and said, "Uncle Lei, will you do it?"

"Let's see first."

Lei long frowned.

At this moment, he had some doubts in his heart, because he was so powerful that he could not see through yebufan's accomplishments.

In this case, there are only two possibilities:

First, the boy hid his accomplishments in some way.

Second, the young man's accomplishments far exceeded his own.

These two possibilities, if it is the first, it is OK to say, if it is the second

Leilong could hardly think about it.

That's why he didn't do it directly, but chose to wait and see.

However, Wulinfeng doesn't know what Lei long really thinks. In his opinion, the reason why Lei long didn't make a direct move was that he just wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. No, it should be said that Lei long was playing cat and mouse.

With this idea, Wulinfeng didn't say anything more, but looked at ye Bufan not far away with a playful look on his face and waited for the good play to be staged.

Not far away.


Hearing yebufan's extremely provocative words, Zhang Tingyun was furious.

He wanted to do it, but he didn't dare.

After all, yebufan's strength was already seen two days ago.

If Lei long doesn't take action, no one can make ye Bufan.

Of course, if one of them rises up and attacks, it's two words.

But will Chen and Shui give them a chance to attack?

Obviously not.

So we can only wait for Lei long to make a move.

Unfortunately, zhangtingyun didn't know that leilong had already chosen to wait and see. For the time being, he wouldn't do anything at all, and ye Bufan wouldn't give him the chance to wait.

"Why don't you do it?"

Looking at zhangtingyun, yebufan chuckled and then said coldly, "since you don't do it, let Ben meet you for a while."


As soon as the voice fell, yebufan stepped out and headed straight for Zhang Tingyun.


Seeing this scene, Zhang Tingyun was in a great hurry.

He really wanted to shout, "why hasn't Lei Tongling done it yet?".

It's a pity that zhangtingyun doesn't have the courage and qualification at all.

If Lei long wants to make a move, he will make a move naturally.

If leilong doesn't want to fight, it's useless for him to kowtow and kneel.

Without waiting for Zhang Tingyun to think about it, yebufan had already come to their party 30 meters away.

At this time, the head of the bloody mercenary Regiment (Xue Rufeng) around Zhang Tingyun saw that Zhang Tingyun had not responded for a long time, so he directly shouted: "you arrogant boy, let Xue meet you for a while."

The words fell, and the blood rushed out like the wind.


Seeing this scene, Zhang Tingyun exclaimed and directly spoke to block it.

Two days ago, in the Chen family, yebufan killed elder Zhang, the immortal and the martial arts. Zhang Tingyun still remembers that scene.

Although xuerufeng is the martial artist of the fourth heaven of Xianwu, the difference between the fourth heaven of Xianwu and the second heaven of Xianwu is only two small realms.

Since yebufan can kill the elder Zhang of the double heaven of Xianwu with one palm, how can he be countered by the warrior of the four heaven of Xianwu like blood wind.

It's a pity that zhangtingyun deliberately blocked it, but it was too late.

A distance of thirty meters.

Just for a moment, blood like wind had already met with yebufan.


Facing ye Bufan who was right in front of him, Xue Rufeng punched him directly.


Yebufan sneered, which was also a punch.

Between breaths, two fists collide.


A dull voice sounded.



A sound of broken bones sounded.


The blood screamed like the wind, and the right arm was twisted and broken.

Yebufan's fist did not reduce its prestige, and directly fell on the left chest of xuerufeng.


A heavy voice sounded.


The blood gushed out like the wind, and then the body flew out.


Ten meters away, blood fell to the ground like the wind.


His blood spurted out of his mouth, and then there was no response, and his life was gone.

Between electric light and flint.

Yebufan killed blood like the wind.

There was a dead silence.

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