Zhangtingyun died, and "Hongmeng Tianyin" directly plundered more than 500 points of good fortune.

Yebufan was full of joy, but other martial artists in the Xianwu realm around him were scared.

"Master, spare your life."

"Elder, we know we are wrong. You have a large number of people. Please spare our lives."

"Master, I, I, I still have an 80 year old mother and a child under the full moon in my family. If master kills me, they will have no way to live. Please be kind."



Facing yebufan, whether it was the Xianwu realm of Zhangjia or the Xianwu realm of the three mercenary regiments, they did not hesitate. They begged for mercy one after another.

There's no way. People are cutting people and I'm fish. In this situation, they don't even have the ability to resist. They have no choice but to beg for mercy.


Looking at Zhangjia and the three mercenary regiments begging for mercy, yebufan just sneered.

He never thought he was a bad man, but he was definitely not a bad man.

Begging for mercy?

If begging for mercy is useful, how can there be so many swords, swords, and grudges in the world.

Thinking in his heart, yebufan dodged and came directly to a martial artist in the immortal martial arts realm. Then the bloody long knife in his hand was raised fiercely.


Seeing this scene, the martial artist in the immortal martial arts realm was frightened and gave a direct wail.

He wants to run, but he has no way to run.

He wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to hide.


Between the lightning and flint, yebufan cut off his head with a knife.

Blood spray.

All the martial artists in other immortal martial arts around were shocked and their spirits trembled.

Yebufan ignored it.

He always remembered that kindness to the enemy was the greatest cruelty to himself.

So, kill.

"Poop poop!!"

Within tens of seconds, yebufan killed all the remaining fighters in the Xianwu realm.

A few thousand more points of gas arrived.

So far, all the Chengzhu mansion, Zhangjia and the three mercenary regiments that came to deal with Chen and Shui have been wiped out.

Of course, there was also a Zhangjia ethnic group who went to the city Lord's residence to report.

But can he live?

Yebufan doesn't think so.

If he can get out of the city Lord's residence alive, he will be fated.

The three major forces came and were completely annihilated.

Yebufan's "Hongmeng Tianyin" has exceeded 80000, reaching more than 84000 points.

Really, the golden belt of murder and arson, repairing bridges and roads without bones.

Think before, think now

Yebufan had the idea of slaughtering Qingshan town and bloodbath cangyun city.

Of course, yebufan just thought about it. If he really wanted to do so, he would definitely not be able to do it.

After all, yebufan is not a murderer. He can't be as cold-blooded and heartless as a murderer.

Yebufan is like this, but the people in Qingshan town don't think so.

After yebufan killed thousands of Zhangjia people and members of the three mercenary regiments, they have regarded yebufan as a murderous madman, a butcher.

But so what?

Will ye Bu care what they think?

Of course not.


After solving all the martial artists in the Xianwu realm of the three forces, yebufan threw the long Sabre with blood dripping in his hands and rolled blade on the ground, and then walked step by step to the Chen family mansion not far away.

Yebufan turned a blind eye to everything around him, just like doing a trivial thing. When he passed Chen Beiwang and his party, he said faintly: "dispose of these bodies. As for their belongings, do as I said earlier."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Chen Beiwang answered repeatedly.

Yebufan said nothing more and went straight into the Chen family mansion.


After yebufan left, everyone on the scene could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Even Chen Beiwang and others are no exception.

I can't help it. Yebufan's aura is too strong, and the bloody scene just now has too strong an impact on everyone.

Even after killing thousands of people with blood, they would laugh at it.

How crazy it is.

This is how cold-blooded.

After today, ye Bufan's fame will spread all over Qingshan town and shake cangyun city.

Chenfu backyard.

Yebufan doesn't know what Chen Beiwang and others think.

If informed, yebufan will shout "wronged".

After all, yebufan has never been a cold-blooded and murderous person.

The reason why he laughs is entirely because of the rich harvest of fortune, not because of the happiness and joy of killing, as Chen Beiwang and others thought.

It has to be said that this is a very bad misunderstanding.

After returning to the backyard, yebufan went directly into his room.

After that, shower and change clothes.

After the blood was washed away, yebufan focused on the "Hongmeng Tianyin".


Looking at the extremely dazzling number in "Hongmeng Tianyin", yebufan couldn't help being excited and excited.

More than eighty-four thousand points of luck.

It can be said that this is the biggest fortune ye Bufan has ever obtained.

Even before that, ye Bufan didn't get so much luck.

Therefore, Zhang Tingyun and others' retaliation against Chen and Shui is just a pie falling from the sky for ye Bufan, an absolute bumper harvest.

Of course, yebufan was not overwhelmed by the sudden harvest.

He knew very well that no matter how many fortunes he had, if he did not turn them into his own strength, these fortunes would only be a number after all.

Therefore, what we should do now is to use these Qi to improve our cultivation.

Think of it and do it.


Yebufan sat cross legged and directly operated the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue".

No matter in Tianyuan xiaoqianjie or Hongmeng world, most of the martial arts, even all the martial arts, have the same cultivation method, which is from the outside to the inside.

To put it bluntly, the warrior draws the power of heaven and earth from the outside, and then expands himself internally.

But "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" is different.

Although the Qi needed for the cultivation of "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" also comes from the outside, these Qi were looted by "Hongmeng Tian Yin". After transformation, they are no longer external forces. It is not too much to say that they belong to yebufan.

At least, after the transformation of "Hongmeng Tianyin", these fortunes have no great connection with Hongmeng world, or even have nothing to do with it.

That is to say, yebufan's cultivation is completely self-sufficient.


As soon as the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" was put into operation, the "Hongmeng Tian Yin" had a lot of Qi flowing out. Along with the operation path of the "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue", these Qi directly turned into golden power in ye Bufan's veins.

This is because ye Bufan is now unhurt. Otherwise, "Tianyuan Yushen formula" will first use Qi to repair ye Bufan's injury.

At this time, although yebufan was unhurt, he had consumed more than half of his divine power when he used the three moves to kill God. Now, as soon as yebufan has just practiced, "Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" first restores the divine power that ye Bufan consumed before.

Injury, divine power, cultivation.

"Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" has to be cultivated in a clear priority and is irreversible.

Time passed by minute by second.

"Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" has been running for a week, directly consuming 1000 points of energy in the "Hongmeng Tian Yin", and yebufan's divine power has been fully restored.

At this time, ye Bufan continued to run the "Tianyuan Yushen formula", and the Qi was directly integrated into ye Bufan's divine power along the running path of the "Tianyuan Yushen formula". They not only increased ye Bufan's divine power, but also continuously improved ye Bufan's accomplishments.

Based on yebufan's cultivation of attaching importance to heaven, the "Tianyuan Yushen formula" will consume 1000 points of energy in the "Hongmeng Tianyin" every time it runs for a week.

Time passed by minute by second.

"Tian Yuan Yu Shen Jue" worked one week after another.

Twenty weeks later.

20000 points of air consumption.


Yebufan made a breakthrough in cultivation and directly reached Taiyi and liangchong heaven.

At this time, at the palm of his right hand, the spirit had been perfectly integrated with the flesh.

Yebufan did not stop, but continued to practice and continue to operate the "Tianyuan Yushen formula".

Ten Sundays.

Twenty Sundays.

Thirty Sundays.


After consuming 30000 points of Qi again, yebufan made another breakthrough. His accomplishments reached Taiyi triple heaven. At the whole right arm, the spirit and body have also been perfectly integrated.


At this time, yebufan vomited a mouthful of turbid air and opened his eyes.

He stopped practicing.

But not because I don't want to, but because... My luck is not enough.

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