"Kill, kill my whole family, destroy my whole family? Are you crazy?"

Wulin Feng looked at ye Bufan incredulously: "do you know who my father is? My father is the Lord of cangyun City, and..."

Wulin Feng originally wanted to say that his grandfather was the Prime Minister of the current Dynasty. Unfortunately, before he could say anything, yebufan interrupted: "city master? Is the city master very good?"

After a pause, yebufan said again, "don't say your father is just a small city Lord. Even if your father is the emperor of the current Dynasty, he can't be killed if he doesn't want to."


Wulin Feng was stunned.

Even the emperor?

Then his grandfather, the Prime Minister of the current Dynasty, must not be mentioned.


That's it?

No, definitely not.


Immediately, the Wulin Maple gave a cold Snort and said, "I'm a big talker. My father is too powerful. Although you killed Uncle Lei, you're definitely not my father's opponent. So I advise you to let me go. If not, when my father knows, you won't have enough lives to die. Do you hear me? Let me go."

Yebufan shook his head helplessly.

Wulin Maple?

Young city leader?

There's no such thing as a brain pit. It's obviously no brain.

Up to now, he is still threatening himself.

Can't he see that he is not afraid of Taiyi and qichongtian, nor of his city master's mansion?

forget it.

Yebufan didn't speak any more. He didn't even bother to talk to Wulinfeng.


Seeing this scene, Wulin Feng was furious: "I asked you to let me go. Didn't you hear me?"

"Son of a bitch, what do you want?"

"Hey, are you deaf? Didn't you hear me talking to you?"

"Shit, stop quickly."

"Your uncle's, you wait for me. When I get to cangyun City, I want you to look good."


Wulin Feng was shouting and scolding endlessly.

Yebufan simply ignored it.

A distance of 300 meters is neither short nor long.

A moment later, ye Bufan rode the red flame colorful tiger and pulled the Wulin maple to the gate.

As soon as yebufan arrived, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone at the gate.

Especially the more than ten city guards.

"Young city master?"

Seeing the Wulin Maple tied by the rope, they were all stunned.

Son of a bitch!!

Wulin Feng scolded in his heart.

For him, it was a disgrace this time.

Fortunately, I haven't entered the city yet.

If he had entered the city, he would have no face to hang around in cangyun city in the future.

Immediately, Wulin Feng angrily scolded:

"What are you doing, a bunch of rubbish? Come and save me..."

Hearing the speech, more than a dozen city guards on the scene instantly recovered.

They looked at each other, and then they all looked at yebufan and Wulin maple.


The guard of Xianwu territory City, led by him, gave a loud and fierce shout.

"Miso miso!!"

In an instant, all the long knives in the hands of more than a dozen city guards came out of their scabbards.


Under the leadership of the guard of Xianwu City, they rushed to yebufan immediately.

Seeing this scene, the people who entered and left the city immediately retreated to both sides.


At this time, the flaming tiger under yebufan gave a roar.

Yebufan shook his head, touched his head and said with a smile, "little fellow, why do you have to quarrel with a group of dead people?"

Then yebufan suddenly struck out.

In front of him, a huge Golden Tripod several meters high appeared out of thin air.

This huge tripod is nothing but a melting pot.

Although the Tongtian melting pot no longer has the ability to refine all things in the world after losing the "Hongmeng emperor Sutra", this does not mean that it is completely useless.

At this moment, under the infusion of Ye Bufan's majestic power, the almost transparent Tongtian furnace suddenly became incomparably solid, as if it was not a martial art, but a real giant tripod.

Seeing this scene, more than a dozen soldiers from the city guards were stunned.

Yebufan ignored it.

Driven by the palm power of taiyijing, Tongtian furnace directly pushed these city guards.

More than a dozen city guards instantly recovered.

"Get out of the way!!"

Led by the city guard of Xianwu territory, they couldn't help screaming.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

The attack speed of Taiyi martial arts is not what martial arts of their level can avoid.

Therefore, as soon as the words of the guard of Xianwu territory city came to an end, before he could make any response, the furnace several meters high hit him head-on.


A dull and thick voice sounded.


The guard of Xianwu territory City spat out blood, and his body flew backward.

However, the furnace is still fierce and continues to push forward.

"Bang bang!!"

The massive cauldrons several meters high hit more than a dozen city guards, and the dull and heavy impact sound sounded. More than a dozen city guards in spirit realm were like the city guards in Xianwu realm, spraying blood at their mouths and flying upside down.

An instant collision.

The confrontation between electricity, light and flint.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

More than a dozen city guards, without exception, fell on the open ground a few meters away.

Not only that, at this moment, they have no vitality at all.

One hit, two seconds.

There was a dead silence.

No one expected that the battle had been completely over from the very beginning.


After looking at the bodies of more than a dozen city guards and ye Bufan riding on the flaming tiger, all the people present could not help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and they even felt a kind of shudder.

What is this place?

This is cangyun city.

Now, how could someone massacre the city guard of cangyun city at the gate of cangyun city?


Who is this boy? What does he want?

Yebufan doesn't care.

After killing more than ten city guards in a single shot, he gave his right hand a fierce grip.

In an instant, Tongtian furnace turned into divine power and returned to yebufan.

"Good, good."

Feeling that his divine power was only consumed by about 1%, yebufan smiled and pondered a few times.

This is the first time yebufan has used the Tongtian furnace in this way, but the effect is surprisingly good, which also makes him very satisfied.

From now on, he has a powerful attack.

Yebufan was so angry that the Wulin Maple not far behind him was blown up.

Wulin Feng originally wanted to ask these city guards to rescue him. At least he came to help him untie himself, but he didn't expect that these city guards had been killed by yebufan before they got close to yebufan.

What a bunch of rubbish.

You will die if you die, but what should I do?

Do you really want me to follow him into the city?


Wulin maple is sad and angry.

"Da Da..."

But at this time, a burst of dense footsteps suddenly sounded inside the gate.

Then a group of hundreds of city guards ran out of the city.

Seeing these city guards, Wulinfeng's sadness and indignation disappeared in an instant.

He glanced at yebufan with a playful look.

That's like saying, boy, you see, this is cangyun city. It's my territory. What can you do if you kill more than a dozen city guards? There are thousands of city guards in the cangyun city.

Can you finish it?

Did you kill them all again?

Without waiting for Wulin Feng to think more, more than 100 city guards who had just arrived in front of them had seen the bodies of more than a dozen companions lying in front of them.

Immediately, the more than 100 members of the city guard were furious.

The city guard, led by Xianwu bachongtian, looked at yebufan and said angrily:

"Boy, did you kill all these people?"

Other city guards also looked at yebufan with anger.

"That's right."

Yebufan said with a smile.

"You... Want to die."

Xianwu eightfold Tiancheng guards gnawed their teeth and angrily said.

"Captain, it's the young city master."

At this time, another city guard pointed at ye Bufan's back and whispered in his ear.


The eight heavy Heavenly City guards of Xianwu frowned and looked behind yebufan.


At the moment of seeing the Wulin maple, the spirit of the city guard of Xianwu bachongtian was shocked.


The next second, he looked at yebufan with some fear and some disbelief and said:

"Who on earth are you?"

In cangyun City, those who dare to kidnap the young city leader openly can be ordinary people.

"Who is Ben Shao?"

Yebufan smiled.

It's obvious that wuqianchuan and others concealed the fact that they kidnapped Wulin Feng. Otherwise, the city guards could not have known who they were.

In that case, let me tell them myself.

At this point, yebufan said: "I'm the one who came to kill people!!"

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