
Yebufan's right hand looses, and Wulinfeng's body falls directly to the ground.

There was a dead silence.

Everyone looked at the Wulin Maple that had become a corpse on the ground.

They are ignorant and foolish, and there is only a blank in their minds.

Who is Wulin Feng?

That is the young leader of cangyun city and the only son of wuqianchuan.

Now, yebufan kills Wulin Feng directly in front of Wu QianChuan?

Crazy, crazy.

In everyone's opinion, yebufan is clearly breaking ground on Taisui's head and plucking the hair on the tiger's top.


His behavior is even a thousand times more serious than this.

The Revenge of killing a son will never be shared.

He is clearly forcing wuqianchuan to fight with him.

The same is true.

At the moment when yebufan pinches the neck of Wulin maple, wuqianchuan seems to have lost his soul.

At the moment, looking at the body of Wulin Feng, his body was constantly shaking and trembling.

Because of sadness.

Because of sadness.

Because it is unacceptable.

But it's more because of anger.

After a short moment, wuqianchuan looked at yebufan.

Anger rose in his eyes, and the murders surged wildly.

"You want to die."

After a roar, wuqianchuan was about to take action.

But at this time, liyuanhao, who was beside wuqianchuan, directly grabbed him.

As the saying goes, those who are in a position to lose are those who are on the lookout.

Wulin Feng's death made wuqianchuan almost lose his mind, but liyuanhao didn't.

At the same time, he shouted, "kill him."

The enemy is dark and I am clear.

Liyuanhao will never make an easy move without knowing the real strength of yebufan.

Liyuanhao shouted, and instantly wuqianchuan, who had almost lost his mind, was shocked.

He took a look at liyuanhao and didn't say much. He didn't take any more direct action.

Because wuqianchuan is very clear about liyuanhao's intention to do this, and he agrees with it.

Most importantly, as long as yebufan is still there, he will have a chance sooner or later.

A sudden change.

At the command of liyuanhao, all the city guards were stunned.

They looked at each other.



Nearly a thousand city guards, without exception, all rushed to yebufan with knives.

Although yebufan gave them a choice, they would not choose at all.

Because they always believed that no matter how strong ye Bufan was, he would never be the opponent of the city Lord's mansion.

In that case, they naturally want to stick to the side of the city Lord's residence.

Nearly a thousand spirits and the city guards in Xianwu territory killed them with swords.

Their momentum is like a rainbow, and their killing power is cold.

Just like a group of wild beasts, he wants to devour yebufan completely.

Seeing this scene, yebufan frowned.

Spirit and immortal martial arts are nothing to ye Bufan.

But there is an old saying that many ants can kill elephants, and random fists can kill teachers.

One or several spirits, or immortal martial arts, ye Bufan may not care.

But at present, there are nearly a thousand spirits and martial artists in the immortal martial arts realm.

So many martial artists rush forward. If you are careless, you may get hurt by heavy sabre.

Although not fatal, it is not a good thing after all.

The most important thing is that it takes too much time and effort to deal with so many fighters.

So, just for a moment, yebufan had already made a decision in his heart.

fight a quick battle to force a quick decision.

Destroy them in the simplest and most brutal way.

With the decision, yebufan no longer hesitated.


In the face of these storming city guards, yebufan stepped out step by step.

He galloped and his power surged.

Galloping thunder!


Kill God!!

Yebufan's move is the three moves of killing God.

With his current cultivation, although the three moves of killing gods can not kill taiyijing martial artists of the same level, they are definitely a nightmare for martial artists such as immortal martial arts and divine spirits.


When Tiandao came out, the horrible and cold killing machine swept the whole audience in an instant.

The sudden change made the city guards stunned.

Not only the Chengwei army, but also the other onlookers, wuqianchuan and liyuanhao were not exempt.

What's this?

Looking at Tiandao appearing out of thin air, everyone instinctively thought of it.

Yebufan doesn't stop.

Heaven's sword has appeared, so... Kill it.

Just in an instant, the Tiandao incarnated by Ye Bufan had come to the city guard in the south.

Then, Tiandao cut it out.

"Poop poop!!"

Those city guards were like paper paste, and they were cut in two by Tiandao in an instant.

More than a dozen city guards died.

For a while, the blood splashed everywhere, the body fell to the ground, and the internal organs were scattered all over the ground.


This bloody and ferocious scene shocked everyone except ye Bufan.

"Vomit vomit..."

Many people even threw up their supper last night.

But it's just beginning.

"Poop poop!!"

"Poop poop!!"

Yebufan turns into Tiandao and dances wildly in the city guard camp.

Blood splashes everywhere when the blade passes.

No city guard can stop ye Bufan's knife.

No city guard can live under the blade of Tiandao.

Spirit or immortal martial arts.

When the heavenly Sabre passes by, the life will die.

In a few seconds, yebufan cut hundreds of people.

At this time, the rest of the city guard finally recovered.

Looking at the ferocious and terrifying Tiandao in front of them, they couldn't help retreating a few steps.

Seeing this scene, wuqianchuan in front of the city master's residence was furious. He directly roared: "what are you afraid of? It's just a martial art. Nearly a thousand of you rushed up. Can't you beat him?"

In spite of this, wuqianchuan is already feeling guilty and even afraid.

For nothing else, even yebufan has felt a great threat because of his knife.

But what can he do??

There is no turning back when you bow.

At this point, he had no way out.

Moreover, even if he wanted to quit, yebufan would never give up.

So he had to fight hard and fight with yebufan.

His idea is also very simple, that is, use the city guard in his hand to weaken yebufan to the greatest extent. As for the life and death of the city guard, wuqianchuan doesn't care at all, and he can't manage so much.

"Go up, go up, go up. If anyone dares to step back, they will be dealt with by military law."

Wuqianchuan roared angrily.

Although the city guards were afraid of yebufan and yebufan, they had to bite the bullet and fight again in the face of wuqianchuan's scolding.

But is it useful?

Not at all.

The Tiandao in Taiyi territory is not what their spirits and immortal martial arts can compete with.

Countless long sabres collided with ye Bufan's sky sabres. As a result, the sabres destroyed people and died.

The power of the heavenly Sabre is matchless.

"Kill kill!!"

Every second, every breath, there will be more than ten people killed by Tiandao.

Time flies.

The number of casualties of the city guard is also rising at a speed close to terror.

Onehundred, twohundred, threehundred

This is a unilateral massacre, a massacre that only belongs to yebufan.

A bloody picture.

A ferocious scene.

Everyone outside the war situation felt numb and scared.

People outside the war situation are still like this, not to mention the city guard in the war situation.

They were scared, scared, and trembling.

For them, this is not a fight at all, but a pure quest for death.

Finally, after paying the price of fiveorsix hundred people in dozens of seconds, some of the remaining city guards lost control and collapsed.

"MMP, I quit."


After a scolding, one of the city guards threw the long sword into his hand, then turned around and escaped from the battle, and rushed out of the city of cangyun. The speed was unbelievable.

That posture is more like saying, can't I hide if I can't provoke you?

What city Lord's residence.

What military regulations.

Can't I stay in cangyun city.

A sudden change.

By the time people around reacted, the city guard had already disappeared.

All of a sudden, everyone was confused.

Wuqianchuan, the city Lord, was furious.

Disregard military law.

Fleeing in wartime.

This is death seeking.

But what can he do??

People have already run away. Can't you chase them back??

At ordinary times, wuqianchuan might do this, or even certainly will.

But this is not what it used to be.

Under the present circumstances, he is not allowed to do so at all.

Therefore, he can only endure it. Even if he can't bear it, he still has to endure it.

However, the escape of the city guard was like some kind of omen.

"Mom, run away..."

I don't know who shouted during the war.

In an instant, the rest of the city guards threw away their armor and ran away.

Son of a bitch!!

Seeing this scene, Wu QianChuan became angry and said, "come back, do you want to come back to me?"

Unfortunately, no matter how he shouted or roared, no one paid any attention to him.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

The current defeat has been unable to recover.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining twoorthree city guards had already run away.

There was a dead silence.

All the onlookers looked stunned and confused.


In front of the city master's residence, wuqianchuan's mouth was full of blood

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