While talking, Qian Duoduo has jumped down from Tiangang Yichong TIANYAO king.

"Yes, yes, yes."

Tiangang Yizhong, the demon king, answered several times, then looked at the demon army who was fighting with yebufan and shouted: "stop, stop, don't fight."


As soon as Tiangang Yizhong, the demon king, said this, all the monster members participating in the war were stunned.

In addition, the nine Tiangang realm demon Kings also looked at the Tiangang Yichong TIANYAO king at the first time, and the Tiangang eightfold TIANYAO king, who was the first of them, directly scolded: "old bear, what are you doing?"

The old bear naturally refers to the Tiangang Yichong TIANYAO king, because the body of the Tiangang Yichong TIANYAO king is a silver ring blood Lin bear.

Hearing the speech, the silver ring blood Lin bear in the sky Gang glanced at the nine demon kings and explained: "gentlemen, Lord Qian has said that he has a way to deal with the demon emperor in the limitless realm and the demon emperor in the Daojie realm. Therefore, we have nothing to fear, and there is no need to continue to be coerced and manipulated by the purple pupil green scale python."


The nine heavenly Gang demon king frowned and then looked at Qian Duoduo.

The heavenly Gang eight heavy heavenly demon king said, "Lord Qian has a way to deal with the red cloud demon emperor?"

"Of course."

Qian Duoduo smiled and said, "Lord Qian is not a fool. If you are not sure, you will find trouble with a strong Taoist robber? To be honest, Taoist robbers are nothing. If he can be his own demon emperor, he will have nothing to do. But if he dares to find trouble with Lord Qian, he will teach him to be a demon every minute."


The nine heavenly Gang demon kings were all stunned, and then they looked at each other.

They can be sure that Qian Duoduo didn't pretend to be confident and calm when he said these words for a long time.

In other words, what he said is true.

But how could it be.

Qian Duoduo is just a warrior in Yuanfu territory. What does he take to fight against a demon emperor of the demon clan who robbed the territory??

But soon, the nine demon kings thought of a possibility, the only possibility, that is, behind Qian Duoduo, there was also a strong man of the human race who robbed the territory.

In that case, they have nothing to fear.

The sky fell and the tall man stood on it.

The strong man who robbed the territory behind the rich man supported him. The brother-in-law of the purple pupil green scale python, that is, the red cloud demon emperor, did not dare to do anything to them.

In addition, the benefits promised by Qian Duoduo had already made the nine demon kings excited. Therefore, they no longer hesitated and hesitated. They directly shouted at the demon army in front of them like the silver ring blood Lin bear in Tiangang Yichong sky: "stop, stop, don't fight."

People die for wealth, birds die.

The human race is like this, and the demon race is no exception.

Who wants to be poor if he can be rich.


The nine demon kings shouted in unison, and the whole battlefield was instantly silent. The demon and beast armies that had rushed to ye Bufan regardless of death also stopped immediately.

However, yebufan did not stop immediately.

After all, these are monsters in Xianwu and Taiyi. Killing any one of them is a matter of luck. How could ye Bufan give up easily.

"Poop poop."

At the moment when the demon side stopped attacking, yebufan killed three demon beasts in Xianwu territory in succession. Moreover, he didn't want to stop.

Seeing this scene, Qian Duoduo's face turned black.


With a flash of his body, he came directly to yebufan.


At this time, yebufan just hit a fist and killed a monster in Xianwu.


Without saying a word, Qian Duoduo took ye Bufan's iron fist directly. However, he stared at ye Bufan and said with a blue face: "boy, how did you promise uncle Qian? Now the demon clan has surrendered and plans to take refuge in Uncle Qian, and you still don't stop?"

"The demon clan surrendered?"

Yebufan pretends not to know.


Qian Duoduo snorted coldly and said, "yes, the demon clan has surrendered, so if you dare to kill another monster, be careful uncle Qian turns against you."

"All right, all right."

Yebufan rolled his eyes and said, "if you don't kill me, I won't kill you. What's the big deal?"


Qian Duoduo gave another cold hum.

Thinking of the tens of thousands of monsters that had died miserably in the hands of yebufan, Qian Duoduo felt distressed. It was worse than someone robbed his wife.

At this time, the top ten demon kings of the Tiangang realm had already met them. They looked at yebufan with some fear, and then they looked at Qian Duoduo and said, "Lord Qian."

Hearing the speech, Qian Duoduo's face turned angry. He smiled and looked at the top ten Tiangang demon kings and said, "what's the Lord Qian? Since you have joined the Tianhe chamber of Commerce, then everyone will be a family. There's no need to see the outside world like this. You'll be called the president in the future."

We joined Tianhe chamber of Commerce?

When did we join Tianhe chamber of Commerce?

All the ten demon kings were stunned.

But soon, they understood the meaning of Qian Duoduo. In other words, Qian Duoduo's understatement has shown his attitude.

That is, although the relationship between him and the demon clan is cooperative, it is also a subordinate relationship.

He is the Lord and the demon clan is the genus.

In this regard, the top ten Tiangang demon kings had already made psychological preparations, so they didn't care too much, and didn't say anything more. Even, the silver ring blood Lin bear, who was a heavy heaven in Tiangang, directly knelt down on one knee in front of Qian Duoduo, and whispered: "my silver ring blood Lin bear, meet the president."

It has to be said that the silver ring blood Lin bear is really good at making trouble. At least, his behavior has directly won the favor of Qian Duoduo.

However, his kneeling made the other nine demon kings embarrassed.

The silver ring and blood Lin bears have all returned. What should they do?




Just for a moment, the remaining nine demon kings had already made a choice. They knelt down in front of Qian Duoduo one after another, and shouted softly like a silver ring and blood Lin bear: "meet the president."




As soon as the top ten demon kings knelt down, more than 300000 monsters on the scene no longer hesitated. They knelt down in front of Qian Duoduo and gave a long roar.

Although their animal roars are completely different, they express the same meaning, just four words - meet the president.

At this moment, outside Tianfeng City, the top ten Tiangang demon kings and more than thirty ten thousand immortals demon beasts surrendered to Qian Duoduo to show their submission.

Seeing this scene, ye Bufan drew at the corners of his mouth.

He was really impressed by Qian Duoduo's deceiving ability.

Of course, what's more, yebufan thinks that the Xingyue Kingdom and Xingyue forest will change soon.



Can you imagine what kind of 'crazy' behaviors and actions a man with a lot of money would make after he took control of the whole xingyuesen?

Unexpectedly, I dare not think about it.

In a word, the star moon kingdom will change dramatically because of the large amount of money.

Yebufan is like this, but hundreds of thousands of people nearby have been stunned. They didn't expect that Qian Duoduo had subdued all the more than 300000 monsters.

This is more than 300000 monsters, and the weakest of them are Xianwu level.

However, the purple pupil green scale Python was directly inflamed by the scene in front of her. With a 'poof' sound, a mouthful of blood spewed out directly.

Qian Duoduo doesn't care about this.

Looking at the scene in front of hundreds of thousands of monsters and beasts, although he enjoyed it very much, he still pretended to be reserved, and said with some deep resentment: "what are you doing? Lord Qian said that we will be a family in the future. Since we are a family, why should we see outsiders like this? Get up."

"Thank you, president."

The ten Heavenly Gang demon kings stood up.

At this time, Qian Duoduo didn't say anything more. Instead, he turned and walked to the purple pupil green scale Python not far away. When he came to the purple pupil green scale python, He looked at her and said with a smile: "little snake, how about you? Your men have taken refuge in Lord Qian. Do you want to come with them? Don't worry. As long as you follow Lord Qian, you will have the final say in the future. Of course, the premise is that you have to hand over your inner pill to Lord Qian to enjoy."

"Get out."

As soon as Qian Duoduo's voice fell, the purple pupil green scale Python roared at him, then stared at him, dying and said, "it's impossible for me to convince you, a fat man."

After a pause, the purple pupil green scale Python sneered and said, "dead fat man, don't be complacent. You can't live if my king dies."

"Wait, my sister will never let you go."

"And you..."

While talking, the purple pupil green scale Python's cold eyes directly fell on the top ten Tiangang demon kings and said: "as a demon family, you have taken refuge in the human race. Damn it."


Hearing this, the top ten demon kings in Tiangang territory all trembled.


Qian Duoduo just chuckled and said, "if Lord Qian doesn't die, you don't have to worry about it. You'd better think about what you can do?"

"Want to kill the king?"

"Or I'll keep you?"


Purple pupil green scale Python sneered: "want to kill the king? You don't deserve it."


As soon as the words fell, purple pupil green scale Python directly detonated his internal alchemy.


Then, after a dull noise, the huge body of the purple pupil green scale Python spread directly to the ground.

Great demon in the Yuan Dynasty, pawn!!

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