King City, outside the palace gate.

At this moment, Wu qianyun and the great prince Chu Ming came here with threethousand wolves. Unfortunately, before they entered the palace gate, they were stopped outside the palace gate by Wang Qiang, the leader of the forbidden guards, with all the forbidden guards in the palace. "

"Wang Qiang, what do you want to do?"

Facing the interception of the forbidden guards, the big prince directly shouted at Wang Qiang.

"Big prince, is that what the end will ask?"

Wang Qiang glanced at the 3000 wolf troops, then looked at the big prince and Wu qianyun and said, "what is the purpose of the general bringing the 3000 wolf troops into the palace? Rebellion?"


As soon as Wang Qiang's voice fell, the eldest prince directly angrily scolded him and said, "Wang Qiang, pay attention to your words. This prince and his generals led troops into the palace to serve the king."

"King Qin?"

"What do you think?"

"Big prince, are you kidding? Everything is normal in the palace. He laiqin, Wang Yi, said."

"Is everything ok?"


The eldest prince snorted coldly and said, "when my father was assassinated, I happened to be there, and I saw it with my own eyes. Now, you tell me that I am joking?"

"Get out of the way."

"Otherwise, if something happens to my father, you Wang Qiang will not have enough brains to lose."

"That's impossible."

Wang Qiang exclaimed, his face changed greatly, and he was unconvinced: "if your majesty is really assassinated, why is there no news in the palace?"

"Do you have the face to ask?"

The eldest prince shouted angrily and said, "do you know why my prince doesn't ask you for help, but wants to run out of the palace and let the generals lead soldiers into the palace to serve the king?"


"Because I don't believe you."

"What do you mean, big prince?"

"What do you mean?"

The eldest prince sneered: "I suspect that your guards are colluding with assassins and plotting evil."


Wang Qiang exclaimed, "don't talk nonsense, big prince. Our guards are loyal to your majesty. How could they have done such a treacherous thing?"

"What did you say?"

The eldest prince shouted, "then tell me why my father assassinated, but your guards didn't respond at all. What is it if you don't conspire with the assassin?"

"I, we have no idea that your Majesty was assassinated."

"Don't know? The imperial guards are responsible for the safety of the whole palace. Now that my father has been assassinated, your grand commander of the imperial guards has told me that you don't know anything?"


"Don't you, me or me. I tell you, Wang Qiang, even if your guards didn't collude with the assassins, you can't escape the crime of dereliction of duty. Now, get out of the way for the prince immediately, or... Kill him."


The word "kill" made Wang Qiang tremble.

But he soon calmed down, and looked at the king and said, "big prince, the last general will take people to rescue his majesty now. However, the wolf army must not step into the palace."

It is a pity that the eldest prince will never agree, nor can he agree: "Wang Qiang, I have said that I can't trust you, so you don't have to worry about King Qin. Not only that, from now on, all members of your guards must be stationed here, including you. Until the things in the palace are solved, no one can leave without permission."


The big prince walked directly to the palace gate.

"Big prince..."

What else does Wang Qiang want to say.

But the big prince shouted angrily at him: "Wang Qiang, do you really want to rebel?" Then the big prince shouted: "the wolf army will listen to the order. From now on, anyone who blocks it will be killed."


Threethousand wolves answered in unison.

'miso, miso, miso. '

The sharp swords in their hands were scabbard at the same time.


Seeing this scene, Wang Qiang was slightly absent-minded.

But soon, Wang Qiang's face showed a trace of determination and determination. Looking at the big prince, he said directly: "if your majesty encounters misfortune, he will be willing to die to apologize."

After his words, Wang Qiang ignored the big prince, but looked at the deputy commander Zhaogang nearby and said: "Zhaogang, my commander will go to rescue your majesty now. As for you, take all your brothers here. Remember, no one is allowed to step into the palace gate without the permission of my commander, including the big prince and the military general. Anyone who tries to break in will be killed."


Zhao Gang replied in a deep voice.

'miso, miso, miso. '

All the members of the forbidden guards have their long swords out of their scabbards.

Son of a bitch.

Seeing this scene, the big prince was almost furious.

He never thought that Wang Qiang would be so stubborn and stubborn.

However, the situation in the lower palace is extremely urgent. Wu Yuanying is alone in dealing with Chu Xinghe and Liu Xi, who are strong in Tiangang. If there is a slight difference, he may be doomed.

So the big prince can't wait any longer.

Not only that, he must not let Wang Qiang or anyone from the forbidden guards enter the palace. After all, once they enter the palace, they will not be able to hide the fact that they forcibly killed Chu Xinghe.

At that time, how can he take over the throne in the name of killing the king and father? How to convince hundreds of millions of people in the kingdom? The most important thing is that there is also a tianwu emperor on the star moon kingdom.

As a subsidiary of the tianwu emperor, the Xingyue kingdom is protected by the tianwu emperor. In this case, will the monarch of the Xingyue Kingdom allow a person who kills his king and father to take over the throne?

Obviously impossible.

Therefore, the great prince can kill his king and father, but he can't lose his righteousness. To put it bluntly, the forced killing of Chu Xinghe must not be known to anyone except them.

Since we can't and can't stop it, we can only kill people and kill people.

Immediately, the eldest prince directly scolded: "the forbidden guards colluded with the assassins with evil intentions, and even openly rebelled. The wolf Army... Killed this prince."


Hearing this, Wang Qiang and other members of the forbidden guards all trembled in their minds. They did not expect that the eldest prince would directly accuse them of colluding with assassins and openly rebelling.


Without waiting for the forbidden guards to think about it, three thousand wolves had already been killed.

At the same time, among these guards, more than 300 members of the guards pointed their long knives directly at other guards around them.

For nothing else, it is because these more than 300 people are not the forbidden guards at all, but the more than 300 dead soldiers of the Wu family who were temporarily placed in the forbidden guards by Wu Yuanying.

The reason why other members of the forbidden guards, or the two leaders of the forbidden guards, Wang Qiang and Zhao Gang, were not found was that every member of the forbidden guards was wearing armor and helmets, which covered the faces of more than 300 people. In addition, Wang Qiang and others could not naturally find that more than 300 people in the forbidden guards had been replaced by others.

This is also the reason why the big prince dared to take direct action when the strength of the wolf army and the forbidden guards were equal. Because, unexpectedly, the forbidden guards would be defeated.

Changes between electricity, light and flint.

The wolf army has been killed, so the forbidden guards will not wait to die.


The next second, the two sides will fight.

However, at this critical moment, a loud cry suddenly sounded in the palace: "stop."


The sudden sound stunned all the members of the wolf army and the forbidden guards. Their original killing moves against each other also stopped, and instinctively looked at the direction of the sound source.

Also at this time, a figure had come to the palace gate.

The visitor is no other than wuyuanying.

Seeing Wu Yuanying, the big prince and Wu qianyun were delighted. Since Wu Yuanying came, it means... Chu Xinghe and Liu Xi have been killed.

Even so, the two did not show any difference. Even the eldest prince looked directly at Wu Yuanying and said, "Grandpa, you came at the right time. The prince was going to go to the palace to rescue him, but Wang Qiang..."


However, Wu Yuanying directly interrupted the eldest prince, and said sadly: "the assassin is dead, but his majesty has been poisoned by him."


When wuyuanying said this, everyone present was shocked.

"Prime minister, this, this, this..."

Wang Qiang, the commander of the guards, was even more frightened and unbelievable. "How could this be possible? How could your majesty be suddenly assassinated? Why didn't we hear anything?"

"Are you doubting the truth?"

Wuyuanying's gloomy eyes directly glanced at Wang Qiang.

"I dare not."

Wang Qiang dropped his head and said.


Wuyuanying snorted coldly and said, "I'm afraid you don't dare. If you still don't believe it, you can go to the imperial study to check it now. The person who took the shot was Liuxi, the general manager of the imperial household, and nieying, a deserter of the Tianyu sect 13 years ago."

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