The reason why yebufan didn't tell chuxuan directly before was that yebufan needed an opportunity to introduce Qin Tian to chuxuan, the future emperor of the Empire, and let Chu Xuan sincerely recognize Qin Tian as the emperor.

But now, no need.

Chu Xinghe is dead.

Gongsun Bupo is still alive, but his influence in the Imperial Hall has been completely eradicated by the Wu family. To put it bluntly, all the people in the Imperial Hall of the Xingyue kingdom are the Wu family.

In this case, even if Chu Xuan ascended the throne, what could he do? Or, at that time, who will help him, the new king, govern such a big star moon kingdom?

With Gongsun Bupo and his generals?

Stop teasing.

Civil servants and military generals have their own positions.

Wencheng Dynasty governed the country.

Generals fight in the battlefield.

If a group of military generals were allowed to join the court and govern the country, the whole Xingyue kingdom would be in chaos.

And this is Qin Tian's chance.

Yebufan believes that with Qin Tian's ability, there is no problem or difficulty in helping Chu Xuan govern a star moon kingdom.

At that time, yebufan can introduce Qin Tian to Chu Xuan.

As for the rest

Yebufan won't ask, nor does he need to ask.

Because they didn't mean any harm and didn't want to control the court. Instead, they sincerely wanted to help Chu Xuan expand the Xingyue kingdom. In this case, can Qin Tian still not be recognized by Chu Xuan?

It's impossible.

That's why Qian Duoduo said the opportunity came.

That's why yebufan changed his mind. Without any conditions, he told Chu Xuan the truth directly, and he would help Chu Xuan ascend the throne without asking.


However, yebufan's words "no choice" made Chu Xuan's mind tremble.

Who wants to die if he can live.


Looking at ye Bufan, Chu Xuan said with a wry smile, "Ye Shao, do you think I am still capable of competing for the throne with my eldest brother in my current situation?"

"Why not?"

Yebufan smiled calmly and said confidently, "as long as you want, you are the new king of the star moon kingdom."


Chu Xuan was stunned: "what does Ye Shao mean?"

"Ben Shao can help you."

"You help me?"



"What? Why?"

"Although it may be offensive for me to say so, I still want to say that there has never been a free lunch in the world. I don't believe that major ye will help me for nothing."

"Ha ha."

Yebufan smiled and said, "yes, there is no free lunch in the world, but there is no absolute thing in the world. If Ben Shao said that he would help you, it is only because you are Tianlong's brother-in-law, but because the martial family father and son provoked Ben Shao. Do you believe it?"


Chu Xuan hesitated.

Yebufan looked out of the bedroom door and said with a smile, "old general Gongsun, are you... Satisfied with this statement of Ben Shao?"


Hearing this, Chu Xuan was startled. He instinctively looked to the bedroom door.


Also at this time, the bedroom door opened.

Then an old man in a green robe came in slowly.

The old man walks like a tiger without getting angry.

He was full of a strong and strong sense of felling.

Obviously, this is a seasoned veteran.

But at the moment, his deep eyes were full of tiredness, and the sleeve of his left arm was also drooping. It was obvious that he had lost a left arm.

The old man is nothing but Gongsun Bupo.


Seeing Gongsun's unbreakable moment, Chu Xuan instinctively shouted, and his face showed a long lost smile. Then he wanted to sit up.

However, Gongsun Bupo came to the bedside and stopped him: "lie down."


Chu Xuan was stunned and then answered.

The next second, when he saw that Gongsun did not break the withered sleeve on his left side, his face changed again, and he said with a heavy face: "Grandpa, you, your arm..."


Gongsun Bupo said faintly and said with a smile, "it's just an arm. It can't die."

Although Gongsun did not break his words, Chu Xuan knew that the situation he encountered at that time must have been full of dangers and dangers.

However, Gongsun Bupo didn't want to say more, so Chu Xuan wouldn't ask more.

The next second, Gongsun Bupo ignored Chu Xuan. Instead, he looked at yebufan, looked at him, frowned and said, "little brother, do you know me?"


"Then why do you think the man outside is me?"



Gongsun did not break the corners of his mouth.

He obviously didn't believe it.

But it doesn't matter.

Yebufan didn't want to say that if Gongsun didn't break, he didn't go deep into it.

Looking at yebufan, Gongsun didn't think about it. Then he looked calm and said, "are those words that my little brother said to xuan'er earlier true?"


"The Ninth Five Year Plan supreme body."



"Well, I won't tease you. What I said is absolutely true."

"So... As long as xuan'er ascends the throne, his illness can be cured without medicine?"

"More than that."

"What do you mean?"

"If he can ascend the throne, he can not only get rid of the root cause of the disease, but also ascend to the sky step by step. With the luck of the Kingdom, he can almost become a martial artist at the level of Tiangang or even the Yuan Dynasty."


When yebufan said this, Chu Xuan couldn't help exclaiming.

Even Gongsun Bupo was shocked.

When you ascend the throne, you can directly become a martial artist at the level of Tiangang or even the yuan family?


Is there such an exaggeration.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Looking at Gongsun's unbroken response, yebufan smiled and asked.

"Ha ha ha."

Gongsun burst out laughing and said, "believe me, why don't you believe me?"


As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly knelt down on one knee, faced yebufan, hugged him with both fists, and said seriously: "thank you for your success, little brother. Please accept my worship."


Gongsun Bupo's sudden move stunned Chu Xuan.

But yebufan said: "the old general doesn't have to do this. Ben Shao has already said that Ben Shao did it. He just helped Ben Shao because of the repeated provocations of the Wu family and their sons."

"For my little brother, this may just be a small matter, but it is a great favor to me, xuan'er and even the whole kingdom."

After a pause, Gongsun Bupo continued: "Your Majesty was assassinated by bin Tian. I was assassinated by Tianyun sect outside the northern Great Wall. Although I escaped successfully, I was also seriously injured. In addition, in the first battle of the northern fortress, more than half of the Huxiao and Jinlin armies were killed and wounded to protect me from evacuating. Now there are rumors in the imperial city. The most disgusting thing is that the martial arts family colluded with Tianyu sect. What is the difference between them and the tiger for skin? Unfortunately, although I wanted to change this kind of accident, I There is no way to recover. "

"To tell you the truth, I sneaked into the king's city this time. I wanted to take xuan'er away with me and stay away from the land of right and wrong, but now..." while talking, Gongsun glanced at Chu Xuan and said: "just as the little brother said, xuan'er has no choice but to rely on his little brother."

"But you can rest assured that once you start, I will be seriously injured, but I am confident that I will destroy his Tianyu sect's same rank yuan mansion. As for the rest, I can't do anything about it."


When Gongsun didn't break his words, Chu Xuan was shocked.

Yebufan chuckled and looked at Gongsun Bupo with confidence. "The old general is worried too much. Tianyu sect? It's just a bunch of clowns. It's nothing to worry about."

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