"Late, today, you must die!!"

Facing the heroic words of Yin-Yang dragon jade, yebufan just laughed.

He pretended to be surprised, but he was just "flirting" with the yin-yang dragon jade.

What about group warfare.

I really thought he was afraid.


As soon as the yin-yang dragon jade's voice fell, yebufan flashed and went straight to him.


Seeing that ye Bufan didn't retreat but advance, yin and Yang Longyu couldn't help shouting angrily.

In an instant, he and yebufan were the first to collide.


The Yin Yang dragon jade move is played.

Yebufan is the same, and once he makes a move, it is a 16 times increase of the Dahuangtian monument.

Lions fight rabbits with all their might.

Yin Yang dragon jade is like this, and ye Bufan is like this.

Facing the yin-yang dragon jade of the seven heavy days of the yuan mansion and the six strong people in the yuan mansion, yebufan did not dare to hold the boat up, and he did not want to capsize in the gutter.


Between the lightning and flint, yebufan and yin-yang dragon jade hit each other.

Powerful force impact.

The whole space trembled, and the raging storm has swept all directions.

"Da Da..."

Then, the body shape of the yin-yang dragon jade could not control the retreat for sevenoreight steps.

But yebufan did not move.

"How could it be!!"

Looking at yebufan, yin-yang dragon jade was shocked and incredible.

At this time, the six strong men of the Tianyu sect and more than a dozen deacons of the Tiangang sect had also crossed the yin-yang dragon jade and rushed to yebufan.

They also shocked yebufan's strength, but did not stop because of this.

"Kill him."

After a yuan family elder shouted angrily, the six elders of Tianyu sect and the twelve deacons of Tiangang territory attacked yebufan together.

Yebufan did not dare to hold it up, but he would not shrink from it.

Tiangang subdues the devil skill.

Protect vigorous Qi.

Under the double protection, yebufan met six elders and more than ten deacons of Tianyu sect.


With one palm of his hand, he struck the tablet of the great wilderness directly at the six elders, whose accomplishments were second only to Yin and Yang dragon jade.

Others picked persimmons only to pinch them soft, but yebufan chose the strongest one.

Of course, yebufan did this for a reason.

Except for the yin-yang dragon jade, yebufan didn't pay attention to other people in the huge Tianyu sect. Whether it was the elder of the yuan family or the deacon of the Tiangang family, yebufan was confident that they would survive and be crippled if he hit them.

In that case, yebufan naturally takes the lead in removing those who pose a greater threat to him.

The first one to bear the brunt is the elder of Tianyu sect, who is the triple heaven of the yuan family.

Yebufan hit out, and the killing moves of the elders and deacons of Tianyu sect came together.

An instant confrontation.


Yebufan's palm shook with the triple heaven elder of the yuan family.


The triple heaven elder of the yuan family spat out blood, and his body flew out in an instant.

At this time, the killing moves of five elders and more than a dozen deacons of the Tianyu sect had also fallen.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The attacks of nearly 20 people all landed on yebufan without bias.



With the sound of two dull and strange sounds, ye Bufan's body protecting vigorous Qi was directly broken. While the attack of nearly 20 people was weakened, they collided with Tiangang, the external target of Tiangang's demon subduing skill.

A 30% rebound.




The five elders of tianyuzong and more than a dozen deacons were all "sneaky attacked" by their own attacks, so that their body shape was uncontrolled and they stepped back a few steps.

At this time, their attack finally fell on yebufan.

It's a pity that their attacks have been weakened by the counteraction of Ye Bufan's double vigorous Qi. In addition, ye Bufan's strong body in Yuan Dynasty


The five elders of the Tianyu sect and more than ten deacons of the Tiangang realm joined hands to kill yebufan, but it only shocked his body and made his blood boil.

Besides, it has no effect on yebufan at all, let alone hurt him or kill him.

An instant confrontation.

Everything seems long, but you can't even breathe.

"How could it be!!"

Looking at yebufan, everyone of tianyuzong was shocked and incredible.

Five yuan mansion and more than ten Tiangang joined hands to attack, but they didn't hurt at all?

Is this special or human?

Even the yin-yang dragon jade has frowned, with a heavy and worried face.

Because at the moment, he has clearly realized that although the young man in front of him is arrogant to almost rampant, he does have arrogant qualifications and capital.

And what about himself??

He didn't despise yebufan, but he underestimated the other party in the end.

One blow repels oneself.

He shook the five yuan mansion and more than ten Tiangang with one strike without injury.

The strength of the young man is not a bit stronger than himself.

What should I do?

It is impossible to retire.

Negotiation, peace?

Even if you have this idea, the other party will certainly not agree.

In that case, the only way is to fight to the death.


The next second, the yin-yang dragon jade took out his sword, pulled it out of its sheath and said, "spare no effort."


As soon as the voice was over, yin and Yang Longyu took his sword and rushed to yebufan again.

The five elders of the Tianyu sect and more than ten deacons of the Tiangang realm also instantly recovered.




They either light their swords or draw their swords.

Of course, some people are still just a pair of fists.

However, swords and fists are not the key points. The key point is martial arts.

Since the fists and feet can't hurt the other party, we beat him up with our martial arts skills.

Although they can't have endless spiritual power to support them to continuously display their martial arts skills like yebufan, even if they have only one chance, that's enough.

They didn't believe it. Under the joint attack of five yuan mansion and more than ten Tiangang martial arts, yebufan could still be as peaceful as before.

If this is the case, they will have to accept their fate.

In fact, yebufan is not strong enough.

Especially the sabre attack.

That is definitely a fatal threat to ye Bufan.

Therefore, at the moment when the Tianyu clan and the people, especially the yin-yang dragon and the jade, showed their weapons, yebufan frowned, but it was only an instant.

The next second, yebufan hissed: "weapons? Even if they are few."


Yebufan's words fell, and the yin-yang dragon jade had been killed with the sword.

The five elders of tianyuzong and more than ten deacons have also rushed to kill with their martial arts skills.

But at this time, yebufan suddenly shouted, "I have my own sword, but please Lord Yin and Yang... Don't let me teach you."


Words fall, and ye Bufan steps out.



Under the "kill God" three moves, only the "two hands up" move has changed its color, and the cold kill makes the surrounding temperature drop sharply.

Yebufan turns into a heaven Sabre and directly attacks the yin-yang dragon jade.


Seeing this scene, I especially felt the cold killing machine and the endless sense of oppression on the Tiandao. The heart of the yin-yang dragon jade who had been killed by the sword could not help trembling.

He felt that the knife could not be stopped by himself, and he would die.

The yin-yang dragon jade is like this. The king elder who escaped from the King City among the five elders is even more nervous. He still clearly remembers that the vice Lord Qin of the triple heaven of the yuan family was split in two by this knife.

So, he shouted in a subconscious voice: "Lord, run!"

The author Ying duzui said: 150 flowers add more!

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