Are you yebufan?

Xueer's chosen husband?

What do you mean?

Yebufan looked at anzimu with strange eyes, then frowned and said, "this is yebufan."

Yebufan didn't say a word about Ruyi's husband.

Yebufan deliberately evaded, and anzimu did not continue to ask, but looked at yebufan and said: "Xueer said that in the Xingyue King City, you directly killed a martial artist of the triple heaven of the yuan family by virtue of a martial arts skill. In this way, your accomplishments must be not weak. How many days of the yuan family?"

"The seven heavens of the Yuan Dynasty."

"Seven heavens?"


"Since it is the seventh heaven of the Yuan Dynasty, why can't I feel the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power from you? You used your secret skills to hide your accomplishments?"


Yebufan answered.

Although he was very clear that the reason why an Zimu couldn't see his depth was because he was cultivating divine power, not spiritual power, yebufan would not tell an Zimu.

When yebufan said this, anzimu looked at him and squinted: "the cultivation of the seven heavens of the yuan family is a secret skill that I can't see through. Yebufan, you are not simple."

After a pause, anzimu continued: "your first appearance was at the Chen family in Qingshan Town, Xingyue kingdom. At that time, you were seriously injured, and your accomplishments were only in the Xianwu realm. Later, when you helped the Chen family eradicate wuqianchuan, the leader of cangyun City, you showed the strength of Taiyi realm."

"Then you left Qingshan town and went to Xingyue forest."


"The great prince of the star moon Kingdom killed the king and seized the throne. When you helped the second prince to seize the throne, you showed the strength of the yuan family, and killed the deputy leader of Tianyu Zongyuan family."

"That is to say, you just appeared in the territory of tianwu imperial court out of thin air. Unexpectedly, in just a few months, you have grown from a martial artist in the Xianwu realm to the seventh heaven of the yuan mansion."

"Yebufan, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Anzimu smiled.

Yebufan's heart trembled.

He didn't expect that anzimu would find out what happened after he came to Xianwu world in such a short time.

In addition to the identity of God and the secret of Tianyuan xiaoqianjie, I have become a piece of white paper without any secret in front of anzimu.

After a short absence, yebufan regained consciousness, looked at anzimu, looked scared and wary, and said: "I don't know, what kind of explanation does your majesty want?"

"Ha ha."

Anzimu chuckled: "in fact, I don't need any explanation from you."


Yebufan frowned.

Anzimu continued: "no matter where you come from, what purpose you have, what opportunities you have, or what background you have, I only know that my daughter has a crush on you, that's enough."

"What does your majesty mean?"

"Isn't my meaning clear enough? Since Xueer has a crush on you, you will be the son-in-law of the tianwu emperor from now on."


Yebufan couldn't help exclaiming, "Your Majesty, isn't it difficult for you?"

"Force others to do what is difficult?"

Anzimu said without hesitation: "yes, I'm a strong man, so what? As you said, is it the king and his officials who lead the land in the world? In the tianwu Dynasty, in my territory, if I let you marry Xueer, you must marry Xueer. You... Have no other choice."

"If Ben Shao had to refuse?"


Anzimu sneered: "now, do you think you still have the qualification and opportunity to refuse?"


Ye Bufan was very angry, but he suddenly realized: "you made Ben Shao the vice commander of the imperial guards just to cheat Ben Shao into coming to tianwu imperial court."

"That's right."

"In your eyes, can't a strong man in the limitless realm still win this little?"

"Things change. There is nothing wrong with being careful."

"What a fickle world, what a careful one is always right."

Yebufan gave a wry smile, and then said, "if Ben Shao insists on refusing, what will you do?"

"I have said that you have neither the right nor the opportunity to refuse. If Xueer likes you, you must marry her."

"Your Majesty, even if you force ben to marry seven princesses, do you think she will be happy?"

"Happiness? What do you think happiness is?"


"In my opinion, you can get it if you want it. This is the greatest happiness in the world."


"Well, don't talk nonsense. I'll ask you again for the last time. Are you willing to marry Xueer and be my emperor's son-in-law?"

"Is there any other choice for Ben Shao?"


"In that case, why do you ask so much?"

"I just don't like forcing people to be difficult."

"Ha ha."

Yebufan hissed.

You don't like being hard on people?

You don't like forcing others to marry your seven princesses?

How can you order a face.

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think more, an Zimu once again said, "the next auspicious day will be six months later. At that time, you will marry Xueer again. Do you have any opinion?"

"It's up to your majesty."

"Very good."

Anzimu smiled and said, "yebufan, I know that your so-called promise is just perfunctory. Even now, you must be thinking, promise me first, and then look for an opportunity to escape from the tianwu Imperial City, or even the tianwu imperial dynasty, right?"

Yebufan was stunned.

Anzimu continued: "yes, as long as you can escape from the tianwu Imperial City under my nose, you have the ability, but before that..."


As soon as anzimu's voice fell, the breath of terror suddenly surged out of him and poured into yebufan like a raging wave.

Yebufan was shocked.

However, before yebufan made any response, he felt that a powerful and heavy force had been heavily swept down on him.


The next second, yebufan spat out blood.


Then, his body was directly and uncontrollably paralyzed on the ground.


Changes between electricity, light and flint.

Yebufan looked at anzimu with hate.

He didn't expect that anzimu broke his Dantian, broke his yuan mansion and ruined his martial arts accomplishments.

However, in the face of yebufan's hateful eyes, anzimu didn't care at all.

"Young Tianjiao?"

"Yuanfu Qizhong?"

Looking at yebufan, an Zimu sneered and said, "from now on, you will stay in the tianwu emperor and be your son-in-law."

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