An Ruxue beat five arsonists, skinned them, and even killed their nine families. Yebufan didn't know about it.

Of course, even if he knew, yebufan wouldn't care.

A murderer is always killed.

For whatever reason, and for whatever reason, it is an indisputable fact that these people want to take their own lives.

Since you want to kill yourself, you must have the consciousness of being killed.

At night.

The streets of the imperial city.

Yebufan walks aimlessly with Wang Tian and Shen Xiong.

At the moment, yebufan just wants to find a place to have a good rest. After a day of being abandoned, challenged, assassinated and set on fire, he is really tired.

Not people are tired, but the heart is tired.

It is a pity that it is midnight now, and the imperial city is silent. It is really difficult for yebufan to find a temporary place to stay.

Of course, if this matter is left to an Ruxue, she must be able to help yebufan solve it immediately and arrange a new son-in-law mansion for him.

However, yebufan doesn't want to ask an Ruxue for help.

The cold night.

The cold streets.

A street corner 300 meters away from the Fuma mansion.


Yebufan suddenly steps.

This accident made Wang Tian and Shen Xiong, the two people behind him, stunned.

"Son in law, what's the matter?"

Wang Tian looked at yebufan and asked.

But yebufan didn't answer him.

"Da Da..."

Under the stunned eyes of Wang Tian and Shenxiong, yebufan turns around and returns.

Wang Tian and his wife were confused.

Three steps later, yebufan stopped, then turned sideways and looked at a three story building on the street, or at the plaque on the front door of the building.

The plaque was engraved with the words' there is a restaurant '.

Although it is only four simple words, it brings a sense of deja vu to yebufan.

At this time, Wang Tian and his wife had also noticed the restaurant.


The next second, Wang Tian said softly, looking at the plaque in front of the restaurant: "isn't this Zuixian building? When did you change the name? There is a restaurant? It's very interesting."


Yebufan frowned, then looked at Wang Tian and said, "have you ever been to this restaurant?"


Wang Tian was stunned instinctively.

Although he didn't know why yebufan asked, he said truthfully: "my subordinates did come to this restaurant when I returned to my son-in-law, but it wasn't called a restaurant before, it was called Zuixian restaurant. Moreover, this restaurant is very famous in the imperial city. The Zuixian wine brewed exclusively by the shopkeeper of the restaurant is the best wine, but the price is relatively high, so my subordinates have only been here twoorthree times."


Yebufan gave a deep thought and said, "the immortals in Zuixian building are Zuixian. It's not necessary to put such an appropriate name as Zuixian building, but it's really interesting to have a restaurant with such a funny name."

"Wang Tian, knock on the door."

"I want to taste the so-called immortality tonight."




Then he answered again and went straight to the door.

"Dong Dong Dong."

After Wang Tian buttoned the door for more than ten times, a lazy and impatient voice finally came from the room: "who let people sleep in the middle of the night?"


The next second, the door opened.

Then a young woman appeared in Wang Tian's sight.

The woman is twenty-five or six years old.

Dressed in white, plain faced.

But even so, when he saw her, Wang Tian was a little distracted.

Because this is a beautiful woman.

Although it can not be compared with the first beauty of tianwu and the eighth Lord an Ruyan, in this imperial city, with a woman's face, it can definitely be called "stunning".

The most important thing is that Wang Tian has been to the restaurant several times, but he has never seen the beautiful woman in front of him.

Looking at Wang Tian's absent-minded appearance, the woman rolled her eyes and said with some dissatisfaction: "don't you think it's impolite to look at a woman who hasn't left the cabinet with such eyes?"


Wang Tian thought again and again, "sorry, sorry."

Finally, he added: "I don't know, is the girl?"

"You are an interesting man."

The woman smiled and said, "it's OK to knock at the door in the middle of the night. When you come to my restaurant, you ask me who I am. Are you full or tired?"


Wang Tian was stunned again.

Although the woman's last two words made him feel awkward, he was more concerned about the woman's identity than this. Even if he blurted out: "your restaurant."


"No, isn't the owner of this restaurant Lao Zhang?"

"Can't he sell the restaurant?"

As soon as the words were over, the woman said impatiently, "I said, are you finished or not? If you have something to say, leave quickly. Don't hinder my rest."


Wang Tian said something embarrassed, and then said: "well, girl, my son-in-law... My son-in-law wants to have a taste of the immortals in your shop. I wonder... Could you please help me?"

"No, it's not convenient."


"In the middle of the night, who knows what you want to do? If you three big men want to do something wrong to me after you enter the store, won't I be ruined?"

"Eh? No, girl..."

"If you don't go, I will call you rude. Don't forget, this is the imperial city. Although it's midnight, the city guards don't rest."


"Come on, let's go. We need to drink. We'll be early tomorrow."

"Young master?"

Wang Tian had no choice but to look back at yebufan.

At this time, yebufan looked at the woman and said, "do you know who Ben Shao is?"

"I don't care who you are."

"Ben Shaoye Bufan."


"Can Ben Shao enter the store now?"

"It was the son-in-law. It was disrespectful."

The woman smiled, and immediately came to yebufan, and made a gesture of invitation and said, "if your son-in-law wants to drink, it's natural and necessary. Please, son-in-law."

Without stopping, yebufan went directly to the restaurant in front of him.

The woman followed.

Wang Tian's face was messy.

Shen Xiong is also a little crazy.

It's really that women's attitude changes too fast and too suddenly.

One second ago, I had to shout indecently.

The second after that, you will directly greet people with a smile?

Is it because of these three words?

This is NIMA.

What happened to my son-in-law.

The son-in-law is also human.

Won't the son-in-law do wrong to you?

Also, people say, you believe it?

Aren't you afraid that someone else is pretending to be your son-in-law?

As for the woman, Wang Tian was completely speechless.

A snob.

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