During the three days, the imperial city seemed calm on the surface, but in fact, as the Minister of the Ministry of war, Zhang Youliang was very clear that within these three days, yebufan had blackmailed more than 100 officials.

Among them, the highest official position is the six Shangshu, including him.

Although they have not yet stood at the peak of the power of the tianwu emperor, they represent different factions of the tianwu emperor.

Plus nearly 100 other officials of all sizes.

It can be said that in just three days, yebufan, the new son-in-law, has offended all factions of the whole tianwu imperial dynasty.

If it weren't for the deterrence of seven princess an Ruxue, I'm afraid yebufan would have been a corpse in the imperial city.

But even so, he still doesn't know how to restrain.

Now, is it coming again?

What is he doing here?

never go to the temple for nothing.

Even if Zhang Youliang thinks about it with his toes, it's not difficult to guess that the goods must have come for money.

He just gave him 570million three days ago.

I came back three days later.

What does he think of himself?

His son-in-law's purse?

It really deceives people too much.

But when he thought of an Ruxue, Zhang Youliang had another headache.

But he could only say in a stern voice, "tell him that I am not here."

"Who isn't there?"

However, just as Zhang Youliang's voice fell, a dull voice suddenly sounded not far away.

Zhang Youliang was stunned.

The official of the Shangshu mansion was no exception.

The two of them immediately sought fame.

In the sight, yebufan came slowly with Wang Tian and Shen Xiong.

Seeing ye Bufan, Zhang Youliang flashed a flash of anger in his eyes. Then he looked at the housekeeper beside him. He seemed to be asking: who let you let him in?

The housekeeper looked bitter and innocent.

Can they stop the prince in law from entering the Shangshu mansion if they want to?

Without waiting for the two to communicate too much, yebufan came to them. Looking at Zhang Youliang, yebufan was curious and said, "Lord Zhang, what are you talking about? Who isn't there?"


Zhang Youliang took a swipe at the corner of his mouth and directly changed the topic: "what's the matter with the emperor's son-in-law?"

"Nothing. I just want to ask you for some money."

Yebufan said lightly.

Your hemp skin.

Zhang Youliang was blown up.

Nothing. Just ask me for some money?

What do you think of me?

Do you want to be so casual?

Do you want to be so frank?

Are you ready to eat? I dare not do anything to you?

"How much?"

Although he was furious, Zhang Youliang still gritted his teeth and asked.

"Just give us $56.78 billion."

Yebufan looks indifferent.

Just give me $56.78 billion?

Do you think I run a bank?

Zhang Youliang was furious, but said, "wait, I'll get it for you."


Yebufan frowned.

That's a quick promise, isn't it?

Not only yebufan, but also Wang Tian, Shenxiong and the Chamberlain of the Shangshu mansion were surprised and ignorant.

The next second, yebufan opened his mouth directly and said, "please bother Mr. Zhang. Ben Shao is waiting here."


Yebufan's words fell. Zhang Youliang snorted coldly. Then he picked up his three-year-old grandson and turned to leave. Of course, before leaving, he told the housekeeper to greet yebufan.

ten minutes later.

Zhang Youliang hasn't come back yet.

Twenty minutes later.

Zhang Youliang is still missing.

Half an hour.

Yebufan had a funny smile on his lips.

At the same time.

Prime Minister's residence, main hall.

Zhangyouliang is sitting respectfully on a chair on the left side of the hall, and above him is an old man with white hair and young face. The old man is no other than ye Xuan, the right Prime Minister of the tianwu emperor.

After Zhang Youdao said goodbye to yebufan, he did not go to get money for him. Instead, he left the Shangshu mansion and came to the prime minister's mansion. Zhang Youliang's idea was very simple and could not be provoked. Can't Lao Tzu hide.

At the moment, looking at Zhang Youliang, ye Xuan was surprised and said, "you mean that an Ruxue's son-in-law just blackmailed you 570million three days ago, and now he comes to you for money?"

"Yes, my teacher."

"Why didn't you say that before?"

"My teacher, I, I, I thought that one thing is better than one thing. So I didn't tell you. I believe other people have the same idea as me. But who ever thought that this morning, the boy came again."

"How many people did he blackmail besides you?"

"There should be nearly a hundred people, including the six books of history?"

"Nearly a hundred people?"


"You fools, if he wants it, you can give it to him?"

"Teacher, you can't do without it."

"Why not?"

"At least he is also an Ruxue's son-in-law."

"Why, did he blackmail you? Was it an Ruxue's idea?"

"Yes, I don't think so."

"Since it isn't, what are you afraid of? Don't say that he hasn't married an Ruxue, what can he do even if he is married? To put it mildly, he is the son-in-law, but to put it mildly, he is just an Ruxue's plaything."

"However, I can't drive him out. If I do, will it hurt an Ruxue's face? As an Ruxue is a man, I'm afraid I'll lose my skin if I don't die."

"You Liang, you Liang, you used to be one of my most proud students. Why are you so confused now?"


"Our seven princesses are really ruthless, but she still has a minimum sense of propriety. You are one of the six books of history. You are also an old scholar. What do you think she can do to you? Kill you? Abolish you? Or dismiss your official position? No, she can't. at most, she just beats you. What's more, she doesn't make sense this time."

"What the master meant was to drive the boy away directly?"

"Confused, you obviously have a better choice. Why do you have to refute an Ruxue's face?"

"Please give me some advice."

"You must tie the bell before you untie it."

"What the master meant was to ask his disciples to find an Ruxue?"

"That's right, but you can't go alone. In this way, I will say hello to some other old guys later and ask some other ministers and officials blackmailed by him to go with you."


Minister's office of the Ministry of war.

More than 40 minutes passed, but Zhang Youliang did not return. Yebufan looked at the Chamberlain of the Shangshu mansion beside him and said impatiently, "does it take so long for your master to withdraw money?"


The housekeeper looked worried and didn't know what to say.

Although Zhang Youliang didn't say anything before he left, he knew that at this moment, Zhang Youliang had already left the Shangshu mansion, and he didn't know where to hide.

It's a pity that he can't and dare not say that.

Without waiting for the housekeeper to think about it, yebufan asked coldly, "by the way, where do you usually go to get your money, the bank?"

The housekeeper said subconsciously, "no, it's not. We have our own accounting room in the Shangshu mansion."

"So, did Lord Zhang go to the accounting room?"

"Yes, I suppose so?"

"Is the accounting room in the Shangshu mansion?"


"Then why hasn't lord Zhang returned after more than 40 minutes?"


Housekeeper's words.

"Not good."

Yebufan suddenly exclaimed, then stood up fiercely and said in a hurry, "there must be an accident. Hurry, take this book less to the accounting room."

The author Ying duzui said: Yigeng

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