"This is the personal information of all the immediate family members of the six books of the imperial court, and the content of your second round of assessment is that within three days, each team will kidnap one of the immediate family members of the six books of the imperial court to Ben Shao. Ben Shao will not specify who it is. However, this person must have an extremely important position in the hearts of the six books of the imperial court, do you understand?"

Yebufan's words fell. Of the 167 people present, except for 30 shenkiller guards, all the others were ignorant.

What does the son-in-law mean?

Kidnap the immediate relatives of the six ministers?

what the fuck.

No wonder the son-in-law said that once the second round of assessment started, he could never quit.

Nima can't quit. It's clear that the prince in law is worried that someone will quit and leak out the contents of the second round of assessment.

Who are the six books of history?

That was the powerful minister of the second ladder of the tianwu emperor.

They are not only high and powerful, but also strong in Yuan Dynasty.

Kidnap their immediate relatives?

What's the difference between that and dying.

The son-in-law is absolutely crazy. He is going to play with fire and burn himself.

If you knew that the second round of assessment was a problem, you should quit in advance.

But can I quit now?

It's too late.

Since the son-in-law has said the content of the assessment, he will not give them another chance to quit.

What should I do?

Suddenly, all the people except the thirty murderers were bitter.

"Why, are you afraid?"

Looking at these people, yebufan smiled and asked.

Aren't you afraid?

That's six books of history.

People thought to themselves.

Yebufan said again, "actually, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's just six books of ministers. What if they tie their immediate family members? There are few books to cover. They dare not do anything to you."

"What can they do to you if they want to?"

"What is this place?"

"This is a restaurant."

"Nanxiluo, the landlady here, is a strong man in the limitless realm."

"Although the six books of history hold high positions, do they dare to be unbridled here?"

"They dare not."

"Plus Ben Shao has already contracted a restaurant."

"Nowadays, no one can enter a restaurant without Ben Shao's permission. If someone tries to break in, Nan Xiluo will be the first to forgive him."

"Therefore, as long as you hide in a restaurant afterwards, even the six books of history can't do anything to you."

"Therefore, the only thing you need to consider now is how you can safely tie back Ben Shao's immediate relatives of the six Shangshu."


Yebufan's words fell, and everyone was stunned.

It has to be said that yebufan's words are somewhat reasonable.

What are they afraid of with the support of their son-in-law?

Besides, isn't there nanxiluo, a powerful man in the limitless realm?

In front of the strong in the limitless realm, the six Shangshu are nothing.

Now, these people here finally know why the son-in-law wants to buy a restaurant at a high price of $500 million a day.

He is a black sheep.

He was clearly seeking asylum.

The crowd thought, and yebufan said again, "of course, Ben Shao will not treat you badly. After you tie people back, Ben Shao will extort a sum of six books of letters. At that time, Ben Shao will share all the profits with you."

"That is to say, if benshao blackmailed threebillion, then 1.5 billion of them were yours."

"Of course, the 1.5 billion yuan will not be shared equally by all of you, but by the group that ties it."

"Take your group for example."

Yebufan pointed to one of the team and said, "if the people you tie back make Ben Shao successful in extorting threebillion, then 1.5 billion of the threebillion is yours, that is to say, 27 of you will share the 1.5 billion. On average, each of you will get about 56 million."

"Ben, don't say that. Can you understand?"


How could I not understand.

Fools don't understand.

For these people present, yebufan, the son-in-law's son-in-law, has given some frightening remuneration, but unexpectedly, yebufan's welfare is even more amazing.

Tie up a person and you get $56 million?


This is the rhythm of getting rich overnight.

In an instant, all the other people present were extremely excited except for the thirty killer guards.

People die for wealth, birds die.

They are even close to becoming ye Bufan's loyal followers.

After all, yebufan gave them a chance to get rich.

As for risk.

There must be some risks, and they are not small.

But so what?

Wealth insurance.

If you don't take some risks, you won't be rich forever.

Then again, what about the risks?

The big deal is death.

Don't forget that even if they die, their families can still get their ten-year salary as compensation.

In that case, what are you afraid of?

Six books of history?


Fuck him.

Immediately, among the six groups, the God killing guards said one after another:

"My son-in-law, we will select the Minister of the Ministry of war."

"Our group asked for the Minister of rites."

"The Minister of the Ministry of household, don't fight with us."


Just in an instant, the six books of history had been completely 'carved up'.

Yebufan smiled and said, "you can decide who you want to choose. You don't care about it. As long as you can tie people back in three days."

"Of course, the goal is not limited to the six Shangshu."

"That is to say, within three days, if you have the ability and time to tie back the relatives of the six ministers and tie back more people at the same time, Ben Shao doesn't mind."

"After all, the more people you tie up, the more you earn less."

"Similarly, your income will increase accordingly."

"As for offending people?"

"Don't be afraid."

"Do you see a restaurant here?"

"Ben Shao has been in the bag for twenty days. It's a big deal to keep him for another twenty years."

"If you have money, you are my master."

"As long as it's not limitless, we're not afraid of anyone coming."

Yebufan's solemn words shocked everyone present.

Rich, we are masters?

you 're right.

Money is God.

Because if you have money, you can always stay in a restaurant. If you stay in a restaurant, you can always enjoy the shelter of nanxiluo, a powerful man in the limitless realm.

What are you afraid of now that you have the shelter of the strong in the extreme environment?

As long as it is not limitless, no one will advise.

In that case, fuck him.

"Get out."

But at this moment, an angry cry suddenly sounded outside the restaurant: "just two forbidden men dare to stop me. Who gave you the courage? Or do you think you've lived too long? Get away quickly. If not, don't blame me for being rude to you."

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