Looking for an Ruxue?

When yebufan said this, yin and Yang Shaolong and Zhou Fang were stunned, and their eyes flashed cold.

Yebufan is absolutely a threat from chiguoguo.

Ann Ruxue who?

It is not too much to say that she is a cruel and ruthless poison woman.

If you really want to bring this matter to her, the yin-yang Shaolong will lose its skin even if it is immortal.

Immediately, Zhou Fang said with a bitter look on his face, "son-in-law, it's just a small matter. There's no need to disturb the seven princesses?"

"Will you give it or not?"

"Here you are."

Zhou Fang bit his teeth and said one word.

Then he added: "but 10 billion is not a small amount. I need time."

"How long?"

"One month."


"My son-in-law doesn't know. Although our yin-yang family has a large family and business, they also have large daily expenses. Raising 10 billion yuan a month is the limit we can do."

"Yes, there is little time left."


Hearing the speech, Zhou Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although ten billion yuan is not small for the yin-yang family, it is definitely not much. At least with the financial resources of the yin-yang family, it can be taken out now. The reason why Zhou Fang said it would take a month is that within a month, yin-yang Jie will return to the imperial city. As long as the yin-yang family returns to the Imperial City, all problems will be solved.

Ten billion?

It is impossible for the Yin and Yang family to give.

But at this time, yebufan continued: "it's just that you can wait a little. I just don't know your little general is waiting."

Zhou Fang was stunned: "what does the prince-in-law mean?"


Yebufan said faintly, "you should know that all the people Ben Shao is looking for are Desperado. And you have seen the situation just now. They are all grumpy. If they beat your young general at any time, then... With the current situation of your major general, it is difficult to guarantee that Ben Shao can survive for a month."


As soon as yebufan's voice fell, Limu kicked the yin-yang dragon directly.




Then he punched and kicked Yin and Yang Shaolong.

Yin Yang Shaolong cries out in pain.

Zhou Fang's face became extremely gloomy.


Staring at yebufan, he was already angry.

But yebufan glanced at Li Mu and said reproachfully, "Li Mu, how can you hit people at will?"

Hearing the speech, Limu moved slowly. Then he looked at yebufan and scratched his head. He was embarrassed and said, "my son-in-law, this guy really deserves beating. I, I didn't hold back for a while."

"Forget it. It's just one time. It's not another case."


After Li Mu's words, yebufan looked at Zhou Fang again and said, "by the way, how long did you say it would take?"

Son of a bitch.

Zhou Fang scolded in his heart, but he could only endure his anger, clenched his teeth and said, "son-in-law, I just said that it would take half a month to raise 10 billion yuan. My yin-yang family needs half a month."


Yebufan gave a long answer, and then he didn't say anything more.

Seeing this, Zhou Fang was stunned.

What do you mean?

Can you give me a word.

However, at this time, another god killing guard came to the yin-yang Shaolong, and without any hesitation, he directly punched and kicked the yin-yang Shaolong 'bambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambam'.

Yebufan immediately scolded: "what are you doing? Why are you hitting people again?"

"Well, my son-in-law, I can't help it."

The man scratched his head and said.

"Forget it."

Yebufan waved his hand and said, "this is only one time. This will not be an example."


The killer guard retreated to one side.


However, Zhou Fang was blown up by his anger.

Can't hold back?

I couldn't hold back your uncle.

You obviously did it on purpose.

This is only one time, not another?

There are more than 100 people present. Does everyone have to beat up my young master?


Zhou Fang took a deep breath, looked at yebufan, and said angrily and helplessly, "my son-in-law, I think... Ten days, ten days, my yin-yang family should be able to raise 10 billion."

"Ten days?"

"Yes, ten days. Ten days is enough."


Yebufan answered, and there was no movement.

Hemp skin.

What do you mean?

Zhou Fang is crazy.

He immediately looked at the yin-yang Shaolong.

Sure enough, another person rushed to the yin-yang Shaolong, and it was not one, but a group.

Zhou Fang's mentality is about to explode.


He immediately said, "one day, no, I, I will go to get money for my son-in-law."


Yebufan looked at Zhou Fang with great interest.

"Yes, now."

"Didn't you say it would take at least a month?"

"I, I was joking with my son-in-law."

"What a joke?"

"What a joke."

"OK, but if you have any difficulties, you should talk to Ben Shao. After all, Ben Shao doesn't like forcing others to make things difficult. It's OK to give you a few days."

"No, I don't need it. I'm going to get money for my son-in-law."

After that, Zhou Fang ran out of a restaurant.

How many more days?

If you allow me a few more days, my young master will be killed alive by you.

"Ha ha."

Watching Zhou Fang leave, yebufan smiled, then poured himself a glass of wine and drank it himself.

Yin Yang Shaolong lay on the ground like a dog and looked at yebufan. His eyes were full of anger and hatred, but he dared not say or do anything.

More than ten minutes later, Zhou Fang went back.

He went into the restaurant, put ten storage bags in front of yebufan, and said, "son-in-law, this is 10 billion yuan. Please order."


Yebufan said something faintly, and then looked at Limu aside, slightly dissatisfied: "what are you doing? Untie our major general soon."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Limu answered repeatedly and directly loosened the binding of yin-yang Shaolong.


Yin Yang Shaolong breathed a sigh of relief.

He was angry, impatient, angry and hateful, but he was really afraid of being beaten.

After regaining his freedom, he never stopped.

"Let's go."

Leave a word and the yin-yang little dragon goes out directly.

He doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

Zhou Fang followed behind the yin-yang little dragon.

However, just as they were about to step out of the restaurant gate, yebufan suddenly said:

"Young general, thank you very much. I'm just short of money, so you sent me ten billion yuan, which really solved my urgent need. In this way, I'll buy you a drink when you come to the restaurant some other day."

Drink your sister.

Yin and Yang Shaolong scolded in his heart.

Yebufan looked at nanxiluo on the second floor of the restaurant, and said with a smile, "nanxiluo, see, ten billion yuan. It's less than 20 days."

Hearing the speech, the yin-yang little dragon made a step, then turned around fiercely, stared at ye Bufan and shouted angrily, "Ye, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

Yebufan pretends to be confused.


Yin and yang are few and the dragon is short of breath.


Yebufan lengthened the voice line and said, "does general Shao mean the event of private house? What else can that mean? Naturally, it is for the sake of getting close to manager Nan."

Son of a bitch.

With my money, with my girl?

You are so deceiving.


Under the attack of anger, the yin-yang little dragon could not help gushing blood

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