Even extortion.

Now yebufan even forces them to sell their children's and women's products.

I can't stand it.

A moment later, Zhang Youliang was the first to recover. He looked at yebufan angrily and said with his teeth: "son-in-law, are you going too far in doing this?"

Other officials glared at each other.


Yebufan said faintly, "it's natural to pay back the money in debt. Where has it gone?"

It's natural to owe money.

But do we owe you money?

That's blackmail.


Zhang Youliang snorted coldly and said, "the winner is the prince and the loser is the Kou. Although we accept the defeat, we will not sign these contracts anyway. If the prince in law is dissatisfied, he can kill us directly."

"Kill you?"

"That's right."

"No, no, no, Ben Shao never makes a fuss about human life."

"Then leave."

"Has ben allowed you to go?"

"What else do you want?"

"Ben Shao doesn't want to do anything. He just wants to abolish your accomplishments."

"What, you dare."

"Don't you dare, Duan Feng, do it."



"What else does Lord Zhang want to say?"

"Give us three days. After three days, give us the remaining 13 billion hands."

"One day."

"In three days, thirteen billion is not a small amount after all."

"One day."

"You... Two days."

"One day."

"Is the son-in-law trying to kill us?"

"One day."

"You... Day by day, let's go."

Zhang Youliang turned to leave.


But yebufan called him back and said, "words are useless. If you want to go, you can make a written note first."


Zhang Youliang could not help scolding.

In the end, he, together with the other five ministers and nearly 100 officials present, wrote ye Bufan a loan receipt of $13 billion, and then went away.

"Ha ha."

Looking at the back of Zhang Youliang and others leaving, ye Bufan smiled leisurely.

A golden belt for killing and setting fire to repair bridges and roads and freeze to death.

Sure enough, robbery is the king.

Yebufan made a net profit of 18 billion yuan from the previous kidnapping.

Later, ye Bufan made another $30 billion in gambling.

Now, another $30 billion has been recorded.

It adds up to $78 billion.

Even excluding the $13 billion that Zhang Youliang and others have not paid, yebufan has already got $65 billion.

In terms of air transport, it is 65 million.

It cost about 20million to help duanfeng improve his accomplishments.

Now yebufan has 45 million left.

Hold 45 million.

As far as ye Bufan is concerned, he is definitely rich overnight.

If he wanted to, he could raise his accomplishments to the same level as Duan Feng.

But yebufan didn't do that.

the coming days would be long.

Let's talk about restoring self cultivation later.

The top priority is to make money, make money, and make more money.

However, after this battle, the family resources of the six ministers and the nearly 100 officials have been almost drained by yebufan. In other words, yebufan can no longer get too much benefit from them in the future.

Ye Bufan knows this.

But it doesn't matter.

What is this place?

This is tianwu imperial city.

There is no shortage of rich people here.

Six books of history are out of money, so look for other targets again.

As long as an Ruxue doesn't show up.

As long as anzimu doesn't interfere.

Yebufan will keep doing this.

A moment later, yebufan said, "go back, drink and pay."

Then yebufan went straight back to the restaurant.

Duan Feng followed.

The thugs were also happy.

However, the onlookers outside the restaurant are still a little silly and ignorant.

They did not expect that the six ministers and nearly 100 officials were so easily planted in the hands of Ye Bufan, the new son-in-law.

But it has nothing to do with them.

As the saying goes, it's none of your business.

For them, it's just a little more talk.

Soon after, what happened between yebufan and Liubu Shangshu and others was like having wings. It soon spread all over the Imperial City, and everyone knew it.

Everyone was in an uproar.

In the princess mansion.

An Ruxue was furious: "a group of rubbish."


The next morning.

"A beautiful day has begun again."

Yebufan stood at the door of the restaurant and stretched out.

Behind him, the faces of more than 100 thugs were also filled with very happy smiles, just because yebufan shared a lot of money with them yesterday. Now they are all real billionaires.

Suddenly, one of them couldn't help asking, "my Lord, who will you tie up today?"


Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

Even ye Bufan looked at the speaker and said with some astonishment: "you mean kidnapping?"


The man answered.

Yebufan shook his head and sighed, "Ben Shao is a good citizen. How can you encourage Ben Shao to do such illegal things?"


The man was stunned.

Other people were also cluttered and speechless.

Are you a good citizen?

If you are a good citizen, are there any lawbreakers in the imperial city?

Without waiting for everyone to think about it, yebufan began to talk again and changed the topic: "speaking of it, I haven't visited the imperial capital for some time. By the way, is there a casino in the imperial city?"


The crowd took a look at yebufan.

"That's right."

Yebufan replied, "the weather is fine today. I don't want to try my luck at the casino."

After a pause, yebufan said again, "why, there isn't even a casino in this huge tianwu imperial city?"

"Yes, yes, there are casinos in the Imperial City, and there are many more."

One of them immediately answered.


Yebufan looked at the man and said, "it seems that you should be a regular guest of the casino."

"Small ones are just a little bit."

The man scratched his head and said.

Yebufan smiled: "do you know which casino in the imperial city is the largest?"

"Of course, the biggest casino in the imperial city must be Zui Jin Lou."

"Zui Jin Lou?"

"Yes, sir, this Zuijin building is definitely the largest casino in the imperial city. There is no doubt that the whole Zuijin building is divided into three floors. The first floor is the most common playing method such as dice. There are no restrictions on this floor. Anyone can enter this floor. The second floor is fighting animals. However, there are entry conditions for entering the second floor. The entry conditions are threemillion spirit stones. Without threemillion spirit stones, they are not qualified to enter the second floor. As for the third floor, it is small I haven't been there, so I don't know about the third floor. I only know that the entry condition for the third floor is 20million Lingshi starting. "


Yebufan was quite interested and said, "in that case, go to the Zuijin building."

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