Sleeping trough, sir, what do you mean?

Looking at yebufan, his thugs were shocked.

That's true of thugs, let alone others.

At this moment, all gamblers on the first floor and the makers at each table all looked at yebufan. They looked surprised and even more confused.

Especially the banker in front of yebufan, his forehead has exuded a little cold sweat.

Nan Xiluo said, as long as the first one is small, you will surely win?


What nanxiluo said, this is absolutely your own nonsense.

The dealer is not a fool. He doesn't understand the meaning of yebufan's words.

Yebufan just wants to tell him that if yebufan wins, it is a matter of course.

But if yebufan loses, they cheat in the casino.


Is there any justice in this world, or is there any royal law?

Yebufan is clearly the blackmail and blackmail of chiguoguo.

The most abominable thing is that he bet $30 billion.

In the face of an Ruxue, if it is only threemillion, threemillion, or threemillion, the casino side may bite its teeth.

But 30 billion?

The casino certainly won't give it. At least the dealer knows he can't be the owner.

Immediately, he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and looked at yebufan pretending to be calm and said, "the son-in-law is joking. Gambling is a stimulus. Winning or losing depends on luck. Why do you have to win?"

"Do you mean that Nanxi falls in Huyou benshao? Or... Is she lying or bragging?"

Yebufan frowned.


The dealer is the corner of his mouth.

Today, at this moment, the dealer finally understands what it means to be shameless and invincible. He has never met such shameless people as yebufan.

But what can he do??

Yebufan can't provoke him.

Nanxiluo was even more annoying.

The most important thing is that if he loses, his life will certainly be lost.


In desperation, the dealer could only give a cry. His face was sad and he said, "wait a minute, my son-in-law's son-in-law is a little uncomfortable. I'll come as soon as I go."

The dealer turned and ran away.

At the sight of this scene, all the people on the scene could not help but draw at the corners of their mouths.

Was the dealer really forced to leave because of stomach discomfort?

Obviously not.

The dealer did this just to avoid ye Bufan.

If you open your mouth, you will get 30 billion yuan.

Yebufan, the son-in-law, is more bandit than bandits.

Yebufan knows this, but he doesn't care at all.

After all, he came to "gamble", not to make trouble.

As a result, yebufan didn't stop the banker from fleeing the gambling table, and didn't even say anything.

Three minutes later, the dealer returned.

Looking at yebufan, the dealer smiled and said, "son in law, our boss asks you to go up to the third floor for a chat."

"Your boss asked Ben not to go to the third floor?"

Yebufan took a slightly surprised look at the dealer.


The dealer answered.

"No time."

As soon as yebufan waved his hand, he looked at the banker and said, "since you are back, let's start."

Start your hemp skin.

The dealer took a swipe at the corner of his mouth and said, "son-in-law, isn't that good?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong? You opened the door to do business and didn't come here to join us. Is there anything wrong? Hurry up and start."


"Me what me? Are you driving or not?"


The dealer wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

Yebufan's face sank and said, "why, you know benshao can win, so you don't want to gamble with benshao? Or are you open to business, only allowing us gamblers to lose and not allowing us to win?"

The dealer's face is oppressed and bitter.

Although our casino does win more and lose less, or even win and lose if you want to win, are you here to gamble?

You are obviously here to blackmail and blackmail.

The dealer was at a loss.

At this time, a burst of dense footsteps suddenly came from the stairs leading to the second floor.

Then, twenty or thirty people in black ran down from the second floor.

Seeing these people in black, all the gamblers were stunned.

As regular casino guests, they naturally know the identity of these people in black.

That's the guards and thugs of the casino.

But what are they doing here?

You don't want to fight with ye Bufan, the son-in-law?

Before the gamblers could think about it, the middle-aged man in sichongtian, the head of the yuan mansion, in front of more than 20 people in black, had glanced at the whole audience and said: "sorry, everyone. Today we have some private affairs to deal with in Zuijin building, so we have suspended business for one day. Please leave as soon as possible."

what the fuck.

What do you mean?

Do you really want to do it?

The gamblers were shocked.

But he dared not stay any longer and ran out of the casino.

Just for a moment, only yebufan and his party and the people in the casino were left in the casino where I was full of troubles.

Of course, although the gamblers in the original casino left the casino, they did not leave, but still stayed at the gate of the casino to watch.

"Bang! Bang!"

Also at this time, two dull and thick voices suddenly sounded.

Gamblers trembled.

The casino gate is closed.

At this time, the voices of gamblers finally burst out:

"What do Zui Jinlou want to do? They don't really want to do it, do they?"

"That goes without saying, otherwise they will drive us out to do something."

"My God, drunken Jinlou is going to make trouble. The eighth Princess' son-in-law dares to move. Aren't they afraid to annoy the eighth princess?"

"Afraid of a ball, if afraid, they won't start."

"Yes, there have been rumors outside that the boss behind Zui Jin Lou has great powers and knows everything. I didn't believe it before. Now it seems that I can't believe it."

"Hahaha, so the boy surnamed Ye kicked the iron plate?"

"He deserved it. He dared to touch the seven princesses and kill him."


In the restaurant.

Yebufan glanced at the more than 20 people in black in front of him, and finally fixed his eyes on the middle-aged man, and then said with a slight smile: "why, looking at your posture, do you want to compete with Ben Shao?"

"Miso miso!!"

Yebufan's words fell. All the more than 100 thugs behind him pulled out their swords and glared at the people in black.


But at this time, a hearty laugh suddenly rang out at the entrance of the stairs: "my brother-in-law is worried too much. They are all a family. How can the second brother fight with you?"

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