Girlish feelings, you know.

Understand your sister!!

Seeing that Qian Duoduo had disappeared, yebufan's mouth twitched slightly.

The same is true of others.

Nearly ten thousand monsters and fourteen demon emperors.

Although Qian Duoduo stayed for less than half an hour, he left an indelible impression on everyone present. This fat man regarded money as his life. Most importantly, he also let everyone see what is the real strong.

Turn your hands into clouds, cover your hands with rain.

He who rules his fate decides life and death.

The real strong, play between the fingers, annihilate everything.

Time seemed to stagnate, space seemed to solidify, and there was a dead silence between heaven and earth. Nearly 10000 members of the War Department stared at the void for a long time.

"Dead fat man, don't wait for Ben." Suddenly, yebufan pointed to the sky and angrily denounced that the appearance fee of onebillion gold coins was gone?

Your uncle!!


Everyone wakes up and is speechless.

It is suspected that the existence of the divine warrior is the challenge of Ning yuan. Here, and even the whole demon barbarian battlefield, I am afraid ye Bufan is the only one.

Young and frivolous, but so.

Wang Xun stood by and looked at yebufan with a wry smile on his face.

Previously, yebufan refused to let them take action and even threatened them with words. He thought that yebufan was worried that the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor would jump over the wall and kill Qin Yao.

The same is true.

However, apart from worrying about Qin Yao's safety and the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor's dog jumping off the wall, ye Bufan is more afraid of delaying time.

Rage, bloody battle.

Under the circumstances at that time, the war department did not move. Yebufan could win for a while in the face of the demon army, but sooner or later he would be defeated. This gives the demon clan a hope. No matter the human clan or the demon clan, as long as there is hope, they will not put all their eggs in one basket.

Kill Qin Yao?

I'm afraid ye Bufan did it deliberately.

Reverse thinking.

The more ye Bufan did so, the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor would be suspicious and worried, and the more he dared not and would not kill Qin Yao.

All this is to wait for the arrival of qianduoduo. Compared with the War Department, qianduoduo is undoubtedly more reliable and has a better chance of winning.

One man can turn the world around.

Wang Xun felt embarrassed and guilty when he thought that he could not help but destroy yebufan's plan and almost killed Qin Yaoxiang.

But he thinks he has a clear conscience.

If the general has orders, he must obey them.

Fortunately, Qian Duoduo came in time. Everything was in danger. Otherwise... Based on his understanding of yebufan, I'm afraid he would really turn against the war department.

Most importantly, Qian Duoduo broke such amazing news that yebufan was the son of Ye Tianxiong, the commander of Feilong.

Who is yetianxiong?

The war ministry myth is also the idol of Wang Xun.

A tiger father has no son.

Looking at yebufan, Wang Xun seemed to see the birth of another yetianxiong, as if... The bloody years more than ten years ago were about to be staged again.

Excited, excited.

"Fewer leaves."

Thinking, Wang Xun came to yebufan.


Yebufan angrily scolded.

This son of a bitch ignored his warnings and threats and nearly killed Qin Yao. Thinking of these, ye Bufan's anger could not be suppressed.

Whether you are kind or kind, I don't need it.


Wang Xun was stunned and smiled bitterly again.

Yebufan ignored him and walked to Qin Yao.

Seeing ye Bufan coming towards her step by step, Qin Yao felt inexplicably flustered and nervous. She slightly lowered her head and grasped the corners of her clothes with both hands. She did not dare to look directly at ye Bufan. She was completely a little woman.

This scene surprised all the soldiers present at the war department. Many soldiers even rubbed their eyes, thinking they were wrong.

Is this Qin Yao?

The cold and arrogant Qin Tongling, a stranger is not allowed to enter?

Just a moment later, yebufan came to Qin Yao. His right hand stretched out, his index finger pulled Qin Yao's chin out, and lifted her head slightly.

In an instant, the four eyes met.

Qin Yaojiao shuddered, averted her eyes, and ye Bufan smiled, instantly breaking the dead, strange and ambiguous atmosphere in front of her: "little lady, I didn't want to do it for you, but I invited all the martial arts masters here, and I was cheated by the dead fat man for a billion dollars, and I almost lost my life. What do you think about how to repay me for the lack of Ben? Do you want to promise me by example, or by example?"


Yebufan's words stunned everyone.


Qin Yao's nervous and flustered mood disappeared at this moment, but he could not help but give yebufan a hard look.

This guy, no one is good at it.

Even so, Qin Yao felt a burst of sweetness and emotion when he thought of the previous events. Why not promise each other by example.

Yebufan smiled.

After this battle, the beauty returned to her heart.

If there were not so many people from the War Department, Qin Yao would not resist if he wanted to eat Qin Yao in the wild mountains.

What a pity, what a pity

However, ye Bufan is not in a hurry. At this moment, can the cooked duck fly?

"Fewer leaves."

Suddenly, Wang Xun suddenly opened his mouth.

"For what?"

Yebufan looked at him and scolded angrily.

Wang Xun smiled bitterly. Although he knew it was inappropriate to disturb yebufan and Qin Yao at this time, he could not help saying: "Ye Shao, although the demon clan has been defeated temporarily, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave as soon as possible."

"Let's go..." Wang Xun's voice just dropped. Before ye Bufan could speak, Qin Yao pulled his clothes and said softly.

As Wang Xun said, although the demon clan was temporarily defeated, the northern mountains were always unsafe. Who can guarantee whether the purple emperor had other arrangements and deployments.

Leave as soon as possible.

"All right."

Qin Yao said that yebufan would not refuse. Moreover, he had achieved his goal of leaving the camp this time, and secretly checked the Soul Ring of the war department.


The accumulated meritorious service has exceeded 300000, which has greatly increased the level of a one star general.

There are still more than 220000 meritorious deeds that can be consumed, which can just unlock the seal of returning to yuan. However, yebufan has no such intention.

First, the cultivation is not enough, and it is still unable to remove the seal artifact.

Second, these useful feats yebufan intends to use to improve his martial arts level. After all, martial arts is also one aspect of combat effectiveness. While martial arts can be rapidly improved through inheritance, accomplishments are different. Accomplishments can only be cultivated slowly by themselves.

After previous attempts, yebufan has preliminarily reached a conclusion that visualizing martial arts can be directly introduced at one time and become successful ten times. According to this calculation, in yebufan's view, visualizing martial arts can achieve great success after 100 times.

Every time you visualize martial arts skills, you will consume 1000 meritorious deeds.

More than 200000 meritorious deeds can only make the two martial arts almost reach the state of great success. As for the state of perfection, yebufan did not dare to think about it for the time being.

But that's enough.

It is more than one month before July 7. During this period, yebufan plans to make every effort to improve his cultivation and martial arts skills and enhance his combat effectiveness.

On July 7, he was defeated and gained military power.


Hearing yebufan's consent, Wang Xun could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was really worried that yebufan would directly refuse him because of the previous events.

But now it's all right.

The purpose of their visit to the northern mountains this time is to find ye Bufan. Now that people have found it, they can naturally leave. Most importantly, Wang Xun knew that he must send the news back to the war department as soon as possible.

Fourteen demon emperors fell here. This is not a trivial matter for the demon clan or the human clan. Even these fourteen demon emperors have shaken the foundation of the purple emperor.

The demon emperor has fallen, one ebb and flow.

At this time, if the Terrans seize the opportunity to attack on a large scale without the knowledge and defense of the demon clan, they will certainly be able to achieve great achievements.

"Let's go."

Immediately, Wang Xun raised his hand and said with a smile.

Yebufan didn't care. He took Qin Yao by the hand.

Qin Yao was stunned at first, and then acquiesced.

There are so many things happening today that Qin Yao doesn't want to cover it up. Moreover, it's useless even to cover it up. After all, the soldiers of the war department here can see everything clearly. It won't be long before the whole war department will know.

conceal? Can not hide.

As for trouble?

Qin Yao couldn't help looking at yebufan.

The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth.

Moreover, Qin Yao has found out that ye Bufan is not afraid of trouble at all. Even, he doesn't need others to trouble him. He will go to trouble others.

The party stopped and prepared to evacuate.

"I want to go. Did you go?" Suddenly, under the high mountain, a distant roar came from far and near.

"Bang bang!!"

Then, the sound of dense footsteps, Mercedes Benz, one after another.

The demon clan is coming, and it is changing!!

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