["another round?"

Yebufan looks at yin-yang Shaolong unexpectedly.

"That's right."

Yin and Yang Shaolong answered, "I bet you 200 billion in this game. However, it's not on the second floor, but on the third floor. We'll fight for life and death with each other."


Yebufan agreed to Yin Yang Shaolong without thinking about it.

"In that case, let's go."

When Yin and Yang Shaolong finished talking, he went straight to the passage leading to the third floor.


But at this time, yebufan suddenly stopped him.

"What's the matter?"

Yin Yang Shaolong glanced back at yebufan.

Yebufan smiled and said, "it's OK to have a 200 billion yuan duel. However, before that, would you like to let Ben have a look at your 200 billion yuan?"

Yin and Yang Shaolong was stunned and said, "don't worry. It's only 200 billion yuan. I won't be in debt."

"I don't know or want to know whether you will default. However, if you want to gamble, you should first show me 200 billion yuan. After all, Ben Shao always doesn't see rabbits and eagles. He won't gamble with you until he sees 200 billion yuan."


Yin and yang are few and the dragon is short of breath.

200 billion.

At this moment, where can he find 200 billion?

Can I borrow it from zuijinlou again?

Stop teasing.

"Zui Jin Lou" was eager for him to borrow money again, but he had no collateral.

Without collateral, how could zuijinlou lend him money.

Without waiting for Yin and Yang Shaolong to think more, yebufan smiled and said, "why, you can't take out 200 billion?"


"Hehe, it seems that you really can't take it out. You want to gamble with Ben Shao without money? You're such an empty handed white wolf."


"Come on, don't you, me or me. I'm still a young general. I thought I was just a fat sheep, but I didn't think I was a poor man. I really wasted my time. I'm leaving."

Then yebufan turned and left.


Yin and Yang little dragon shouted angrily.

Yebufan ignored it, just waved his hand and said leisurely: "Ben Shao doesn't gamble with the poor. If you want to gamble, you can prepare 200 billion yuan first. Ben Shao is in a restaurant and will accompany you at any time."

While talking, yebufan had already walked down the second floor.

Duan Feng and his two men followed.

Yin Yang Shaolong was already angry and blue.


The young general of the general's mansion is said to be poor?

Your hemp skin.

You are a poor man. Your whole family is a poor man.


Under the attack of anger and fire, a mouthful of blood in the mouth of the yin-yang little dragon could not help spewing out.

"Long Shao!!"

Seeing this scene, several childe brothers around Yin and Yang Shaolong immediately exclaimed and welcomed them.


But he didn't want Yin and Yang Shaolong to push them away with a roar.

Young master, you look embarrassed.

The yin-yang little dragon is iron green on his face and full of anger.

I wanted to pit yebufan, but I didn't want to. In the end, I fell into yebufan's hands.

100 billion.

According to the rules of "zuijinlou", he had to pay one tenth of the interest every day.

That is 10 billion.

Ten billion a day.

A hundred billion in ten days.

One month is 300 billion yuan.

Just thinking about it, Yin Yang Shaolong felt his scalp numb and his mind trembled.

The most important thing is that the loan of 100 billion yuan cannot be paid back by his own ability.

What should I do?

In addition to seeking help from his Lao Tzu Yin Yang Jie, Yin Yang Shaolong has no choice at all.

But can Yin Yang Jie know this?

To tell the truth, Yin Yang Shaolong is really feeling guilty and flustered.

After all, with the temper of Yin-Yang Jie, if he knew about this, the yin-yang Shaolong would have to lose a layer of skin alive even if he was not disabled.

That's all.

The most terrible thing is that Yin Yang Jie is not in tianwu imperial city yet.

The so-called distant hydrolysis can not be close to fire.

When yin-yang Jie returns to the Imperial City, most of the industries of the general's house and the yin-yang family may have changed owners.

No way, yin and Yang Shaolong took these as collateral when he borrowed money from zuijinlou.

As for repudiation

Yin Yang Shaolong wanted to break his promise, but the strong man in the limitless realm of "drunken golden building" could agree??

go into a cul-de-sac.

Yin Yang Shaolong felt that he had really hurt himself this time.


The words are divided into two parts.

Yebufan knows nothing about the situation of Yin Yang Shaolong.

Of course, even if he knew it, yebufan would not care at all. He would even send a sentence to Yin and Yang Shaolong, saying that it is still possible to violate heaven's evil deeds and not live by his own evil deeds.

At this time, yebufan has returned to "Youjian restaurant" with Duan Feng and others.

His uncontrollable excitement and excitement.


Just because of this harvest.

Before going to the "Zuijin building", yebufan had hundreds of millions of luck.

After going to "Zui Jin Lou", although yebufan spent more than 100 million points of Qi to summon a wuchongtian God killing guard, he still had more than 150 million points of Qi.

Air transport increases instead of decreases.

This is equivalent to picking up a Wuji wuchongtian killer guard for nothing.

No, it's more than the limitless five heavens.

More than 150 million Qi is enough for yebufan to cultivate a limitless seven heavy heaven God killing guard. He can also use these Qi to improve the cultivation of the 32nd God killing guard from the limitless five heavy heaven to the peak of the limitless nine heavy heaven.

Wuji Jiuchong God.

With the powerful fighting power of the murdering God guard, and with the blessing of the cultivation of Wuji jiuchongtian, who else can fight with him in the Wu imperial dynasty?

In other words, from this moment on, even if it is exposed, yebufan doesn't have to worry about whether he will lose his life.

Finally, I can bully others and stop worrying.

Yebufan felt comfortable.

He has decided to go to the "Zui Jin Lou" again tomorrow to directly improve the cultivation of the 32nd God killing guard to the limitless Jiuchong heaven.


What is safe as snow.

What anzimu.

What is the tianwu royal family.

Quantemo is a grandson.


In half a day, it was enough to spread the events in the "Zui Jin Lou" throughout the imperial city.

The same is true.

When night fell, most people in the imperial city already knew that yin-yang Shaolong had lost yebufan 100 billion. They also knew that yin-yang Shaolong was borrowing money everywhere and planned to spend another 200 billion with yebufan in the first game.

Time flies.

A night of silence.

the second day.

At dawn.

Just like yesterday, ye Bufan is planning to take Duan Feng and others to the "Zuijin building", so as to take the opportunity to raise the cultivation of the 32nd killer guard to the level of limitless nine heaven without being known.

But they didn't want to. Yebufan and his party were just about to go out, but there was an unexpected guest in "a restaurant".

This man is no one else, just the general manager... Li Lin, Duke Li!!

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