"The less than three places I gave you were used to survive the robbery. Well... You can understand that as long as you find three Wuji jiuchongtian warriors, I can help them survive the thunder robbery 100% and become the emperor."


Yebufan's words fell, and Beiming Yu couldn't help exclaiming.

The others were all shocked.

100% through the thunderstorm?

How is that possible?

The seventy-two holy gates have no such power.


Yebufan doesn't seem to be joking.

"Elder brother, you, what you said is true?"

A moment later, Beiming Yu breathed heavily and asked.

"Of course."

Yebufan smiled: "Ben Shao never deceives his own people."


Beiming Yu didn't know what to say for a while.

He never despised yebufan.

But unexpectedly, he underestimated yebufan in the end.

100% through the thunderstorm.


As long as we get through the robbery, we will succeed.

If this thing gets out, I'm afraid the whole Hongmeng world will be crazy about it.

After all, everyone knows the horror of thunder robbery.

It was a near death disaster for all the robbers.

Because of this, the vast majority of Wuji jiuchongtian warriors dare not cross the robbery easily. Even, they will choose to fight when their longevity is about to run out.

But at that time, their longevity was about to expire, and their physical condition was already extremely poor. How could they resist the thunder robbery, cross the limitless, and achieve the heaven of Tao robbery.

As a result, in the vast Hongmeng world, there are many strong half step road robbers at the peak of the limitless Jiuchong heaven, but compared with such strong half step road robbers, there are few real road robbers.

Take Ziyun emperor court for example.

Ziyun emperor's court has ten Taoist robbers. It seems that there are many, but in fact, there are more half Taoist robbers that are only one step away from Taoist robbers. Only Beiming Yu knows more than 100.

These people have been stuck in the middle of the road, but they have not taken the last step because they are afraid of thunder and resist it. To put it bluntly, they dare not cross it.

But now, yebufan even said that he had a way to make people 100% survive the thunderstorm and achieve heaven.


If all the half path robbers in the Ziyun emperor's court had survived the thunder, wouldn't that mean that more than 100 strong people in the road robber territory had suddenly increased in the Ziyun emperor's court?

What is the concept of more than a hundred Taoist robbers?

Under the holy gate, no one can defeat.

The imperial court is invincible.

If there were more than a hundred heavenly deities, Beiming Yu would certainly be able to build Ziyun imperial court into the strongest imperial court.

All this, just thinking about it, he couldn't help being excited and excited.

Of course, Beiming Yu just thought about it.

He has already made a lot of money in exchange for three strong Taoist robbers with an imperial gold order that is dispensable to yebufan. Moreover, yebufan is bound to pay some price for helping others survive the disaster. How can he be so kind as to let yebufan help him cultivate more Taoist robbers.

Unfortunately, Beiming Yu was wrong.

Just helping people out.

Ye Bufan not only doesn't need to pay any price, but also gets great benefits from it.

This benefit is naturally the power of the world.

Of course, these ye Bufan won't tell Beiming Yu.

Looking at the uncontrollable excitement and excitement on Beiming Yu's face, yebufan shook his head, "Xiao Yu," he said, "it's very necessary to remind you that although Ben Shao can help people to become the Heavenly Master, his method is a little special. At that time, those who cross the rob will not be able to withstand the thunder rob quenching body. That is to say, even if they are promoted to the Heavenly Master, they will not be much stronger than those who have experienced the thunder rob quenching body. As for those who have experienced the thunder rob quenching body, they are no longer a level."

"What's the big deal?"

Beiming Yu didn't care at all, but said: "even if he can't compare with those heavenly masters who have experienced thunder, he must be better than those Wuji real monarchs. What's more, without thunder, he can only stop at the peak of the Wuji Jiuchong heaven. But once he has gone through the thunder, it means that he can continue to cultivate and improve. The most important thing is that the Wuji life is a thousand yuan, and the Tao robbery can live for thousands of years."

"According to what you say, there should be many people willing to go through the robbery in this way?"

"Of course, except for those who don't want to die, I can guarantee that nine and a half of the remaining ten are willing. After all, who wants to die if they can live."

"In that case, I don't want to do business with you."

"Buying and selling?"

"That's right. You're responsible for finding people. I'm responsible for helping people survive the robbery. As for the remuneration, I don't care how much you charge. I only charge one person 10 billion yuan of medium-sized spirit stones. The extra is yours."


Beiming Yu was shocked.

He widened his eyes, looked at yebufan and said in disbelief, "brother, do you want to collect money to help people survive the robbery?"

The others were all shocked.


Yebufan smiled and said.

"No, No."

Beiming Yu said repeatedly, "I mean, it's not impossible. It's just that the eldest brother should pay a bad price for helping people survive the robbery. I'm afraid the gains outweigh the losses."


Yebufan thought that there was a fart price.

Not only does it not need to pay any price, but it can also get great benefits.

Of course, ye Bufan won't tell Beiming Yu about these things, but just looked at him and said faintly: "the price must be some, but it's not big. For Ben Shao, it can't cause any impact."



Yebufan rolled his eyes. "Who is Ben Shao? Ben Shao is a robber, not a saint. Do you think Ben Shao will sacrifice himself to help others?"

"What do you think?"

"Even if Ben Shao was kicked by a donkey, he would never do such a thing."

"So you can rest assured and go to find someone."

"As long as the money is in place and how much they come, they can have a trip."

"That's good, that's good."

Beiming Yu pondered for a few times. He was shocked, but at the same time, he did not forget to be excited and excited: "in that case, I will cross a hundred in Ziyun emperor's court first."

"How much?"

Yebufan was stunned and thought he had heard wrong.

"One, a hundred."

Beiming Yu thought ye Bufan was a little embarrassed, so he whispered: "if, if elder brother is embarrassed, then, I will cross ten first?"


Yebufan immediately said, "Ben Shao means that you have so much money? One hundred billion is a trillion, and it's also a middle-class spirit stone."


Beiming Yu said nervously, "brother, you... You don't want to rob openly?"

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