"Yes, it's wangruhai, the Minister of the Ministry of war. Lord Wang."

As soon as the official said this, Beiming Yu and others were stunned. They didn't expect that there were disciples of the supreme immortal sect among the officials of the tianwu emperor.

Actually, yebufan didn't think of it.

In other words, yebufan's idea is the same as that of Beiming Xue. In his subconscious, these officials are too low-level, and they must have limited knowledge.

The reason why he had to ask them was simply to cause some psychological pressure on those senior officials. When their psychological defense line completely collapsed, he could also know more secrets from them.

But I don't want to

In front of him, the four rank junior official unexpectedly revealed the amazing fact that the Minister of war was an inner disciple of the supreme immortal sect.

This is definitely a windfall.

Looking at him, yebufan smiled and said, "Oh, really? How can you be so sure that the Minister of war, Lord Wang, must be the inner disciple of the supreme immortal sect?"

"Yes, he told me himself."

"How could he tell you such a thing?"

"He let it slip by accident."


"Your Majesty, what I said is true. It was really that one night half a year ago, when we were eating wine, he accidentally told me about it after he drank too much."

"So you didn't tell anzimu?"

"Tell your majesty?"

"The disciples of the supreme immortal sect are hidden in your tianwu emperor. Shouldn't you tell anzimu?"

"Well, this shouldn't be necessary?"

"No need?"

"Yes, the late imperial concubine Chen, the biological mother of the eldest prince, is also a disciple of the supreme immortal sect. Lord Wang is just an inner disciple. What can I say?"

"Wait, you said that an Tianxiao's biological mother was a disciple of the supreme immortal sect?"



Ye Bufan drew his lips, then looked at Beiming Yu and said, "don't tell me that one of your imperial concubines is a disciple of the supreme immortal sect. Don't you know?"

"Well... I really know."

Beiming Yu was embarrassed.

"You don't care?"

"Brother, I don't know. Ziyun emperor's court and Xingluo emperor's court were originally related by marriage. Over the years, many people in Ziyun emperor's court have married to Xingluo emperor's court, and many people in Xingluo emperor's court have also married to our Ziyun emperor's court, so... This is also very normal."

"All right."

Yebufan was speechless.

People are secretly planning on your territory, but you still say it's normal?


Now he finally knows how the eldest prince, an Tianxiao, got in touch with the supreme immortal sect. The biological mother of Gan Qing an Tianxiao was originally a disciple of the supreme immortal sect.

This can be regarded as the inheritance from the mother.

No more thought.

Yebufan looked at Leng Feng and said, "go and bring the soldier and his people in."


Leng Feng left.

The officials in the hall looked at yebufan and said, "big, king, what about me?"


Yebufan glanced at him and said, "I don't mean what I say. If I don't kill you, I won't kill you. Now, take your people with me."

"Thank you, thank you."

The official thanked him again and again, and then took his family members aside.

A moment later.

Lengfeng took a potbellied middle-aged man into the hall.

I think this is wangruhai, the Minister of the Ministry of war.

After Leng Feng and Wang Ruhai, there were fifty or sixty people.

These people should be Wang Ruhai's family.

Upon entering the hall, Wang Ruhai and his people were shocked when they saw the corpses on the ground in the hall. Then Wang Ruhai knelt down in front of yebufan and said tremblingly, "bye, meet your king."

"See you."

Other Wang clan members also knelt down one after another.

"Wang Ruhai?"

Yebufan glances at Wang Ruhai.

"Yes, it's a villain."

Wangruhai answered.

"Inner disciple of the supreme immortal sect?"

Yebufan asked again.


Wangruhai was stunned.

Yebufan said, "tell me, what are you Taishang Xianzong planning?"

"Your Majesty, I am wronged."

Wangruhai shouted and said, "although I am the inner disciple of the supreme immortal sect, I don't know what the supreme immortal sect wants to do

"Don't know?"

Yebufan sneered: "since you don't know anything, what are you afraid of?"

"I, I, I......"

"Say it. Maybe you can spare your life if you say Ben Shao, but if you don't say it, you can only sleep here forever like those corpses on the ground."


Hearing the speech, Wang Ruhai swallowed his saliva. He glanced at the corpses on the ground, then looked at yebufan and said, "Your Majesty, I, after I said it, can you really spare my life?"

"Of course."

Yebufan smiled and said, "I have nothing to say but what I say. If you don't believe me, ask the one next to you. He just told me your identity as a disciple of the supreme immortal sect, and saved his own life and his family's life."

It's him.

Wangruhai looked at the officials not far away with a resentful look, then looked at yebufan, and said: "I said, I said, I would say anything. As long as the king wants to know, the villain must know everything and say everything."

"Very good."

Yebufan smiled: "the question just now, what does the supreme immortal sect want to do?"


Wangruhai hesitated.


Yebufan frowned and pretended to be dissatisfied.

Wang Ruhai was so worried that he hurriedly said, "if you go back to the king, Xianzong, Xianzong is trying to seize the thousands of miles of Ziyun emperor's court and help Luodi court to go further."


It turned out to be true.

Beiming Yu and others were furious.

Although ye Bufan knew that there was no need to deceive them with this matter, and the previous signs also showed that the star Luodi court really wanted to seize Ziyun Di court, it was still difficult for Beiming Yu and others to accept it after it was really confirmed.

Especially Beiming Yu.

He didn't expect that he didn't notice such a big thing.

Fortunately, ye Bufan reminded me.

Without ye Bufan's warning, Beiming Yu could not imagine what the end of Ziyun emperor court would be.

I'm afraid that Ziyun emperor's court will be swallowed up by Xingluo emperor's court.

As soon as he read this, Beiming Yu was scared and scared.

Yebufan did not care too much, but just looked at Wang Ruhai and continued to ask, "so, how do the supreme immortal sect and Xingluo emperor court plan to seize the territory of Ziyun emperor court?"

"This, this little one really doesn't know."

"Yes, you are just an inner disciple. What can you know? But... You don't know who are the disciples of the supreme immortal sect in the tianwu emperor. You should know very well?"

"Clear, clear."

"Who is there?"

"Yes, there are the great prince, the left minister, the right minister, the six ministers, and the seven generals..."

Wangruhai said a long list of names directly.


All the officials of the third rank and above in the tianwu emperor were disciples of the supreme immortal sect.

Such truth.

This is the result.

Yebufan is nothing.

But Beiming Yu and others were all black with anger.

As the imperial dynasty under Ziyun emperor's court, in tianwu emperor's court, all the officials at or above the third grade were all disciples of the national protection god sect and the supreme immortal sect of Xingluo emperor's court.


Is tianwu the imperial court of Ziyun emperor court or Xingluo emperor court?

Not only Beiming Yu and others, but also the fourth grade official who told the true identity of Wang Ruhai and the people around him were shocked and even more confused.

All the officials of the third grade and above in the imperial dynasty are all Xianzong disciples?


It turns out that these four rank officials have always been outsiders.

And anzimu.

The emperor of the imperial dynasty?


Now it seems that he is clearly a decoration.

Pathetic, pathetic.

Before everyone thought about it, yebufan said again: "yes, you are really a big player in the chess game of the supreme immortal sect. From a little perspective, I think there should be people from the supreme immortal sect in other imperial dynasties of Ziyun imperial court, even in the imperial court itself?"


The spirits of Beiming Yu and others were refreshed.

Wang Ruhai said, "yes, there should be more."

"Who is there?"

"Your Majesty, I really don't know this."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes."

"Leng Feng, kill him."


As soon as yebufan said this, Wang Ruhai was shocked. Then he immediately looked at yebufan and said, "big, your majesty, you said that as long as I said, I would spare our lives."


Yebufan replied, "Ben Shao said something like this, but your answer can't satisfy him. At least, you didn't tell him the identity of other disciples of Xianzong."

"But, but I really don't know."

"Then go to hell."

"You, you..."

Wang Ruhai was so angry that he said, "you don't keep your word."


Yebufan scoffed: "I'm just a robber. Do you promise me less? Let the donkey kick your head."


The king's breath of blood spurted out.

Leng Feng shot directly.

Others may not know why yebufan did this.

But Leng Feng was very clear.

Once upon a time, the supreme immortal sect invaded the xiaoqianjie of Tianyuan.

Today, Tianyuan xiaoqianjie is fighting against Hongmeng big world.

In this case, as a disciple of the supreme immortal sect, I still want to live?

What do you think.

All immortal sect disciples.

Right or wrong.

No matter good or evil.

Kill when you encounter it, and perish when you see it!!

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