"Let's go, who's the first?"


As soon as yebufan said this, all the people present except Beiming Yu and jiangbeilin were stunned. They looked at each other in amazement, bewilderment, and a blank face.

What, let's start?

What first?

What is the situation.

What do your majesty and the robber really want to do.

Without waiting for everyone to think about it, Beiming Yu looked at a middle-aged man in the crowd who looked a little like him and said, "Thirteen younger brothers, you are a member of the royal family. Let's start with you and set an example for others."

"What do you mean?"

Beiming Jue.

That is, the thirteen younger brothers in Beiming Yu's mouth. They were stunned at first, then looked at Beiming Yu, and said in a daze: "elder brother, why do you start with me? What do you want to do?"

"Cross the rob."

Beiming Yu said.

"Cross the rob?"

Beimingjue still didn't react.

"That's right. I want you to go through the robbery now."

Beiming Yu said lightly.


Beimingjue immediately blew his hair after hearing this.

"You, you, you..."

Staring at Beiming Yu, he stepped back. Then he was shocked, shocked and unbelievable and said, "you let me, you let me now, now I'm here to spend the robbery?"

"That's right."



"No, brother, I didn't mean that, just, just..."

"But you don't want to survive?"

"Yes, yes, yes, that's what I mean. I'm not ready yet. I'll talk about it in a hundred and eighty years. Thirteen younger brother, I think it's very good now."

"No, you have to survive today."


"Among our brothers, you have the best talent. In those days, you were the first one to enter the limitless realm. But now? All the other brothers have passed the Tianzun robbery, but you are still in the limitless nine heavy heaven, and you are still unwilling to cross the robbery. I know you are afraid of death, so I haven't forced you these years. But now, unlike in the past, as long as you cross the robbery, I will ensure your success."

"What do you mean? As long as I get through the robbery, you will make me succeed?"


"Beiming Yu, do you think I'm stupid? Promise? What do you promise? I think you just want to kill me. Yes, you just want to kill me. Uncle Huang, save me..."

While talking, Beiming Jue had already looked at Beiming Yu's emperor uncle who robbed the territory.

But he didn't think about it. Uncle Dao Jiejing directly rebuked beimingjue and said, "what kind of nonsense are you talking about? If your royal brother really wants to hurt you, why bother?"


Beimingjue looked bitter: "but he forced me to survive the robbery. Wouldn't that be tantamount to forcing me to die? What else did he say? Apart from me, all our brothers have survived the Tianzun robbery. Why didn't he say that except him, all our brothers were killed by the thunder robbery."


The corners of their mouths twitched.

Uncle Dao robbed the territory and was embarrassed.


Then he coughed, looked at Beiming Yu and said, "Your Majesty, although jue'er's statement is a little exaggerated, is it too hasty to let him go through the robbery now?"

"Uncle Huang, I know well. Since I let him go through the robbery, I'll make sure he's all right."


Uncle Tao Jiejing hesitated for a moment and said, "that's all, but you have to tell him how to help him survive the robbery? Otherwise... Can you promise him if he looks like this?"

"Uncle Huang, it's not that I didn't say it, but that I said it. You may not believe me."

Beiming Yu is a little embarrassed.

The same is true.

Although he believed in yebufan.

But what about the others?

100% help people survive the robbery?

Who would believe this kind of thing before you experienced it?


Facing the answer from Beiming Yu, uncle Dao robbed the territory and immediately said something.


Some things, even if it is your boasting, others will not believe it.

This is the case with the robbery at present.

This is a narrow escape, but how can we achieve 100% success.

Also at this time, Beiming Yu glanced at Beiming Jue and said, "you really don't want to cross?"

"No, if you force me again, I will abandon my accomplishments."

"You said it yourself."

"What do you mean? You don't really want to destroy me?"

"What I mean is that you don't want to get rid of the robbery now. If you go back and want to get rid of the robbery in a while, 10 billion Chinese spirit stones will be produced by yourself."

"What ten billion Chinese spirit stones?"

"You don't have to worry about so much. You just need to know that you don't need money now, and you will have to pay for the next 10 billion yuan. I won't give you any money."

"You're insane. As long as you don't force me to go through the robbery, I can post you 10 billion."

"You said it yourself. Don't regret it."

After that, Beiming Yu no longer paid attention to Beiming Jue, but looked at other people. Finally, he fixed his eyes on a burly middle-aged man and said, "Tuo Ba Ye."

"I am."

The middle-aged man stepped out in one step and hugged Beiming Yu with his fists.

"Cross the rob."

Beiming Yu said.


He pulled out the corners of his mouth.

To tell the truth, he really doesn't want to survive the robbery.

But he is not beimingjue after all.

As a minister.

If you want your ministers to die, your ministers have to die.


Immediately, he answered, and then looked at Beiming Yu and said decisively, "if you have an accident, please look after my Tuoba family from my past achievements."

"Do you really think I want you to die?"

Beiming Yu rolled his eyes and said, "OK, you can't die."


Tuo pulls out the corner of the wild mouth again.

Although Beiming Yu promised again and again, he still didn't believe it. After all, there was no 100% success, let alone 100%, even if there was a 10% chance of success.

Especially when he is not prepared for anything, it is almost no different from seeking death.

But now that the matter is over, he can't help it.

It's just a robbery.

What if it succeeds.

Then he looked at Beiming Yu and said, "please step back."

Beiming Yu didn't want to quit, but after thinking about it, he still retreated to a distance of kilometers. After all, if he didn't, Tuoba ye would not dare to cross the robbery with him, and he would have to explain.

In that case, let him have it.

Beiming Yu retreats.

Naturally, no one else stayed.

At this moment, they finally understood what Beiming Yu wanted to do.

He mopped up the desert in Mobei to force people to cross the border.



What on earth does your majesty want to do?


If Tuoba Ye fails to survive the robbery, will your majesty continue to force himself and others to survive the robbery?

If so, what should I do then?


Or not?

Everyone is worried.

Yebufan stayed with Tuoba Ye.


Looking at yebufan who still stays with him, Tuoba instinctively reminded him.


Yebufan's inquiring eyes looked at Tuoba Ye.


Tuoba pulled out the corner of his mouth and said, "Lord, please step back to your majesty. Otherwise, I will worry. For a while, the Lord will be hurt by the thunder of the general."

"All right."

Yebufan originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he retreated to Beiming Yu.



When they see themselves devouring the thunder, all doubts will disappear.


After yebufan left, Tuoba ye took a deep breath.

To tell the truth, he really doesn't want to survive the robbery.

Even if he wants to survive the robbery, he will make arrangements for the aftermath.

But now.

If you want your ministers to die, your ministers have to die.

He has no choice but to survive here.

As for the others

forget it.

Why do you think so much.

Death is death.

Eighteen years later, he was a hero again.

No more hesitation.

Tuo Ba Ye directly operated the skill and took the last step.

In an instant, he made a direct attack on the road and robbed the field.


Also at this time, the sky above Tuoba's head suddenly appeared.


In the face of the terrible pressure filled in the robbery cloud, Tuoba Ye couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

The next second, he turned his head and looked at Beiming Yu in the distance. His face was frightened and trembled: "Your Majesty, what will you do next?"

no way out.

It was Beiming Yu who said that he would help him survive the robbery.

Although he didn't believe it, he could only put all his hopes on Beiming Yu at the moment.

As for yourself?


Tuo Baye feels that he can only survive the first thunder robbery by himself, and he can only die when the second thunder robbery happens.

Tuoba's wild words fell, and other people in the presence also looked at Beiming Yu.

"Big brother?"

Beiming Yu turns to look at ye Bufan.

what do you mean?

This scene was another surprise to everyone.

Tuo Boye asked you how to survive the robbery. What do you think the robber does.

But at this time, yebufan waved his hand and said, "OK, what a big deal. It's just a robbery. I'll scare you. Look, it's just a thunder robbery. In fact, there's nothing to be afraid of."


As the words fall, yebufan rushes straight ahead to expand the field.

"Horizontal trough."

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked.

what do you mean?

What are you up to?

Even Beiming Yu was confused.

He believed that ye Bufan could help Tuoba Ye survive the thunder.


What the hell is going straight up there?

Is it true that what brother said about helping people survive the robbery is to resist the thunder robbery together with the robbers?


Beiming Yu thought that yebufan had some treasure that could resist the thunder, but now it seems that this is not the case. Yebufan plans to try the law by example.

Don't he know that once an outsider helps the robber resist the thunder, the power of the thunder will also increase?


To finish.

Beiming Yu and others think so.

Tuo Ba Ye was immediately frightened.

He had no confidence that he could stop the nine thunder robbers.

It's better now.

Add another yebufan, and he will die without a burial place.

At that moment, Tuo Baye shouted: "Wang, Wang Ye, what do you want to do? Go away..."


As soon as Tuo Baye's voice fell, the first thunder among the clouds had fallen.

That power is definitely beyond the normal first thunder robbery.

"It's over."

Tuo BA's heart clicked.


Yebufan rose directly into the sky.


Suddenly, Tuoba was shocked.

Other people in the distance are no exception.

They thought yebufan wanted to help Tuo Boye resist the thunder.


What does it mean that NIMA rushes directly to Lei Jie?


Before everyone could figure out what was going on, yebufan had already collided with the first thunder robbery in mid air.


Everyone thought yebufan was dead.

"Big brother..."

Beiming Yu couldn't help exclaiming.

However, just for a moment, in the eyes of all people, in the middle of the air, the field ye Bufan collided. This was the first thunder robbery that seemed to destroy the world, but suddenly disappeared.

What happened?

Sudden changes, all people are confused directly?

In the crowd.

Beiming Jue, the thirteen younger brother of Beiming Yu, stared at ye Bufan in the air. He even said in disbelief: "swallow, swallow, he, he, he even swallowed the thunder?"

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