Just as the saying goes, bad things spread far and wide.

Yebufan was in the palace, listening to Jiang Nanxu's story about the plan of the supreme immortal sect. Outside the palace, he kidnapped the city leader of 100 cities and the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, which had spread like a storm all over the shadow King City.

Faced with this news, everyone in the King City was dumbfounded.

No one expected that there were such arrogant robbers in the world who dared to break into the palace, kidnap the officials of the Kingdom, and extort $1 billion from one person.

But everyone was relieved at the thought of the robber's strength.

After all, they are the strong ones in the limitless realm.

And the strongest one in the kingdom is just Caiyuan mansion.

A big gap.

The other side is absolutely invincible in the kingdom.

Since it is invincible, the other party can naturally do whatever he wants in the kingdom.


Is it a bit shameless that the powerful people should go to the land of a mere kingdom to rob? What's the difference between this and adults bullying kids.

But that's not the point.

The key point is the identity of the other party.


Since they are robbers, will the other party continue to attack them in the King City after robbing the city leaders of 100 cities and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty?

It is not impossible.

And the possibility is very, very large.

For a time, everyone in the King City was in danger.

Even many people simply fled the King City.

Even those who did not escape from the king's city hid in their own homes.

This also makes the original bustling and prosperous King City suddenly become extremely desolate and depressed. Half a person can not be seen on the street. The city is even more quiet like a dead city or ghost city.

Everyone was terrified.

More than 20 gambling houses in the city are even more so.

After all, yebufan had already extorted a billion spirit stones from each of them before he entered the King City.

Originally, they still wanted to give or not.

But now.

Even the Royal Palace was robbed. How dare they neglect it.

More than 20 gambling house owners rushed to the palace with a billion spirit stones.

Spend money to eliminate disasters.

No choice.

Soon, these spirit stones were handed over to yebufan.

Twenty four gambling houses.

One billion each.

A total of 24 billion spirit stones.

This is more than that.

After the major gambling houses, the families of those royal city officials detained by yebufan also handed over their onebillion ransom to yebufan one after another.

There were twenty-six Wangcheng officials present at that time.

Twenty six officials, one billion.

A total of 26 billion yuan.

Twenty four gambling houses worth 24 billion yuan.

Twenty six officials are worth 25 billion yuan.

In addition, Jiang Nan gave all the 12 billion yuan of the royal family.

Three party addition.

In just one day, yebufan earned more than 62 billion yuan from Lingshi.

More than 62 million people have been captured.

Of course, this is not all. After all, in addition to more than 20 gambling houses and royal city officials, yebufan also detained the 100 City owners of the Youying kingdom.

Although the hundred cities are just a name, and there are not so many cities in the Youying king, there are a total of 93 City owners in the kingdom.

Apart from the eight city leaders who have been visited by yebufan, there are still 85 city leaders who have not paid ransom.

A billion people.

Eighty five people are 85 billion.

However, the foundation of these city leaders is not in the King City. Their people set out from the King City, returned to their respective cities, and then took the spirit stone and handed it to yebufan. This will take time.

Ye Bufan is not in a hurry.

As long as we can catch up with the opening of the dark dragon secret place.

As for now.

As a robber who aspires to "rob the rich and give aid to the poor", now that the first ransom has been paid, the next thing to do is naturally the most popular wealth distribution link for ordinary people.

The night is as quiet as water.

Above the palace.

Yebufan stands in the air.

Below him, Jiang Nan and Gouzi stood respectfully.

Looking at yebufan in the middle of the air, Jiang Nan's face was confused. He didn't know and didn't understand why yebufan stood in the middle of the night.

As for the dog.

He seems to have thought of something.

Just because of this, the dog at the moment has a messy and crazy face.

He really wanted to shout:

King, king.

We are robbers.

If we lose money every time we rob money, what are we doing as robbers for?

Is it fun?


Without waiting for Gouzi to think more, yebufan's prestige in the limitless realm has exploded.

Although ye Bufan's authority is not enough to cover the whole King City with his cultivation in the limitless realm, such a huge movement has shocked everyone in the King City.

Originally, these people were worried and afraid that ye Bufan, a robber, would come to the door. Now, in the face of this sudden huge movement, they were scared to death.

At this time, yebufan spoke directly. He urged his inner power to spread his voice to the whole King City: "Ben shaoyebufan is the first stronghold leader in the world."

"I believe many of you, even all of you, have already known Ben Shao's identity."

"Yes, Ben Shao is a robber."

"But Ben Shao is different from ordinary robbers."

"What's the difference?"

"It's very simple. Ben Shao, the best stronghold in the world, pursues robbing the rich and helping the poor."

"What is robbing the rich and helping the poor?"

"It is to rob the rich of their money and hand it over to the poor."

What the hell?

When yebufan said this, everyone in the King City was stunned.

Jiang Nan looked directly at Gouzi. His eyes seemed to say, what does the king mean by robbing the rich and helping the poor?

It's a pity that Gouzi didn't pay any attention at all. He just looked at the corner of yebufan's mouth and smoked again and again.

As expected, the king of his family will start to lose his family again.

Also at this time, yebufan said again: "now start to spread money."

The words fell, and ye Bufan waved his big hand.

In an instant, countless spirit stones shot from his hands and attacked the King City in all directions.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Nan could not help pumping at the corners of his mouth.

He finally knew what ye Bufan meant by robbing the rich and helping the poor.


Just because he knew it, Jiang Nan was even more unacceptable.

If yebufan robbed them of their money because of their own needs, Jiang Nan could understand or accept it. But now, what does it mean to give it to others directly?

Is there such a selfless person in this world?


Jiang Nan is messy.

Yebufan did not stop.

Countless spirit stones were thrown to all parts of the King City by him again and again.

What is the concept of 62 billion spirit stones?

These holy stones are enough to form a rain of holy stones in the King City.

In the face of this change.

Everyone in the King City was stupid.

What about the agreed robber?

What about stealing money and people?

This is NIMA.

Not only don't rob them, but also give them money?


Is this guy really a robber?

If so, please give us another group.

After a short absence, most people in the king city rushed out of their homes.

What for?

It's raining on the spirit stone. It's natural to go out to pick up the spirit stone.

When someone is happy, naturally someone is sad.

The people who are worried about this are none other than the twenty-four gambling houses and the twenty-six officials.

Looking at the scattered spirit stones all over the sky, they felt that their hearts were dripping blood.

That's all their money.

Now, it's a good thing that I've taken advantage of others for nothing.

The most abominable thing is that yebufan did this, which was tantamount to throwing salt on their wounds.

But what can they do?

They are also very helpless.

forget it.

At present, they can at least recover some losses.

As a result, twenty-four gambling houses, twenty-six officials, their families, and their subordinates all joined the team of collecting spirit stones, including Jiang Nan in the palace.

If you can pick up some, you can pick up some.

Half an hour.

The 62 billion spirit stones were wasted.

Yebufan once again gained 62 million yuan in air luck.

A spirit stone.

Two returns.

Yebufan thinks that the profession of robber is really promising.

I'll do it later.

The spirit stone has been squandered.

Air transportation has also exceeded 100 million.

Yebufan didn't stay any longer. He went directly back to the palace, where Jiang Nan provided him with a residence, and then relied on these Qi to improve his cultivation.

Before the emperor's court war, he raised his accomplishments to the realm of Tao robbery

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