Entrance to the dark dragon secret place.

'bang bang.'

'bang bang.'

'bang bang.'

Everyone at the scene clearly felt that the earth was shaking and the body was unstable. It was like that the whole Canglong mountain seemed to be alive at this moment.

This incident caused everyone present to turn pale.

"What's going on?"

"What happened? Why is the whole Canglong mountain shaking?"

"Damn it, first the robbers were in trouble, and now we have this kind of accident. I knew it would be like this. I should have divined with someone before I left the house a few days ago."

"This kind of accident is not the birth of a treasure?"


"Not really."

"Mom, what if you have a treasure? Have you ever robbed the bull king?"


One voice after another.

The entrance of the dark dragon secret place was in a mess.

Everyone was nervous, stunned, and terrified.

Even Dongfang Bai, the Taoist robber of Ziyun imperial court, frowned.


But at this time, 30 meters away from the entrance of the dark dragon secret place, a large mountain suddenly collapsed, forming an irregular pit in everyone's eyes.


Seeing this scene, everyone was a little distracted.

However, this is only the beginning.





The whole Canglong mountain began to collapse irregularly.

what the fuck.

Canglong mountain is going to collapse?

The accident scared all the people present to flee out of the Canglong mountain.

Ziyun emperor court.

"Commander, what should I do?"

A member of the imperial guards looked at the East with a white face.

The same is true of other members of the Imperial Guard.

Even other representatives of the Ziyun imperial court are no exception.

You know, besides the nine princes and the ten princesses of Ziyun emperor's court, there are also young masters and young ladies of their families in the dark dragon's secret place. If all these people die in the dark dragon's secret place, will they still be alive when they return to Ziyun emperor's court?

Faced with the questions from the members of the imperial guards, the eyes of the people in Ziyun imperial court, or the precarious Canglong mountain, which is likely to collapse at any time, Dongfang Bai has a dignified and helpless face.

If he could, he really wanted to break into the secret place and bring out the nine princes and others.

But there is an age limit for entering the dark dragon's secret place.

Not more than twenty years old.

That is to say, Dongfang Bai has no ability to enter the dark dragon secret place.

If you can't enter the dark dragon secret place, how can you bring the nine princes and others out of the dark dragon secret place.

What should I do?

Dongfang Bai's heart is in turmoil.



Also at this time, two figures came rushing from a distance and directly appeared in front of the Dongfang Bai group.

It's none other than yebufan and Lengfeng.

"What's going on?"

Yebufan glanced at the collapsing canglongling mountain, then looked at Dongfang Bai Shen and asked.


Dongfang Bai's face was messy and bitter: "King ye, we don't know what happened. However, from the current situation, the whole Canglong mountain will collapse completely in three minutes at most."

After a pause, Dongfang Bai bit his teeth again and said, "King ye, do you have a way to take our two little masters out of the secret place? If you can, I will thank you later."

Looking at the canglongling mountain that is about to collapse, Dongfang Bai is really at a loss. He has to turn to yebufan for help.

As soon as Dongfang Bai said this, other people in Ziyun emperor's court also instantly recalled. They all looked at yebufan, and said with an eager and worried face: "King ye, and my miss."

"King ye, and my son."

"King ye, if you can save my childe, my master will be very grateful."


One voice after another.

Representatives from all sides of the Ziyun imperial court turned to yebufan for help.

"Shut up."

But I didn't want to. What answered them was yebufan's angry roar.


For an instant, everyone was silent.

Yebufan looks at the entrance of the dark dragon secret place.

Then he frowned.

Things go wrong for a reason.

Yebufan doesn't believe that Canglong mountain will collapse for no reason.

All this must have something to do with the dark dragon secret place.

It must be something happened in the dark dragon's Secret territory.

But what happened?

Yebufan doesn't know.


But at this time, a figure suddenly rushed out at the entrance of the dark dragon secret place.

Everyone was shocked.

"It's my son."

One of the representatives of the Ziyun imperial court could not help exclaiming.

He was excited, excited.

Even at the moment of seeing the man, he rushed straight up.

Unfortunately, he is fast, and some people are faster than him.

"Leng Feng."

Yebufan snapped.


Leng Feng turned into a shadow and rushed out directly.


In the blink of an eye, Lengfeng returned to yebufan again and threw the young man who had run out of the dark dragon's secret place in front of yebufan.

"Tell Ben Shao, what happened in the secret place?"

Overlooking the young man who fell to the ground by the cold front, ye Bufan asked coldly.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

While they kept silent, they all stared at the young man in front of them.

The young man was frightened and terrified. Looking at yebufan, he said tremblingly, "I, I, I don't know anything."


Yebufan frowned and said, "you are the only one who came out of the secret territory. How dare you tell Ben Shao that you don't know anything? Do you think Ben Shao will believe it?"


The boy trembled with fear, He cried and explained: "Da, your majesty, I really don't know anything. We, the people of Ziyun imperial court, all know that I, I was born timid. I didn't want to come to this secret place. After all, everyone knows that there are not only opportunities but also dangers in the dark dragon secret place. Every time, at least one third of the people will die in it. However, my father insisted on forcing me to come and said if I didn't enter the secret place and try to get it What kind of bullshit inheritance, he, he cut off all my monthly money in the future. I had no choice, so I had to go into the secret place. However, after I entered the secret place, I didn't go anywhere. I just stayed at the entrance of the secret place. Just now, the secret place began to shake and collapse, and then I ran out. "


After listening to the juvenile's explanation, all the people present were confused.

Is this product only for the monthly money?

The most terrible thing is that after entering the secret place, he didn't go anywhere. He just stayed at the entrance of the secret place, waiting for the secret place to close, and then left the secret place with everyone?

Hemp skin.

Why is there such a wonderful flower in this world?

But at this time, yebufan suddenly looked at Dongfang Bai and said, "what he said is true?"

Dongfang Bai was stunned, and then said with embarrassment and bitterness: "back to King ye, I can't guarantee whether what he said is true, but... The third young master of the Minister of rites is famous for his timidity, which is true."

"Your Majesty, I, what I said is true. I, I swear."

The young man trembled.

Yebufan frowned at the young man.

But the boy was already wet.

Obviously, it scared me.

Seeing this, yebufan no longer paid attention to the youth, but looked at the entrance of the secret place again.


A moment later, another figure ran out of the entrance of the secret place.




After this man, several more people ran out one after another.

The first one is none other than the ninth Prince and the seventh Princess of Ziyun emperor's court.

As for others, they are naturally the descendants of those aristocratic families in Ziyun emperor's court.


Seeing that all the people on his side had escaped from danger and successfully escaped from the dark dragon's secret land, all the people on Ziyun emperor's court could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then they all welcomed him.

Yebufan didn't say much about this, nor did he ask any more questions, but just frowned and quietly looked at the entrance of the secret place.

After that, other people also ran out of the secret territory.

But I didn't see zhangtianming.

That is the young man ye Bufan sent into the secret place.

More than ten minutes later.


With a loud noise, the whole Canglong mountain collapsed directly.

The entrance to the secret place also disappeared completely

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