Lei Jie was scared away by Ben Shao?

You are playing with me.

How could Lei Jie be scared away.

The Taoist priest was speechless: "Lord God, although thunder robbery is just a world rule, it is not the same. It is like a dog. Maybe he is loyal to you at the beginning. If you hit him once or twice, nothing. If you hit him three or four times, he may also think you are teasing him. But if you hit him ten or eight times, or even more, can he not run?"

Treat Lei Jie as a dog?

This metaphor... Is really amazing.

But yebufan really can't refute it.

After all.

If you haven't been scared away, why hasn't Lei Jie appeared?

forget it.

Just run away.

Anyway, this is just the thunder robbery of Leng Feng.

Leng Feng's thunder ran away. Isn't there anyone else's thunder.

It is not easy to find a way to 'brush' the power of the world. Ye Bufan will not give up easily.

Ignore the escaping thunder.

Yebufan began to count the harvest this time.

The cold front has been robbed fifteen times.

Summon resurrection 15 times.

The total consumption of air transportation is 150 million yuan.

Of which.

From the first time to the sixth time, yebufan got nothing.

For the seventh time, yebufan gains 10 points of world power.

For the eighth time, yebufan still gains 10 points of world power.

For the ninth time, yebufan swallowed up the third thunder robbery and gained 51 points of world power.

The tenth time, ye Bufan swallowed all the nine thunder robbers and gained 62 points of world power.

For the 11th time, yebufan still swallowed all the nine thunder robbers and gained 62 points of world power.

The twelfth time.

The thirteenth time.

The fourteenth time.

Until the fifteenth time.

Yebufan gains 62 points of world power every time.

in other words.

During the period of cold front's rescue, yebufan harvested the world power: 10, 10, 51, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62.

Nine times income.

A total of 443 points of world power.

One hundred and fifty million yuan for 443 points.

Yebufan doesn't know whether it's worth it or not.

But at least there was no loss.

After all, what ye Bufan lacks now is the power of the world.

Ten thousand world powers can tide over the disaster.

Now yebufan has only 456 points of world power.

There is still a full 9344 points of world power to break through the robbery.

What should I do?

Continue to brush the thunder.

Thinking about it, yebufan looked at Leng Feng and said, "Leng Feng, go to tianwu imperial city and find duanfeng and Limu for Ben Shao."

Yebufan did not forget the thirty-one killer guards in tianwu imperial city.

Since there are ready-made God killing guards that can be trained, yebufan will not spend extra luck to summon other members of God killing guards from Tianyuan Xiaoqian.

Let's train the 31 God killing guards first.

Yebufan has made up his mind. This time, he will not only plunder thunder and rob the world, but also take this opportunity to build the members of the shenkiller guard into the strongest heaven.

Take Leng Feng for example.

A Taoist robber who has been refined by thunder robbers for dozens of times, his strength and combat power have definitely reached the acme of the same level, and it is more than enough to compete with Taoist robbers' Cultivation of five or six heavy days.

And there is more than one such God under the command of King Ye.

This is true of all heavenly beings.

Just ask you, afraid.


Yebufan's words fell, and Lengfeng left directly.

More than ten minutes later, Leng Feng returned and brought back Duan Feng and other 31 murderers.

"Meet the Lord."

Facing ye Bufan, Duan Feng and others directly knelt on one knee and saluted with fists.


Yebufan waved his hand and said, "do you know what to do?"


Thirty one killer guards answered.

"Let's start with Duan Feng."

Yebufan looked directly at Duan Feng among the crowd and said.


Duan Feng answered and sat cross legged.

Other shencide guards also retreated to one side.

Yebufan did not hesitate.

Pneumatic irrigation body.

Duan Feng's accomplishments in Yuan Dynasty began to soar.

More than half an hour later.

Duan Feng's accomplishments have been raised to the limitless nine heavens. He is only one step away from Daojie.


Above the void, the clouds of robbery gather.

It is magnificent and earth shaking.

However, Duan Feng did not care at all.

God is present.

The body of immortality.

In this case, it's only a matter of thunder. I'm afraid he will do something.

Cold front is still so, let alone ye Bufan.

In yebufan's eyes, the thunder robbery, which makes all martial arts fearless, is not only a threat, but also a great tonic for him.


The first thunder fell.

Yebufan didn't pay any attention and didn't intervene.

After all, King Ye is very greedy.

While he needs the power of the world, he also needs the strength and heritage of the powerful God killing guard of Lei Jie.

So, business as usual.

When Duan Feng could be tempered by Lei Jie, yebufan just watched. After Duan Feng was completely immune to Lei Jie, yebufan began to devour Lei Jie.

Duan Feng made fifteen robberies.

Ye Bufan summoned 15 times.

During this period, it consumed 450 million yuan of air and gained 443 points of world power.

The benefits of world power are the same.

It cost an extra 300 million yuan.

But there is no way.

After all, Lengfeng had already been the limitless Ninth Heaven. Before that, Duan Feng was just in the Yuan Dynasty. This nearly 300 million yuan of Qi was just used to improve his cultivation to the one heaven of Daoism.

Three hundred million seems a lot, but not much.

After Duan Feng stepped into the Tao and robbed a heavy day, yebufan still had 2.15 billion points of luck.


Next, Li Mu.

Pneumatic irrigation body.

More than three hundred million points of good fortune smashed Li Mu to the end of the robbery.

And then

Fifteen robberies.

Fifteen calls.

It will cost another 150 billion yuan in gas transportation.

Limu was promoted to Daojie.

Yebufan gains 443 points of world power.

At this point.

Yebufan has a surplus of 1.7 billion in air power, and the world's power has accumulated to 1342 points.


The third killer guard.

The fourth killer guard.

The fifth killer guard.

Three more killers were promoted to Taoist robbers.

At this point, ye Bufan's energy consumption reached 350million yuan. The remaining energy is not enough to support the next shenkiller guard to continue to be promoted to Daojie in the same way as before.

Yebufan also chose to stop because of this.

Since it is no longer possible to support the next god killing guard to be promoted to Daojie in the same way, the last 350 million will be equally distributed to the remaining 27 God killing guards.

Twenty seven.

Three hundred and fifty million yuan.

After the average distribution, almost every shenkiller guard got 13 million points of luck.

With these 13 million points of luck, the rest of his name, killing God Wei Xiuwei, also reached the six heaven of the yuan mansion.

Although the strength of this level is far from being comparable to that of Dao Jietian Zun, it is more than enough to steal a home by virtue of the cultivation of the six heaven of the yuan family.


After that, the twenty-seven people were entrusted with the task of collecting money from their families.

I am alone.

When you start doing things, you will definitely do your duty.

I can feel at ease with it.

Five Taoists robbed heaven.

Twenty seven members of the yuan family have six heavens.

The forces under yebufan's command have undergone earth shaking changes.

Yebufan's own world power has also increased to 2671 points, which is 7329 points short of the 10000 required to promote Daojie.


If you rob a tianwu Imperial City, you will increase your world power by more than 2000 points. If you rob a few more imperial cities, you will have enough world power to promote Daoism.

Sure enough, if you want to get rich, you have to rob.

Yebufan likes this job more and more.

The most important thing is that he still holds the nine princes and others in his hands. When the families or forces behind these people hand in the ransom, it will be a huge profit.

And this income is definitely only a lot more than tianwu imperial city.

"Go back to the imperial city."

At this point, yebufan didn't stop and directly returned to tianwu imperial city.

Thirty two God killing guards followed

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