"Holy soldier pregnant spirit?" Yebufan was a little stunned, and a vague color flashed in her eyes: "what do you mean?"

Qin Xin explained: "all weapons in the Shenwu continent are divided into six levels, namely: ordinary soldiers, xuanbing, earth soldiers, heavenly soldiers, holy soldiers, and divine weapons."

"But in fact, there are only two types of weapons."

"Every artifact, artifact."

"The reason why we say this is because there is a 'spirit' in the artifact, that is, the spirit of the artifact. However, every artifact, that is, every soldier, xuanbing, Dibing, Tianbing, and even the holy soldier, has no 'spirit'."

"With the spirit of an instrument, an artifact has the ability to evolve infinitely and become increasingly powerful. However, once an instrument is created, it cannot be upgraded."

"Of course, under special circumstances, it is still possible to upgrade any weapon. However, the probability is very low. The more advanced the weapon, the more difficult it is to upgrade."

"For example, the probability of every soldier upgrading to xuanbing is one in a million, so... The probability of heavenly soldiers upgrading to holy soldiers is one in a million."

"As for artifact."

"The probability that a saint soldier wants to become an artifact and conceive an artifact spirit is definitely one in ten million of the probability of a saint soldier."


Qin Xin said, ye Bufan's eyes immediately narrowed, his body was shocked, and he looked surprised and shocked. "You mean... What you felt just now was not a holy soldier, but an artifact?"

Throughout the Shenwu continent, there are only three artifacts in history.

In shifeixuan's time, there was a terrible war. The other two artifacts had been damaged and could no longer be repaired. Today, there is only such an artifact as "Zhu tianqin" in the whole Shenwu continent, and this artifact is still under ten seals.

In other words, there is no artifact in Shenwu.

If there is no artifact, the holy soldiers will be everywhere.

A holy soldier can arouse people, demons and barbarians, and lead to the fierce competition of all parties, let alone an artifact.

Get it.

At all costs.

At this moment, yebufan was very firm in his heart, and his possessiveness also instantly climbed to an unprecedented extreme.

At this time, Qin Xin said in a deep voice, "no, it's just a semi artifact."

Yebufan was stunned: "semi artifact?"

"That's right." Qin Xin answered and said, "if a saint soldier wants to advance into an artifact, he needs not only to nurture an artifact spirit, but also to experience heaven's punishment. Only by blocking heaven's punishment can the artifact spirit and the weapon itself be truly integrated and become a real artifact, with the possibility of unlimited growth. However, before heaven's punishment, even if an artifact spirit is bred, it can only be regarded as a semi artifact, and its power is less than 1% of that of an artifact."

Yebufan was stunned again: "Heaven's punishment? What is it?"

Qin Xin said: "Heaven's punishment is heaven's thunder. You can understand it as the test of heaven's Tao. Pass, the semi artifact will advance to the artifact. Fail, and the semi artifact will die out completely."


Yebufan took a breath and said, "Heaven's punishment is very powerful?"

"Heavenly punishment..."

The murmur of Qin's heart sounded. Her voice seemed to be remembering something with a trace of trembling and fear.

A moment later, Qin Xin said: "when I experienced heaven's punishment, all the top ten strong men of the human race invited by the master to protect my Dharma were seriously injured, all three defensive holy soldiers were destroyed, and even the master himself was seriously injured and his accomplishments fell back to a great level. However, even so, he only blocked the 63 thunders ahead for me."

"This is the greatest limit that the master can achieve. I can only resist the rest of Tianlei. Although I blocked Tianlei and passed the test of heavenly punishment, zhutianqin was seriously damaged, and I slept for 37 years."

"It's because the master keeps using the natural resources and earth treasures to recover me. Otherwise, my sleeping time will be even longer, even... I will never wake up."

"You say, what is the power of divine punishment?"


As soon as Qin Xin's voice fell, yebufan couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

What is the power of heavenly punishment?

Yebufan doesn't know. After all, he hasn't experienced it.

However, yebufan knows how powerful and terrifying shifeixuan is. She can peel off her own soul by just one soul idea, not to mention her own strength.

One shifeixuan, ten top strongmen of the Terran at that time, plus three defensive holy soldiers, what kind of terrifying force is this?

Unimaginable, absolutely terrifying.

But even so, the last ten top strongmen of the Terran were seriously injured, shifeixuan's cultivation went back to a great level, and all three defensive holy soldiers were destroyed, which only blocked 63 thunders for Qin Xin.

Suddenly, yebufan asked, "how many thunders are there in the whole sky?"

"Eighty one."

"Eighty one?"

"That's right. After all the holy soldiers have bred the spirit of an artifact, they all want to advance to become an artifact. Ninety-nine eighty-one thunders."


Yebufan took a cold breath: "that is to say, you only blocked the 18 thunders by yourself, and almost died?"



Yebufan took another breath.

Qin Xin said: "so this holy soldier in front of us can only be regarded as a semi artifact now, and even it can only stay at the semi artifact level forever."

Yebufan woke up with a start: "what about a semi artifact? Even if it is only a semi artifact, its power should not be countered by a holy soldier, right?"

"It's natural, but..."

"But what?"

"It also depends on the type of this semi artifact. If it is an attack semi artifact, its power will not be small. If it is a defensive semi artifact, it will not have any power to destroy the sky and the earth. However, for you, I still hope it is a defensive semi artifact."

Yebufan was stunned: "why?"

Qin Xin said: "you already have Zhu tianqin. Although you are in the sealed state, it is too late to unlock the seal. Zhu tianqin itself is an attack artifact. Its power is beyond your imagination."

"For you, it doesn't make any sense to have one more attacking artifact."

"But the defensive semi artifact is different."

"In the history of Shenwu continent, there are only three artifact, all of which are attacking artifact. Therefore, no one knows the power of defensive artifact except the master of artifact. However, as an artifact spirit, I am very clear that even if it is only a semi artifact, it has already bred an artifact spirit. If you have an artifact spirit, you can give full play to the power of weapons."

"The spirit of the weapon will not be destroyed, and the defense will not be broken."

"Even if you are just in the three-star Ningyuan realm, once you put on the semi artifact level armor, even if you stand still and let the divine warrior attack, he can't hurt you at all. But these holy soldiers can't do it."

"No matter how strong the saint soldier is, there will be loopholes. As long as the attack power of the divine warrior divulges, it will be enough to kill you."

"This is the biggest difference between ordinary and divine objects - spirit."

"One of them is a dead thing, the other is a living thing that already has a soul, a life and an independent consciousness."

Qin Xin said, yebufan's spirit was shocked, and he said happily: "so if this is a defensive semi artifact, if Ben Shao gets it, then... Even if Ben Shao meets a divine warrior in the future, he won't have to fear him any more?"

"In theory it is."

"In theory? What do you mean?"

"Very simply, since the artifact has a spirit, it is equivalent to having life. Just like you human warriors, it will also consume and fall into weakness. Once the artifact spirit falls into weakness or sleep, it is just a holy soldier with stronger defense than a holy soldier."


Hearing the speech, ye Bufan drew at the corners of his mouth.

Do you know how to consume weapons?

Will weapons be weak?

If it were placed on the earth, ye Bufan would never accept this fact and even think it is bullshit. However, this is the land of divine power. As Qin Xin said, since the artifact has already bred the spirit, it is a matter of course that it will have life, consume and become weak. Even if Qin Xin said that she could cultivate, ye Bufan would not doubt it.

Immediately, yebufan asked, "what does it take for an instrument like you to recover?"

Qin Xin said, "the vitality of heaven and earth."

Yebufan was stunned: "the vitality of heaven and earth?"

"Yes." Qin Xin answered and said: "the vitality of heaven and earth is the most fundamental energy between heaven and earth. Other things, such as Yuan Stone and genius earth treasure, are just the condensation of the vitality of heaven and earth. They just condense a large number of the vitality of heaven and earth together. In the final analysis, they are the vitality of heaven and earth."

"Doesn't that mean that as long as you have enough yuan stones or genius earth treasures, the spirit will never fall into a weak state? Whether it is a semi artifact or an artifact, it can always maintain its peak state?" Yebufan was stunned and wondered.



As soon as Qin Xin's voice fell, yebufan exclaimed, "is this an artifact? It's just going to turn against the sky. No, half artifact is enough to turn against the sky."

"What do you think?"

Qin Xinyi said: "pay and return are always in direct proportion. It is almost impossible for a weapon to produce a spirit, let alone pass the test of heaven's punishment. Whether it is a semi artifact or an artifact, it is inevitable that it will be strong."

"I thought you were going to make a fortune, but now? Hehe, you are more than just making a fortune. Sao Nian, your luck is going against the sky."


Qin Xin said, but yebufan was stunned, and then a look of indignation appeared on his face: "Ben Shao doesn't even know where this semi artifact is now. He can't find it or get it. It's bullshit to say this."

"Don't worry, it can't run." Yebufan's words fell, and Qin Xin laughed.

Yebufan was stunned: "what do you mean?"

Qin Xin said: "have you forgotten what I told you earlier? If a saint soldier wants to advance an artifact, gestating an artifact spirit is only the first step. If he wants to advance an artifact, he must experience heaven's punishment."

"What is divine punishment?"

"The holy soldier pregnant spirit, since it has become a semi artifact and bred an artifact spirit, it is very clear that if it wants to resist heaven's punishment only by itself, it has only one end, one end -- it will die, it will die."

"Therefore, it has no choice but to rely on external forces."

"However, this external force is that it must find a strong master for itself to protect the Dharma when he is tested by heaven's punishment. This is the destiny of the semi artifact and cannot be changed."

"But where is this?"

"Deep underground."

"Is there anyone here?"


"Would you have come here if the golden scale dragon and python hadn't been driven by you and gone deep into the earth with the idea of dying together?"


"Now you and your woman are its only choice and its only opportunity. It can't pass it by easily. However, it will never surrender easily. It will only try its best to let you take it away from here and keep yourself free."

"Therefore, you must not take it out of here without recognizing the Lord."

Qin Xin's words fell, and yebufan instinctively said, "why?"

"You are stupid. You two, one Congyuan and the other Guiyuan, are too weak for him. Since he wants to find someone to help him ward off the punishment of heaven, he naturally needs to find a strong one. For now, you are just his way out of here. Once you don't recognize the Lord, you will take him out of here. Then it will not be you who say it, but it will say it. Understand?" Qin's heart was disordered and she was in a hurry.


Yebufan's mouth twitched.

Then, he frowned again and said suspiciously, "no, even if it doesn't want to recognize us as the Lord. But you also said that we are the only way for it to leave here. In that case, why does it still disappear? Shouldn't it take the initiative to find us?"

Qin Xin said with a smile, "that's not disappearing, but running away."

Yebufan was stunned. A flash of amazement flashed in his eyes: "run away? Why does it run? Doesn't it make more sense?"


After yebufan's words, Qin Xin despised him. Before yebufan could react, Qin Xin said again: "except for artifact, other weapons can't move independently, even semi artifact. Therefore, what I felt just now was not the semi artifact itself, but the spirit of semi artifact."

"The artifact spirit is the same as the soul of your people. It is very fragile. Once it leaves the artifact itself, it may die at any time. If it is you, what would you do in such a situation? Would you not run?"

"It's strange not to run."

"For the spirit, the semi artifact is its body. Only in its own body can it have an absolute sense of security."


"So it was the moment you put away the yuan stone that scared it away."

"But you don't have to worry. As a spirit, neither a semi artifact nor an artifact can leave the body for a kilometer. Therefore, taking the sacred pool as the center, the semi artifact is within a kilometer around. Moreover, as long as it is within 200 meters of you, I can find it."

"It's not difficult to find it."

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