Think of it and do it.

Without hesitation, yebufan immediately began to prepare the plan of qianduoduo.

Qian Duoduo said at the right time: "well, Xiaofan, once such a big plan runs, you can't be busy by yourself. In this way, to incorporate Tianyuan Pavilion into the world, not to mention that the nine emperors have promised yebufan an annual protection fee of 100 trillion.

Now we don't want to sell a hundred trillion yuan a year. Do we want to sell village flags?


Is it true that the best stronghold in the world is not doing this for money, but just for fame?

That's even more wrong.

This is special

A bad name for toto.

Toto's bad name.

What is the use of such fame?

At this moment, even if the people of the nine imperial courts want to break their heads, they really don't understand why yebufan did this.

But can they refuse?

They cannot refuse.

They dare not refuse.

Of course, yebufan didn't intend to make them busy in vain.

After all, Hello, I am good, everyone is really good.

Whether it was blackmail at the beginning or cooperation at present, the reason why the Nine Emperors agreed so readily was that they were afraid of the strength of the best stronghold in the world, and more importantly, they all wanted to make friends with the best stronghold in the world.

After all, with the strength of the best stronghold in the world, the joint efforts of the nine imperial courts may not be without the strength of a war.

Therefore, after the people of the nine great emperors' court agreed to cooperate with the best stronghold in the world, ye Bufan waved his big hand and directly "threw" out 90 Taicang dragons and snakes.

"Is this?"

Looking at the 90 Taicang dragons and snakes in the hall, the people of the nine imperial courts were confused again.

Yebufan said with a smile, "although Ben Shao is a robber, he is also a reasonable robber. Your cooperation is a help to Ben Shao. Since you have helped him, Ben Shao will not let you do it in vain. These are even the gifts he gave you."

A gift?

A group of small flower snakes that are not even monsters?

All the people in the nine imperial courts are messy, even a little crazy.

But what can they do?

Can we say that we don't like your gift at all?

Stop teasing.

Isn't that equal to beating King Ye's face.

"Thank you, King Ye."

At that moment, the people of the nine imperial courts hardened their heads and said thank you.

Yebufan ignored it, but looked at Qian Duoduo and said, "Uncle Qian."

Qian Duoduo understood and walked to a group of Taicang dragons and snakes.

What is this for?

The people of the nine imperial courts don't understand.

Without any explanation, Qian Duoduo directly grabbed one of Taicang dragon snakes, and then took out a monster's inner pill from heaven's destiny realm. Later, under the confused eyes of the people of the nine imperial courts, he handed the monster's inner pill to Taicang dragon snake's mouth.

Without the slightest hesitation, Taicang dragon snake opened his mouth and swallowed Qian Duoduo's inner alchemy into his stomach.

Without stopping, Qian Duoduo took out another monster inner pill from the destiny realm.

Taicang dragon snake swallowed it again.

So back and forth.

After swallowing the four inner pills of the monster in Tianming territory, Qian Duoduo put the Taicang dragon and snake back on the ground.

And then

The Taicang dragon snake, which swallowed four monster Neidan, began to grow rapidly with the naked eye under the confused eyes of the people of the nine emperor court.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds later, Taicang dragon snake's body size has doubled. The most important thing is that it was not even a monster, but was directly promoted to a monster in Tianming territory.

what the fuck.

Seeing this scene, the people of the nine imperial courts were immediately shocked, and even several of them could not help rubbing their eyes.

They thought they were mistaken.

But the fact was very clear. I told them clearly that they were right. The little flower snake in front of them was promoted to a monster in the destiny realm within three seconds.



Never before.

Looking at the response of the people of the nine imperial courts, yebufan smiled and said, "this snake is called Taicang dragon snake, and has the special ability of infinite evolution."

"As for what is infinite evolution..."

After a pause, Yebufan continued: "It's very simple. As you have seen, as long as you feed it the demon beast inner alchemy, it can instantly improve its accomplishments and strength without any side effects. Of course, there is no bottleneck. That is to say, as long as you have enough demon beast inner alchemy for it to swallow up, it can grow into a demon king in Yuan territory, a demon emperor in limitless territory, a demon emperor in Daojie territory, and even the Holy Spirit in the shortest time The demon saint of the realm. "


Never mind what you say.

When yebufan said this, the people of the Nine Emperors' court were really shocked.

As long as there are enough demon beast inner alchemy for these dragons and snakes to swallow, they can be promoted to the demon king, the demon emperor, even the demon emperor, and even the demon saint in the shortest time?

And there is no bottleneck?



Is there such a terrible monster in this world?

If it is true.


Can not their nine imperial courts cultivate a sacred animal protecting the kingdom of the Holy Spirit in the shortest time?


Not one end.

There are 90 Taicang dragons and snakes here. After the split, each family can get 10 Taicang dragons and snakes, that is, the ten sacred animals protecting the country in the Holy Spirit territory.

Of course, if you want to cultivate Taicang dragons and snakes to the holy spirit level, the necromancer Neidan, or wealth, must be astronomical.

But so what.

Money is a son of a bitch. If you lose it, you can earn it.

Holy Spirit.

Why is there no strong one in the Holy Spirit Realm in the Nine Emperors' court?




These conditions are indispensable.

Good resources.

After all, it's the imperial court. It still has some details.

But talent is different.

If you can cultivate a talent at the holy spirit level, it is definitely at the demon level.

Are there any demons of this level in the imperial court?

There must be.

Just not much.

But that's not the point.

The point is that in addition to resources, talents, and other factors, it takes time for a warrior to practice in the Holy Spirit.

How long?

Ten years is impossible.

It started in a century.

Millennium words

That's probably dead.

But what about Taicang dragon snake?


What talent, what time, is bullshit.

As long as you have money.

Just throw money.

A few months, even a few days, can give you a holy spirit.

A few days into the Holy Spirit.

This is no longer a demon.

This is the biggest bug in the world.


The people of the nine great imperial courts have rapid breathing and rapid heartbeat.

Looking at them, yebufan smiled and said, "you guys, are you satisfied with this gift?"

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