"Yes, there are ants under the Holy Spirit. They are limitless. The people who rob the territory of Tao are nothing at all. What's more, the current situation is not good for us. Instead of letting the people die in the hands of the Terrans, we might as well use them to cultivate Nine Dragons and snakes. As long as we cultivate the nine dragons and snakes, we can counter attack the Terrans and completely win the forty-three regions."


As soon as the voice of Niu Huang's demon Saint fell, all the other demon saints in the presence trembled fiercely.

The inner alchemy of the demon clan is similar to the human Dantian, which is the source of the demon clan's strength.

But there are differences.

Without Dantian, the Terran will become a useless person.

The demon clan has no inner Dan but only one death.

Cultivate nine dragons and snakes with the inner alchemy of the clan?

How many clansmen must die to bring up the nine dragons and snakes to the Holy Spirit?

Ten robbers?

Baitoudao robbery?

Or a thousand robbers?

By the time the nine dragons and snakes are raised to the holy spirit level, the people in the limitless and Daojie regions of the forty-three realms are almost dead.

Such a bold and crazy idea, this guy is not crazy.

But on second thought, what this guy said seemed to have some truth.

There are ants under the road robbery.

Cultivate the dragon and snake in the holy spirit realm with the people who rob the realm of Tao.


At least not at a loss.

Plus the current situation.

The Terrans are closing in.

The demon clan is in danger.

If you can cultivate nine dragons and snakes in the holy spirit realm, your demon clan side can definitely turn the situation around and counter attack the Terran until you win the whole 43 domains.

In that case, the loss of some clansmen is nothing.


All the demon saints showed their determination.

Niuhuang demon Saint looked at the ghost mastiff and said, "time waits for no man, Lord, we don't have much time left. You... Better make a decision as soon as possible."

"Is that what you all think?"

The ghost mastiff did not answer Niuhuang demon saint, but glanced at other demon saints.

"Let the Lord decide."

The demon saints said in unison.


The ghost mastiff took a deep breath and said, "in that case, pass on my order and order all the people in the territory to assemble at the king's court as soon as possible."


All the demon saints drink.

The fiery Yan cloud winged tiger was confused and happy.

He was still thinking about how to persuade the ghost mastiff to cultivate nine dragons and snakes.

After all, this is the task assigned to him by yebufan.

But I don't want to

Before he could think of a way, Niu Huang demon Saint had already helped him.

Nice guy.

Toto's own brother.

It's nothing to say. From now on, your Niu Huang demon saint will be my brother. When you get cold, I will dig your grave and erect a monument for you.

The fiery Yan cloud and the winged tiger were secretly delighted.

All the demon saints are not idle.

The Lord has decreed.

It is said that the people of Daojie gathered at the king's court.

Once this order was issued, the whole demon clan was in an uproar.

Nowadays, there is a scuffle between people and demons.

And the top ten imperial courts of the world are pressing on.

In this case, it is not an opportunity for the human race to dispatch all the monsters from Wuji and Daojie to the TIANYAO King court?

Terrans are pressing on the border in an all-round way.

The demon clan will suffer heavy losses.

In that case, why should the Holy Lord summon all the monsters in the limitless and Dao robbed territory to the heavenly demon king's court?

Although I can't understand it.


Who dares not obey the order of the Lord.

For a time, all the demon armies that were still attacking the Terran withdrew one after another and returned to their respective tribes. At the same time, the monsters of Wuji and Daojie rushed to the heaven demon king court at the fastest speed.

Forget the plain.

Terran blood kill.

The demon clan was defeated.

More than half of the hundreds of millions of monsters were killed or injured.

The remaining monsters also chose to surrender.

Terran victory.

Yebufan didn't even get the power of the world.

Even so, yebufan was not discouraged or lost.

He knew that the reason why this happened was that the Terran just defeated the demon clan army, but did not take the territory where these demon clans were located, and did not cut off the limitless and Dao robbed territory lords in these territories.

To put it bluntly, if ye Bufan wants to gain the power of the world from the demon tribe, he must eliminate the Lords of these demon tribes and occupy their territory.

In that case, keep moving forward and push sideways all the way.

The ten great imperial court allied forces started again.

One day later.

At noon.

Heaven demon king court.

The first batch of Wuji and Daojie monsters, which are also the closest to the king's court, have arrived one after another.

In the Terran camp.

Nanrentong and all the Holy Spirit of the holy courtyard are ignorant.

From the morning till now, they have seen with their own eyes that there have been dozens of evil beasts in the robbed territory and hundreds of evil beasts in the limitless territory coming from all over the country and entering the TIANYAO King's court.

At this time, there are still monsters coming from Wuji and Daojie.

What does the demon clan want to do?

What does the ghost mastiff want to do?

Nanren was puzzled by all his thoughts.

So are all the saints of the human race.


Things go wrong for a reason.

Such abnormal behavior of the demon clan must have some unknown purpose.

Looking at the human saints in front of him, Nan rentong frowned.

In fact, he had thought of the an impossible possibility, but he didn't say it clearly. Instead, he just asked: "you guys, what do you want to do with the this move of the demon clan?"

The saints are silent.

A moment later, one of the vice presidents said, "Dean, is it possible that cangjingyue has told the ghost mastiff about our plans? The ghost mastiff is now doing this to put all his eggs in one basket and declare war with us before we have cultivated dragons and snakes?"

Obviously, the holy courtyard has learned that cangjingyue betrayed the Terran and took refuge in the demon clan.

As soon as the vice president said something, Nan Ren said: "I think so too, but... If the ghost mastiff really wants to declare war with us, it will do so directly. Why do you want to bring these Wuji and Daojie monsters to the king's court? Can these Wuji and Daojie monsters threaten us? Or, in the battle of the Holy Spirit, monsters of this level are qualified to intervene?"


The saints were silent.

This is what they do not understand.

The battle of the Holy Spirit.

Monsters like Wuji and Daojie are not even qualified to serve as cannon fodder.

In that case, why should they be gathered here?

"Forget it."

Suddenly, Nan rentong said, "whatever the ghost mastiff wants to do, his ultimate goal must be to us. We have to guard against it."

Then nanrentong looked at one of the vice presidents: "what's the matter with the dragon and snake?"

The vice president said: "all the meritorious deeds have been exchanged to the divine Pavilion for the monster inner alchemy, and the dragon and snake have been fed. However... Wuji, the inner alchemy of Daojie is not as good as before. It takes time for the dragon and snake to absorb the inner alchemy of this level. According to the current speed, it will take half a month to feed the dragon and snake to the holy spirit level."

"How many?"


"What? I can only raise three dragons and snakes in the Holy Spirit Realm after I have lost all my money?"

"There's no way. We don't have enough authority. The inner alchemy in the holy spirit realm can only be exchanged for two. The inner alchemy in the Daoist realm is also limited in quantity. The inner alchemy in the limitless realm can be exchanged at will, but... After the dragon and snake grow to the Daoist level, the role of the inner alchemy in the limitless realm has been very small, so we can only pile up the quantity."

"Go to the special permission."

Nan Ren Tong scolded angrily and said, "didn't you tell them what we want these inner alchemy to do?"

"If they say so, they won't listen, or they won't believe it at all."

The vice president smiled bitterly.

Damn it.

Nanren breathed anxiously: "I will clean up those authority dogs in the hall of meritorious service sooner or later."

Then nanrentong said: "send someone to find the boy named ye, tell him not to make a fuss there, and ask him to come to the king's court immediately. In the next battle, the human race can't afford to lose."


The vice president hesitated: "will he come?"

"What do you think?"

Nan Ren Tong said in a deep voice, "you think he really came to the forty-three realms to make a small fuss with such strength that he slapped cangjingyue half dead in the holy spirit realm? If he didn't come to the court of the heavenly demon king, do you believe it?"

I certainly don't believe it.

The vice president said in his heart, "OK, I'll arrange it right away."

The other side.

In the court of the demon king.

On a huge square.

The corpses of monsters under the limitless have been piled into mountains.

They are all monsters in the imperial court.

Their inner alchemy has also been fed to nine dragons and snakes.

Nine dragons and snakes have also been promoted to the level of Yuan government.

But not enough.

In other words, Yuanfu territory is just the beginning.

The remaining monsters are still in line, waiting to dedicate their inner alchemy to cultivate nine dragons and snakes.

Ghost mastiff and demon clan saints were watching.

In addition to them, there are the Wuji of the king's court itself, the demon animals in Daojie territory, and the Wuji that have arrived one after another. The demon animals such as Daojie are also watching.

Wuji, who is in the king's court, is good at robbing monsters.

After all, they have already accepted their fate.

However, those Wuji who just came from outside are different from the monsters in Daojie.

They were shocked, shocked, even frightened.

Because they finally know why the ghost mastiff let them gather in the king's court.

This is to make them sacrifice themselves and feed the nine strange snakes with their own inner alchemy.


Who wants to die if he can live?

This is true of Terrans.

The demon clan is no exception.

This is especially true of the monsters who rob the territory of Tao.

Strong accomplishments represent a longer life.

There is still a good time for them to enjoy and spend.

How can you die like this.




In front of ghost mastiff, do they have this qualification?


But even so, they still don't want to accept their fate so easily.

Suddenly, one of the monsters who robbed the territory trembled and said with trembling: "saint, Lord, subordinates, subordinates suddenly remembered that there was something to deal with in the territory. Can you, can you leave for a while?"

"Take their inner alchemy first."

But do not want to, ghost mastiff did not respond at all, just said a light sentence.


When the ghost mastiff talks, all the saints of the demon clan immediately take action.

The monsters in the limitless realm were shocked.

The monsters in the Tao robbed territory trembled.


They made a decision without even thinking about it.

It's a pity that they have no chance to escape before the Holy Spirit.




In an instant, these Wuji, Daojie and other monsters who had just arrived at the TIANYAO King's court from outside had been killed on the spot by all the saints of the demon family.


Seeing this, the monsters of Wang Ting himself, such as Wuji and Daojie, could not help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

They trembled all over.

Their minds trembled.

They kept praying and expecting in their hearts, hoping that only those Wuji, Daojie and other monsters outside the king's court could feed the nine dragons and snakes to the holy spirit level.

If not, they will die.

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