
Yebufan looked at Qin Yao with astonished eyes, and then looked to the side of the burial day. He wondered, "what's going on?"


Burying Tian hesitated slightly and looked embarrassed.

Yebufan looks at Qin Yao.

Qin Yao glared at the burial day and immediately took ye Bufan's right arm. She said: "husband, he said that there are many treasures hidden in the palace. As long as I take him out, he will give them all to me. Now, he must have hidden these treasures and doesn't want to take them out!!!"

Hearing the speech, yebufan was stunned, and immediately looked to the side of the burial day. However, the first thing he cares about is not the so-called baby, but

Don't want to leave the underground palace?

Don't want to advance artifact?

Your uncle!!

It turned out that this guy had already made up his mind to Qin Yao. As long as Qin Yao agreed to his request, he could leave the ground and remain free.

Kill two birds with one stone.

It's a pity that Qin Yao has no ability to take him out of here.

He did not expect that before he could convince Qin Yao, he was startled by yebufan's act of breaking the illusion, and later he was forced by yebufan to admit the Lord.

It has to be said that the reality is cruel.

At the moment, watching ye Bufan, the corner of his mouth drew slightly, and his immature face was full of embarrassment.

"Where are the things?"

Suddenly, yebufan asked.

Qin Yao's spirit was shocked.

"Master," he said bitterly, "there is nothing in the burial palace, let alone any treasure." As he said this, burying Tian secretly glanced at Qin Yao and said in a weak voice, "previously, I just wanted to leave here, so I fooled my mistress."


Hearing the speech, Qin Yao uttered a cry of surprise. She loosened her hands holding ye Bufan's right arm, stared at the sky and said in horror, "you, you lied to me?"


The embarrassment of burying heaven.


Yebufan also drew at the corners of his mouth.

However, ye Bufan has no doubt about the burial of heaven.

First, burying Tian has now recognized him as the Lord, and he will not and dare not deceive him at all. Second, yebufan is now the master of the heaven burial palace. If there is a treasure in the heaven burial palace, he can easily find it even if he doesn't mention it.

"Since there is no baby, tell me about your last master." Then yebufan looked at the burial day and asked.

A person who can open up a space 3000 meters underground to bury the heavenly palace here is definitely not an ordinary person. Moreover, the underground space, the nine pearls, and the large Shenchi lake are all great. Yebufan is very interested in the people who decorate them.

Hearing the speech, Qin Yao's eyes at the funeral also showed a touch of curiosity. No doubt, she was also very interested in everything about the underground palace.


But he hesitated slightly and said, "master, you are my first master. There is no previous master in the burial day?"

Yebufan was stunned: "no previous master?"


Bury the heaven and answer the voice.

How is that possible?

Four words rang out in yebufan's mind. Looking at the burial day, he asked again, "how did you appear here? What happened to the underground palace?"

Burying heaven shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Yebufan frowned: "don't know?"

Funerary continued: "yes, master. When funerary was just born 3.73 million years ago, everything here already existed, so funerary knew nothing about the previous events. Funerary only knew that the funerary palace was located in the center of this space, and there were 16 large sacred pools around the funerary palace. These..."


When burying heaven, ye Bufan interrupted: "you said, around the burying heaven palace, in addition to the sacred pool we saw earlier, there are also 15 large sacred pools?"


Bury the heaven and answer the voice.


Yebufan and Qin Yao took a breath at the same time.

Sixteen large sacred pools?

What does that mean?

Yebufan has harvested nearly 10 billion yuan of stones in just one Shenchi. Sixteen Shenchi are equivalent to more than 100 billion yuan of stones.

What kind of wealth is this?

The most important thing is that there is no sign that the sixteen sacred pools have dried up. In other words, it is no problem that they will continue to exist for a hundred or a thousand years. During this period, the sixteen sacred pools were still able to continuously incubate yuan stones.

What kind of wealth is that?


Once everything in the underground palace is leaked out, I'm afraid that the Terrans, demons and barbarians will rob it at all costs. After all, the War Department of a human race only controls a few large holy pools, but there are exactly 16 here.


Ye Bufan and Qin Yao were shocked, and they buried the sky and said in a weak voice.

Yebufan woke up and looked at the burial day. He frowned and said, "but what?" Whenever the word "but" appears, it must not be a good thing.

Burying Tian secretly glanced at yebufan, bowed his head, and said in a weak voice, "however, except for the one the owner saw earlier, the other 15 sacred pools have, have, have no yuan stones."


Yebufan screamed and stared at the funeral.

So did Qin Yao.

"Where is Yuanshi?"

"Where is Yuanshi?"

The two spoke in unison.


Burial day hesitated slightly.


Ye Bufan snapped.

"I... ate it."

Burying Tian said, glancing at yebufan secretly.

"You ate it?"

Yebufan widened his eyes and looked at the burial heaven inconceivably: "there are more than 10 billion yuan stones in each sacred pool, and there are more than 150 billion yuan stones accumulated in 15 large sacred pools. Do you say... You ate all of them?"

"No." Bury heaven.

Yebufan was stunned: "no?"

"Master, there are not fifteen sacred pools, but sixteen sacred pools." Burying Tian honestly corrected the way, and secretly glanced at yebufan, bowed his head, and said: "moreover, when burying Tian was just born, all the yuan stones outside the burying heaven Palace should be more than 150 billion yuan. Now the yuan stones in the last sacred pool are less than one tenth of the previous ones."

The sound of burying heaven became less and less. In the end, it was almost inaudible.

"My God..."

Just after the funeral, yebufan and Qin Yao were silly.

1.5 trillion yuan?

Among the underground palaces, there are 15. No, there are 16 sacred pools divided equally. That is the accumulation of more than 100 billion yuan of stones in each sacred pool.

So many yuan stones were eaten by the emperor?


Yebufan feels heartbroken.

The food of burying heaven has eaten 1.5 trillion yuan of stone for more than 3 million years. Moreover, if he comes late, he may have to eat the previous 10 billion yuan of stone.

This product is definitely the biggest black sheep in Shenwu mainland, and none of them.


Suddenly, Qin Yao pulled ye Bufan's clothes, looked at him and said with a strange look.

Yebufan was stunned: "what's the matter?"

"Husband, the large sacred pool can only produce about 500 yuan stones every day." Qin Yao said softly.


A roar suddenly rang out in yebufan's mind.

The daily output of large-scale Shenchi is 500 yuan?

Yes, a large sacred pool can only produce about 500 yuan stones a day, and only 182500 yuan stones a year. The 1.5 trillion yuan stones were divided equally among the 16 large sacred pools, and each sacred pool also accumulated more than 100 billion yuan stones.

How long will it take for a large sacred pool to accumulate hundreds of billions of yuan of stones?

More than half a million years.


Thinking, yebufan couldn't help taking a breath.

The underground palace 3000 meters below the ground has existed for more than half a million years. What kind of concept is this?

Yebufan clearly remembers that shifeixuan 'fell' in the great war more than 100000 years ago, that is to say, the underground palace was built more than 400000 years earlier than shifeixuan 'fell'.

"Bang bang!!"

Ye Bufan's heart jumped wildly.

3000 meter underground palace?

This is more than unusual and simple.

Half a million years ago, who on earth opened up such a space? Why on earth should we open up such a space? What is the other party's purpose?

Immediately, yebufan looked at the burial heaven and said in a deep voice: "burial heaven, in this space, in addition to the burial heaven palace, the sacred pool, and the nine pearls, don't you... Have you found anything else?"



Just after the funeral, his body could not help but tremble instinctively. It seemed that he thought of something. There was a touch of fear in his eyes, and he said, "yes."

Ye Bufan was stunned, and said hurriedly, "is there one or not?"


The way of burying heaven is very firm.

"What is it?"

"In the deepest part of the heavenly palace." Burying heaven said, in his clear eyes, his fear became more and more serious: "there is a bronze coffin."

Hearing this, yebufan frowned. Qin Yao was also stunned. They looked at the burial day and said in unison: "bronze coffin?"


The emperor replied, Panic stricken: "When I was just born and took over the heaven burial palace, I went to that space to check. There was no other thing besides a bronze coffin. However, I couldn't get closer to that bronze coffin 30 meters away. Or, I didn't dare to get closer. I felt... If I got closer, I would die immediately. That space was also the only place in the heaven burial palace that I couldn't control and see Where to explore. "


As burial day said, both ye Bufan and Qin Yao could not help taking a breath.

An artifact spirit cannot control its own semi artifact?

Is it possible?


This is simply unimaginable.


The next second, their eyes collided.

Shocked, appalled.

Buried in heaven palace, bronze coffin?

"Bang bang!!"

Two people's hearts can't help jumping wildly.

Buried in the coffin??

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