"It's none of my business that my legs grow on me. I don't want to go with you."

What do you call that?

Legs grow on people.

That's right.

But the control is in your hands.

You won't let them go.

Can they go? Can you go? Dare to go?


Nan Ren Tong sighed.

Forget it, forget it.

Good men don't fight with women.

The boy is not a woman, but he is a robber.

The abbot of the holy courtyard of Laozi's hall has nothing to do with a robber.

Let him go.

In any case, this time the holy courtyard has gained a lot.

It's even big.

Exterminate the demon king court.

Take 43 domains.

This feat, converted into meritorious service, if not astronomical, is definitely much more expensive than the three dragons and snakes.

In that case, the three dragons and snakes should be the reward for the boy.

Anyway, he did a lot this time.

Even without him, it would be impossible for his side to win the forty-three domains.

When I think about it like this, my side not only did not lose money, but also made money?


It should be said to be a win-win situation.

Thinking in his heart, Nan Jen Tong said, "farewell."

He turned and left.

The strong members of the holy courtyard stared at yebufan, and then left with nanrentong.

Looking at the people of nanrentong who had gone away, yebufan suddenly looked at the ChiYan cloud winged tiger beside him and said, "I don't want to do this. Is it too much?"


The fiery Yan cloud wing tiger was confused.

"My king means that they managed to raise the dragon and snake to the Holy Spirit, but my king grabbed them directly. Isn't that... Not very good?"


The fiery Yan cloud wing tiger was stunned and hurriedly said, "how can I help the king raise dragons and snakes? That's a blessing they have cultivated for several generations. They should thank the king for giving them the opportunity to contribute."


"Xiaohu never lies."

"Good, good."

Yebufan said with satisfaction, "you can follow my king in the future."

"Thank you, thank you."

Chi Yan Yun Yihu breathed a sigh of relief.

My life was saved at last.

It's not easy.

At this time, yebufan said again, "little tiger, don't be idle. Go to fetch the inner alchemy of those demon saints for our king and collect their bodies by the way."

The demon Saint Nathan is naturally used to feed dragons and snakes.

As for the demon Saint corpse.

The demon animals in the holy spirit realm should taste very good. Moreover, the essence and energy contained in them are absolutely tonic to the martial arts.

In this way, yebufan will not abandon them in the wilderness.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Hu is going now."

The fiery Yan cloud winged tiger answered several times and rushed to the Holy Spirit battlefield again.

A moment later, the fiery cloud winged tiger returned.

For yebufan, he brought back 17 demon animals in the holy spirit realm, inner alchemy and 17 demon holy bodies.

It was more than that.

However, when the two sides fought and fought before, some demon saints were directly devoured by twelve dragons and snakes.

If you don't even leave the body, you can't find the monster Neidan.

But it doesn't matter.

There are already a lot of seventeen demon Saint Nathan.

With these 17 demon saints, ye Bufan can raise at least threeorfour or even fourorfive dragons and snakes in the holy spirit realm.

Of course, the premise is to raise these dragons and snakes to the Dao robbed territory.

At the very least, he was robbed.

If not, the dragon and snake in the limitless realm simply cannot devour the inner alchemy in the holy spirit realm.

Strong swallow?

Then there is only one end.

Dragons and snakes in the limitless realm will be directly blasted by the inner alchemy in the holy spirit realm.


I want to raise the dragon and snake to the Dao robbed territory.

Is it difficult?

It's not difficult at all.

At least yebufan thinks so.

More than half an hour later.

Lengfeng and other more than 300 shenkiller guards returned.

They returned with a full load and emptied the whole TIANYAO court.

Yebufan did not stop.

He returned to Ziyun emperor's court with Lengfeng and others, as well as 12 dragons, snakes and ChiYan Yunyi tigers.

As for the remaining demon tribes.

Yebufan did not intend to continue to intervene.

For one thing, in the forty-three regions, the demon clan Wuji, Daojie, and even the demons and beasts in the holy spirit realm have all died. With the current strength of the demon clan, it simply can not stop the expedition of the ten imperial courts.

Second, even if yebufan takes the demon tribe that has lost its Lord, yebufan cannot gain even a little power in the world.

Since it is unprofitable, why waste time.

Ziyun emperor court.

Imperial capital.

Tianyuan Pavilion.

After yebufan came back, he directly spent the 20000 points of world power he had just obtained, plus a part of his Qi, to improve his cultivation to the seventh heaven of Tao robbery.

After the Tao robbed the seven heavens, the realm world became more and more solid, and even infinitely close to the real world.

Yebufan's combat power has also been significantly improved.

Now, without using his martial arts skills, yebufan's random strike is already comparable to the Holy Spirit's 123 days. If he uses the great famine tablet, his attack intensity will directly soar to the Holy Spirit's 7 days, at least not as much as the Holy Spirit's 7 days.

In other words, ye Bufan's combat power has reached the seventh heaven of the Holy Spirit.

Even the eighth heaven of the Holy Spirit.

But not enough.

What ye Bufan wants is the peak of martial arts, which can run all over the world.

Therefore, after his cultivation reached the seventh heaven of Tao robbery, yebufan had already made his mind on the forty-two and forty-three domains.

no way out.

In the forty-three regions, the royal court was defeated, and the overall situation was decided.

In this case, even if yebufan can still roll a wave of wool, no, it will never be too much to roll another wave of world power.

If you die, it's only ten or twenty thousand.

What can a world force of 10000 or 20000 points do?

So I can only raise my accomplishments to the level of Tao robbing the eightfold heaven.

That is a waste of time.

But the forty-two and forty-four domains are different.

These are two fat sheep that have not been fleeced, and both of them border on forty-three regions.

If you go to these two areas for a visit.

Tut tut.

Not to mention getting rich overnight, but you can definitely return with a full load.

Of course, after learning the painful lessons of the forty-three domains, yebufan does not intend to directly connect to the TIANYAO King court in the forty-two domains or the forty-four domains.

Because that's not in line with your own interests.

Wool must be rolled up one after another to maximize its benefits.

Yebufan calculated how to 'attack' the forty-two and forty-four domains in the Tianyuan Pavilion.


In other words, the Terrans in the whole forty-three domains have been ignorant and stupid.


Because the news just came from the holy courtyard. A few hours ago, the holy courtyard united with the best stronghold in the world to destroy the demon family TIANYAO King court. All the demon animals of the demon family Wuji, Daojie and even the holy spirit level died.

To this end, the holy court called on all the imperial courts of the Terran to attack the demon clan in an all-round way.

In the face of this sudden shocking news.

How can Terrans not be ignorant.

How can Terrans not be stupid.

But silly to silly, silly to silly.

The heavenly demon court was destroyed.

Wuji, Daojie, and even holy spirit level monsters are all dead.

The demon clan no longer has high-end combat power.

Such a heaven given opportunity will not be missed.

At that time, in addition to the ten imperial courts, the other imperial courts in the forty-three regions began to gather their forces to respond to the call of the holy court and attack the demon clan in an all-round way.

Heifeng tribe.

One of the demon emperor tribes.

But now it has been captured by Qian Duoduo and the ten great emperors.

After some repair, Qian Duoduo and the ten imperial courts were preparing to go to the next demon clan tribe, but unexpectedly, the major shopkeepers of the Tianyuan chamber of Commerce suddenly came a message telling Qian Duoduo that ye Bufan and the holy court would work together to destroy the TIANYAO imperial court and kill all the Wuji, Daojie and holy spirit level monsters. The holy court called on all the imperial courts of the human race to attack the demon clan in an all-round way, and all the imperial courts had begun to assemble their forces to take down the demon clan in one fell swoop.

After listening to this, Qian Duoduo was confused, stupid and angry.

What bullshit imperial court.

I don't see your help in the war.

Now as soon as Lord Qian's son-in-law exterminates the TIANYAO King court and kills all the monsters in Wuji, Daojie and even the holy spirit realm, you immediately run out and jump?

What is this?

Want to eat in the bowl of Lord Qian?


I really think that Lord Qian has a bad temper.

Qian Duoduo directly sent orders to eighty-one big shopkeepers and threehundred small shopkeepers of the Tianyuan chamber of Commerce, asking them to send messages to the great imperial courts, the imperial dynasties and even the kingdom.

The content is very simple. The general meaning is:

The heavenly demon king court was fought by Qian Ye's son-in-law.

All the demon tribes are the booty of Qian's son-in-law.

That is the booty of Lord Qian.

Who dares to rob?

If you dare to rob, you will be destroyed.

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