
Save what life?

Aren't you all right?


Are the Tianyuan people afraid of losing their lives?

Ye Bufan is ignorant and foolish.

But he is not stupid.

Since Qin Hehuan appealed for help by means of voice transmission, it shows that there are some things that his 19 beautiful wives cannot know, or that he does not want his 19 beautiful wives to know.

So yebufan didn't know anything in his casual clothes, but answered.

Qin Hehuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the master didn't directly ask why he wanted help, it shows that he has understood his concerns.

That's enough.

The first step has been taken successfully.

Will victory be far behind?

Immediately, Qin Hehuan turned to look at the 19 beautiful wives behind him, and said in a stern voice, "what are you waiting for? Don't come to see the master soon."



Nineteen beautiful wives were instantly refreshed.

They thought that the leader of the No. 1 stronghold in the world should be a big man or a hunched old man with white hair.

After all, this is in line with his No. 1 stronghold leader in the world, or his own Xianggong master's personal design.

But don't think, the other side is a handsome young man.

Nineteen beautiful wives were surprised.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

At least the other party is his own Xianggong master, which is not wrong.

Immediately, the 19 beautiful wives bowed to yebufan and saluted: "see you, master."


Yebufan answered softly.

Master, it's so cold.

Nineteen beautiful wives whispered.

But I don't know that yebufan is not really cold, but just deliberately.

To put it bluntly, he is cooperating with Qin Hehuan.

After all, yebufan doesn't know what Qin Hehuan wants to do.

under these circumstances.

More words, more mistakes.

Say less and make fewer mistakes.

If you don't say it, there will be no mistake.

The next second, Qin Hehuan opened his mouth again and said to his 19 beautiful wives, "master and I haven't seen each other for a long time. We need to talk about family affairs first. You can leave first."


Nineteen beautiful wives were stunned.


Then they bowed and saluted, and all turned away at the same time.

Seeing this, yebufan cannot help admiring and admiring.

Look at these daughters-in-law of your apprentice.

How gentle, how obedient.

Think about your daughters in law.

Tut tut.

If I dare to shout at them like this.

They are expected to let themselves know what it is to be a woman without a man.

Especially money is like a dream.

Even if it has been turned into a female tiger.


People are better than people.

It's really annoying.

Yebufan thought and envied.

Qin Hehuan cried out, "master, you must help me. If you don't help me, my life will be over."

"What do you mean?"

Yebufan returns to his senses and doesn't understand.

Qinhehuan: "master, you don't know how miserable I am these days."

Nineteen beautiful wives.

Is that miserable?

Is that miserable?

You didn't come here to show off, did you?

Yebufan is deeply suspicious.

Qin Hehuan continued: "since the wedding, Shirong and her husband have formed an alliance. They......"

Qin Hehuan said.

Yebufan listens.

After Qin Hehuan finished his own history of blood and tears, yebufan finally understood the cause and effect, and finally understood what Qin Hehuan called saving lives.

No wonder Qin Hehuan gave up after his last big marriage.

It turned out that he had been targeted.

Suddenly, yebufan asked softly, "how do you want me to help you?"

"Help me run away."

"Help you run?"


Qin Hehuan replied: "master, you know, I am a man of universal love. I don't have any other interests except to talk about love and love with my sisters. But now, Shi Rong and her sisters have deprived me of my only interest. How can I live? It's more cruel than killing me directly. So, master, you must help me."

I am special

Yebufan's mouth twitched.

Just now I saw you yelling at your 19 beautiful wives. I thought you were a king, but I didn't think you were just a bronze.


You are a henpecked man.

Even the most basic personal freedom?


I think you have lost your sight.

Still envy you?

Envy a ghost.

At least my king is free.

what about you?

A canary in a cage?

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is.

Nineteen beautiful wives accompanied her.

You're not satisfied?

You still want to go out and have sex?



But it is.

Looks like.

The more women you look for, the better. It seems that the king will gain more and more power in the world?


Immediately, yebufan coughed softly, wondering, "isn't this... Very good?"

"Why not?"

"What's wrong?"

Qin Hehuan said solemnly, "master, you are my own master."

"As the saying goes, one day is a teacher, and life is a father."

"In the final analysis, we are a family."

"And Shirong them."

"Although they are the daughter-in-law of the apprentice, to the master, they are at most half a family."

"One family or half a family, which is closer?"

"Surely the family is closer?"

"So, master, you have to help me."


Ye Bufan is in disorder.

Is the apprentice a family?

The apprentice's daughter-in-law can only be regarded as half a family.

So you should help your apprentice, not your daughter-in-law?

There's nothing wrong with that.

I was speechless.

"Master, what do you say?"

The next second, Qin Hehuan hurried.


Yebufan's mouth twitched.

What do you want me to say?

What did you ask King ben to say?

Help you.

I feel sorry for your 19 lovely wives.

I won't help you.

I feel sorry for you again.

You are clearly giving me a big problem.

Help is not.

No, it's not.


Yebufan thought about it, and suddenly coughed, then said: "Hehuan, you're right. As far as Shifu is concerned, you and your 19 beautiful wives are naturally closer to Shifu. However, it's between you. To put it bluntly, it's your family business. So Shifu is an outsider in this matter. Since he is an outsider, Shifu won't be involved."


Qin Hehuan is in a hurry.

Yebufan had already interrupted him: "well, this is settled. You can solve it yourself. However, since you are here, I will help you improve your cultivation."


Qin Hehuan wanted to say something, but suddenly he was stunned.

Improve accomplishments?


How could I forget this.

Qin Hehuan's eyes lit up.

As long as their accomplishments are improved, can the two Taoist robbers still keep an eye on themselves?

As long as they can't keep an eye on themselves, won't they be free?

Shifu is really Shifu.


"Master Xie."

Qin Hehuan said excitedly.


Yebufan chuckles and is messy.

Qin Hehuan, a scum man, is really hopeless.


Is it right or wrong to help him like this?

Forget it, whatever you do.

It is natural for Shifu to help his disciples improve their accomplishments.

He had already made the biggest concession without directly helping Qin Hehuan run away.

As for whether Qin Hehuan's 19 beautiful wives could keep an eye on him.

It depends on whether they have this ability.

"Let's go. I'll take you through the robbery."

Yebufan stood up and said.

"Okay, okay."

Qin Hehuan answered again and again.


But at this time, the originally closed door was suddenly pushed open.

Then a beautiful shadow came in from the door.

No one else, but the princess Dongfang Ling of TIANYAO imperial court, who has been guarding the Xingyue forest and the first stronghold in the world.

"Why are you here?"

Seeing the Eastern spirit, yebufan was stunned.

Qin Hehuan was infatuated at first glance.


Dongfang Ling gave a cold hum, looked directly at yebufan, pursed his small mouth, and said with a sad face, "why can't I come? If I don't come again, you should be robbed by others."

"What do you mean?"

Ye Bufan is confused.

Also at this time, outside the Tianyuan Pavilion, one voice after another suddenly sounded:

"The king of Xueyu Kingdom, zhangtingjin, and his little daughter, zhangqianyun, asked to see King ye, the leader of the first stronghold in the world."

"Yedongqing, the royal family of the Qing Wu Dynasty, and his little daughter yeyunshan, asked to see King ye, the leader of the world's first stronghold."

"Xuanyuan Po, the current leader of Xuanyuan aristocratic family in the Xuanyun imperial dynasty, brought his little daughter Xuanyuan Shijia and his niece Xuanyuan Tingting to meet King ye, the leader of the best stronghold in the world."

"Zhao Wuji, the royal family of the Xuanyun Dynasty, together with seven princesses zhaoziyan and ten princesses zhaozixue, asked to see King ye, the leader of the first stronghold in the world."

"Jin Sanshun, king of the kingdom of Jinyu, and his little daughter, Jin pingting, asked to see King ye, the leader of the best stronghold in the world."


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