


What do you say?

You want beef?

The green bull, who was already trembling, immediately lost seven souls.

A cow is itself.

If you want to eat beef, you must not cut it from yourself.

How can that work.

That certainly won't work.

So it is with qingniu.

The old man in red robe was already furious.

Just take away all your possessions.

Now you still want to eat your own cow?

Who can bear it.

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it any more.

"Why, don't you?"

But at this time, yebufan's flat voice suddenly sounded.


The old man in red immediately counseled.

He's like a leaky ball.

Decadent, even more depressed.

Yebufan added: "of course, if you don't want to, I won't force you. After all, I'm reasonable. However, I can't eat beef, and my dragon and snake babies will eat people."




As soon as yebufan's voice fell, the twelve dragons and snakes cooperated with the old man in red robe and roared angrily. The saliva flowed down from the huge mouth of the dragon.


What do you mean by that?

If you can't eat beef, you can eat me?

That's OK.

The old man in red robe was so scared that he immediately picked up the dagger on the ground, and then looked at the green ox beside him.


The green bull is frightened.

He looked at the red robed old man trembling and said, "Lao, Lao Qin, what are you doing?"

The old man in red robe was holding a knife and said with some embarrassment and guilt: "Qinghe, you can also see that we have no choice now, so... Bear it, and it will be over."


Qingniu was so angry that he yelled: "you, Qin, are so bad. Old Niu has been working hard with you for years, even without credit. Now, you... Want to cut old Niu's meat."

In a roar of anger.

Between the green bull and the red robed old man, the small boat of friendship turns over.

The old man in red robe is also bitter and helpless.

Qinghe, Qinghe.

I don't want to cut your flesh.

Someone forced me to cut your flesh.

I have no choice.

Although he thought so, the old man in red didn't open his mouth to explain anything.

Because any explanation will be powerless.

Because he just wants to cut the flesh of a green ox.

But there is no way.

Die a poor man but not a friend.

In order not to be eaten, the red robed old man can only cut the meat of the green ox.

He came forward with his knife.

Qingniu was so scared that he immediately got up and wanted to run.


However, at this time, one of the two dragons and snakes of the nine heavens of the Holy Spirit suddenly put out his claws, and then pressed on the green bull savagely and roughly.

In an instant, the green bull was pressed to the ground.


The red robed old man stabbed the right leg of the green bull directly.


The green ox was in pain and screamed.

He cried and despaired.

It's said that we will never abandon each other and depend on each other for life and death?

It's agreed that we should share weal and woe?


It's all a lie.


They all cheat cows.

Old ox really treats you, but you stab him with a knife.

Although you were forced.

But how can you do it.


I wrote down this knife.

Qingniu is furious.

The old man in red felt it naturally.

He drew at the corner of his mouth and then drew the dagger in his hand.


In an instant, a large piece of bloody beef fell from the right leg of the green bull.

More than 20 jin.

"What are you doing?"

But at this time, yebufan suddenly heard a sharp reprimand.

What? What?

The confused eyes of the old man in red immediately looked at yebufan on the second floor of Tianyuan Pavilion. That seemed to say, didn't you force me to cut beef for you?


Yebufan pointed to the old man in red robe and said in a hurry, "my king just wants to eat some beef. Why do you cut so much? It's more than 20 kilograms. How can I finish it?"

What do you mean by that?

I cut too much?

The old man in red robe is confused.

"Qin Ming..."

But at this moment, the green bull roared angrily.

His voice shook the sky and his hatred soared to the sky.

You were asked to cut a small piece.

How dare you cut an old ox twenty Jin?


Shock and anger.


Also at this time, the Holy Spirit jiuchongtian dragon snake, who was originally holding the green bull, suddenly took back his claws.

Qingniu is free again.


With a roar of anger, he rushed at the old man in red without thinking.

"The old ox fought with you."


The old man in red robe twitched at the corners of his mouth.

He saw it clearly.

King ye did all this on purpose.

He is stirring up discord.

He wants to hurt people.

But what can I do?

Big stupid cow.

Big stupid cow.

Green bull is stupid. How can he see through the other party's trick.

After today, I am afraid that I can only describe a stranger between myself and qingniu, and even the situation is overwhelming.

The old man in red robe had no choice but to fight.

A man and a cow collide in an instant.


A great roar sounded.

The green bull retreated seven steps in a row.

The same is true of the old man in red.

In a rage.

With the cultivation of the Holy Spirit's quintupled heaven, qingniu is as powerful as the red robed elder of the Holy Spirit's quintupled heaven.

This also made it clear to qingniu that if he started, he might not be able to defeat the old man in red robe.

Therefore, qingniu is confident and ready to make another move.

"Stop it."

But do not want to, yebufan suddenly a sharp reprimand..


The Holy Spirit Jiuchong Tianlong snake directly shot, and one claw suppressed the angry qingniu.

A young bull's spirit is badly damaged.

Yebufan said coldly, "how dare you do it in the imperial city? Do you really think you have a good temper? Believe it or not, move again, and I will chop you both?"


The whole body of the green bull trembled and instantly recovered.

Although his brain is not enough, he is not stupid. At least he can tell who can provoke and who can't. in his eyes, yebufan is an existence that can't provoke.

So he counseled.

So it is with qingniu.

The old man in red didn't do it again.

"Is that right?"

Yebufan smiled leisurely and said, "you can fight if you want. Wait until you leave the imperial capital. At that time, even if you break the earth, I don't care. Now..."

"King Ben likes making friends best."

"Since you are here, you are guests."

"Just in time, the king can't eat more than 20 kilograms of beef by himself, but he can't lose it. In this way, the king will ask our little girl to cook a few dishes with the 20 kilograms of beef. You can have a drink with the king."


What do you mean by that?

You cut the meat of the old cow, and you still want the old cow to eat with you?

Are you... The devil?

Qingniu is furious.


He stared directly at the old man in red.

In the cold eyes, anger and hate increased by seven points in an instant.

I can't help but pinch the persimmons.

If King ye can't provoke him, he can only remember and hate the old man in red robe, and can only retaliate against the old man in red robe.

Who let him cut more than 20 kilograms of his own flesh.

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