"Congratulations to God. You have gained Dao Yuan +1, which can transform some world power. Do you want to transform it?"


As soon as Tao Ling said this, yebufan suddenly got up.

He was shocked and confused.

what do you mean?

Gain Dao Yuan +1, which can transform some world power?

Is this little Dao Yuan equal to a little world power?


How much power of the world did you earn by working hard in the forty-three realms?

Now a broken stone in the boundless realm is worth a bit of world power?

Is there any reason?

Is there any royal law?

"Ye, King ye?"

Yebufan's sudden words made nanrentong feel confused.

He gave a little cry.

Yebufan also instantly recovered.


Yebufan took a deep breath, then sat down again, took Dao Yuan in his hand, and looked at Nanren channel: "there are many things in the boundless world?"

i see.

Nanrentong was instantly relieved.

In his opinion, yebufan's previous abnormal behavior was obviously due to his discovery of the auxiliary effect of Daoyuan on the martial artists who rob the territory of Daoyuan. That's why he was so abnormal and ill mannered.

Therefore, Nanren Tong Road: "there are not many, but there are also many. At least within the boundary of nothingness, except barter, most of the transactions of other items are in Dao Yuan as currency."

In Dao Yuan?


Do you want to be so extravagant?

Do you want to waste it?

A Dao Yuan is a bit of world power.

Ten Daoyuan are ten points of world power.


Tenthousand Dao Yuan is tenthousand points of world power.

Onehundredthousand Dao Yuan is onehundredthousand points of world power.

Only onemillion yuan.

The king can enter the Ninth Heaven in minutes and become the peak of holy spirit realm.

What are you waiting for.

Go to the boundless world and earn money.

As for the forty-two fields, forty-four fields.

Fuck you.

How much money can you make in that stupid place.


That place can earn several world powers.

The realm of nothingness is my king's stage.

This moment.

This one point.

This second.

Yebufan seems to have found a new world and found a new life goal again.

"Old man, where is the boundless world? How to get there?"


Nan Ren pulled at the corner of his mouth and said, "you don't want to rob the boundless world, do you?"


Yebufan scolded: "my king is a robber. What do you eat, drink and use if you don't rob?"


Nanrentong was messy and even collapsed.

Do you want to take it for granted?

Do you think it's glorious to be a robber?

The most important thing is that I have seen a domineering man, but I have never met such a lawless man in my lifetime.

Do you know where the boundless is?

Do you know who there are in the boundless world?

In desperation and silence, nanrentong had to remind yebufan: "little friend, you must not mess around. I know that you are extremely talented and have extraordinary combat power. However, the boundless realm is completely different from the 108 realm. In addition to the numerous heavenly lords in the Daojie realm and the holy spirit realm, there are also semi God old monsters who half step into the realm of God and the real God himself."

"Demigod? God?"

Yebufan was stunned.


Nanrentong replied, "if you don't talk about the power of the Lord realm, just say that the old monster in the semi God realm. Even if ten old men join hands, they can't defeat a semi God old monster. Therefore, you must not mess around."

Your hemp skin.

Is the world so dangerous?

There is a demigod above the Holy Spirit.

There is a God above the demigod.


So what.

When my king first entered the Hongmeng world and first came to the Hongmeng forty-three regions, he was only a residue of the Taiyi realm, which was four whole realms different from the holy spirit realm.

And now?

The Holy Spirit.

The king can suppress it by turning his hand.

Isn't it a demigod.

Is not God.

As long as they earn enough power in the world, I will teach them to be human every minute.

Block me?

Kill him.

Thinking in his heart, yebufan gave nanrentong a reassuring look and said: "well, well, my king is not the kind of person who makes trouble. Just tell me how to go to the boundless world. My king will come back when he goes to have a look."

I believe you, you devil.

Aren't you a trouble maker?

Who is that?


Nan Jen Tong was speechless and said, "if you want to go to the boundless world, you can only go through the divine Pavilion."

"What are you waiting for? Go to the God Pavilion."

Yebufan can't wait.

Nanren gave him a big white eye and said, "little friend, it's not that I don't want to take you, but that even if I take you to the divine Pavilion, you may not enter the boundless world."

"What do you mean?"

Yebufan was stunned.

Nanren channel: "small does not belong to Hongmeng world, but comes from a small world?"

At the beginning, nanrentong did mistakenly think that ye Bufan came from Shenge. However, after getting along with each other and the outbreak of the dragon and snake incident, nanrentong has determined that ye Bufan does not belong to Hongmeng world, but comes from a small world, because in Hongmeng world, there is no such monster as Taicang dragon and snake.


Yebufan's eyebrows coagulated.

Nanrentong immediately explained: "Please don't get me wrong. I have no other intention. No matter where you come from, you are always a member of our human race. However... There are always a few scum in any ethnic group and any force. Even the Shenge is no exception. In addition, the small world where you live should be different. If you leave for the Shenge directly at this time, I'm afraid you will attract the covet of people who want to go there. Therefore, I hope you can wait some time and wait for me to arrange After that, I will take you to the God Pavilion. "


Yebufan raised his eyebrows and said, "what are you going to do?"

"Find a backer for you."

"Find a backer for my king?"


Nanrentong replied, "because everything happens suddenly, and now it has spread all over the 43 regions. Therefore, you can't hide your identity and origin. In this way, you can only find a backer for you. Only in this way can those who covet the place where you came from dare not act rashly."

After a pause, Nan rentong said: "actually, I was going to discuss this with my younger brother later. However, I ignored the three clan big match earlier. Now the three clan big match is coming. I hope you can win the big match for our people. In this way, my younger brother will naturally come into the sight of the divine Pavilion. Therefore, this should be implemented as soon as possible."

"Of course, whether to accept it or not depends on my little brother's personal wishes. I will never force it."

"What if King Ben refuses?"

"I will still take my little friend to the divine pavilion to participate in this three clan competition. No matter what the result is, I will still try my best to protect my little friend."


Yebufan smiled and said, "I don't know. What kind of patron are you going to find for my king?"

Nanrentong smiled, looked at yebufan and said meaningfully: "old master, one of the seven leaders of the divine Pavilion, and also the first beauty of our human race. The divine Lord is powerful and Yanfei!!"

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