Of course, yebufan just thinks about it. It's just roast roast.

I really want him to auction the Xianyu clan.

That's impossible.

King Ye is not so poor.

What's more?

King Ye is only a robber, not a human trafficker.

Robbers should rob.

Trafficking in human beings.

That's what human traffickers and animals do.

King ye will not, nor will he.

Yebufan thought that the bidding had reached 1040 yuan.

At this time, the audience was silent, and no one was bidding.

On the stage, the auctioneer scanned the audience: "the old man offered 1040 yuan. Is there any other offer?"

"1040 first time."

"1040 second time."

"1040 third time."


"Congratulations, old man. This half demon beauty is yours."

"Ha ha ha."

In the hall, a white haired old man laughed happily.

People around envy, even envy.

Yebufan was speechless.

The old man.

It's already half a coffin, and I'm still thinking about it.

Can you eat it.

It was the half demon girl.

Yebufan felt some sympathy.

Her fate is bound to be a tragedy.

But this has nothing to do with yebufan.

Man, demon, half demon.

The three ethnic groups are already hostile.

There must be many such things.

Even if you want to manage.

Can you manage it?

I can't control it.

Moreover, I am not a virgin, but just a robber.

The auction continues.

More than half an hour later.

As many as 16 items have been auctioned. Although these people are in full swing, the final transaction price is far lower than that of the half demon girl at the beginning. Even if the highest price items are auctioned, the final transaction price is only 570 Dao Yuan.

This also makes yebufan clearly realize that these people in Zucheng are not stingy, but... Really poor.

Fortunately, outsiders do not know ye Bufan's idea at all.

If you know.


They will despise yebufan severely.

Compare Daoyuan with Lingshi.

You must be crazy.

There is no comparison between the two.

The auction continues.

On stage.

The auctioneer in revealing clothes looked at the audience and was silent for a while. Then he smiled and said, "ladies and gentlemen, the next auction item is special."

"What's special?"

"It's very simple. Before yesterday, this auction item was unheard of and never seen in our ancestral city. But after yesterday, that is, today, it has become famous. Now, no one in our ancestral city knows it."

"You must have guessed what the little girl said?"

"Yes, it is Taicang dragon snake."


In an instant, the whole audience was boiling.

Taicang dragon snake.

Super beast?

Everyone was shocked.

On the left side of the stage, a young woman with a silver plate walked slowly to the auctioneer in the center of the stage.

What she held in the silver plate was a Taicang dragon snake.

A moment later, the girl stood beside the auctioneer. She was facing everyone in the hall and presented the silver plate in their eyes.

Everyone stared at Taicang dragon and snake in the silver plate.

be curious.



Seeing this, the auctioneer smiled heartily and shouted, "Taicang dragon and snake, reserve price is 1000, and each increase shall not be less than 100. Now... Start bidding."

In an instant, everyone came to his senses.

However, no one offered.


The strange picture stunned the auctioneer.

But she soon recovered herself and said again, "Taicang dragon snake has a reserve price of onethousand, and each increase should not be less than onehundred. Now... Start bidding."

But do not want to, still no bid.


The auctioneer was stunned.

She felt so embarrassed.

In box 1 on the second floor.

Yebufan was also confused.

What do you mean by that?

No bidding?

Is it true that no one wants the king's baby dragon and snake?

Or do you think the king's baby dragon and snake is not worth a thousand yuan?


Do you really think King Ben has no temper?

Believe it or not, King Ben robbed you all?

Ye Bufan was upset.

Their own baby dragon and snake can't even compare with the half demon girl.

Special, can not bear.


Finally, when yebufan was about to run away, someone suddenly offered.

Although not many, but also not to let the dragon and snake flow.

Yebufan took a look.

Before he saw the bidder, someone shouted again, "1200."

The flames of war were ignited in an instant.




The price soared all the way, breaking through twothousand in an instant.

Only then did yebufan suppress the unknown anger in his heart.

If there is no bidding.

If it is a direct stream beat.

It is really possible that he will rob everyone present.

No way. King ye also wants face.

Yebufan is so.

Nanrentong, who was beside him, couldn't help drawing at the corners of his mouth.

Thousands of yuan to buy a dragon and snake?

These fools, fools.

Auction continues.

Prices are climbing.







When the price reached 3900, no one finally offered.

On stage.

The auctioneer pointed to the boy who had offered 3900. He smiled knowingly and said, "this young master has offered 3900. Is there anything higher?"

"3900 first time."

"3900 second time."


When the dust is about to settle.

In box 1 on the second floor.

"Leng Feng."

Yebufan gave a soft call.

Leng Feng understood and directly offered: "4000."


Seeing this, Nan Ren Tong couldn't help pumping at the corners of his mouth.

It's already three thousand nine.

Aren't you enough?

Do you still have to raise the price for yourself?


Little friend, you can't be so greedy.

Do you know that as the dean of the holy courtyard, I only get 100 yuan a month.

Three thousand nine hundred dollars.

That has been my reward for more than three years.

Nanrentong thought.

In the hall below, the boy who offered 3900 instinctively raised his head, glanced at the box where yebufan was, and said, "4100."


Leng Feng directly increased the price by ninehundred yuan, which is very likely to be won.

Everyone in the audience was in an uproar.


Teenagers are also short of breath.


Suddenly, he gave a cold hum and said, "5100."





The young man was furious: "you did it on purpose, didn't you?"


Leng Feng sneered: "I raise the price by 900 every time, but you are only a hundred more than me. If you really want to calculate, who is more intentional?"


The young man was impatient: "7100."









Eerie bidding showed that everyone on the scene was confused.

Leng Feng always takes the "thousand" as the criterion.

For young people, only 100 is added.

Finally, when Leng Feng offered 15000 yuan, the boy lost his voice and obviously chose to give up.

The boy didn't bid again.

Others will not.

The dust settled.

The auctioneer looked at box 1 on the second floor and said with a smile, "Congratulations, young master. 15000 yuan. This Taicang dragon and snake is yours."


In box No. 1, nanrentong pulled again and again from the corners of his mouth. Looking at yebufan, he wanted to laugh in addition to being messy.

Let you raise the price.

Make you greedy.

All right now.

A fivepercent service charge.

Fifteen thousand. Deal.

You have to put it upside down.

That is to say, the human heart is not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant, and stealing the chicken is not enough to erode the rice.

you deserve it

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